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The Power Within: Embracing the Power You Have to Change Your Life

Feb 10, 2023
Core Spirit member since Jan 31, 2023
Reading time 2 min.

Have you ever felt hopeless and powerless after trying to influence the actions of individuals around you? Though it may be difficult at times, always keep in mind that you are in charge of your own actions and emotions, no matter what happens in the lives of those around you. We tend to put this understanding aside and think that our lives are fully determined by the people we interact with. We can stop feeling helpless and begin making positive changes in our lives if we take a step back and focus on the power we already possess.

Realizing we can't always influence our circumstances can help us cope better with them.

At a young age, we were conditioned to believe that our future success was entirely up to the will of our elders, including parents, teachers, and other authority figures. But as we mature, we see that while our lives are still affected by many external factors, the choices we make are ultimately the most consequential. Recognizing that we have the ability to alter our lives and concentrating on that is far more important than trying to influence the lives of those around us.

Here's a case in point for our examination. Let's say, for the sake of argument, that a nosy neighbour has rendered you feeling helpless and hopeless. You give them the impression that you don't feel at ease in their company, but they persist in showing up anyhow. It's easy to feel helpless, but you should keep in mind that you do have some say in the matter. The first step toward overcoming hopelessness is accepting responsibility for one's feelings and actions, such as by maintaining one's composure and setting clear limits.

Arguments with loved ones are another good case to examine. When our emotions are running high, we are more likely to take the blame for things that were not our fault. No matter how frustrated or furious we become, we must always keep in mind that our feelings and choices are ultimately our own. It's important to take a step back and look at the situation objectively, rather than focusing on how we feel the fight has weakened the relationship.

Recognizing our own limitations and realising that we can only manage ourselves is the first and most important step in reclaiming our power.

Recognizing that we can't control other people's destinies can help us avoid feeling responsible for them when we otherwise might not have. Turn your attention inward rather than trying to cure their problems. Feelings may teach us a lot about ourselves and the world, and sitting with them can help us figure out why we're feeling the way we are and what we can do about it.

The most crucial step in reclaiming our power is recognizing our limitations and understanding that we can only control ourselves. The things outside of our control don't have to paralyse us; rather, by mastering our own actions, attitudes, and emotions, we may begin to make positive changes in our life.

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Afsheen Shah1y ago

Yes, it is so important to feel your feelings, but not let them control you.