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Alexander Brosda

Embrace a journey of human and planetary transformation with me on Core Spirit. As a passionate advocate for holistic well-being and sustainable advancement, my journey has been one of purpose, accomplishment, and unwavering commitment to shaping a healthier and more harmonious world. With a profound background in **Holistic Wellness and Healing**, **Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership**, **Environmental Sustainability and Conservation**, **Mind-Body Connection**, **Spiritual Growth and Awakening**, …
Emotional Stress Release
Spiritual Healing
Business Coaching
Relationship Coaching
Skin Rejuvenation
About Alexander Brosda

Embrace a journey of human and planetary transformation with me on Core Spirit. As a passionate advocate for holistic well-being and sustainable advancement, my journey has been one of purpose, accomplishment, and unwavering commitment to shaping a healthier and more harmonious world.

With a profound background in Holistic Wellness and Healing, Entrepreneurship and Business Leadership, Environmental Sustainability and Conservation, Mind-Body Connection, Spiritual Growth and Awakening, Nutrition and Wellness Coaching, Personal Development and Life Coaching, Artistic Expression and Creativity, Relationship Counseling and Communication and Technology and Innovation, I've achieved milestones that stand as a testament to my dedication. My endeavors have continuously aimed at catalyzing positive change, both on an individual and collective level.

I've harnessed the power to facilitate profound transformation. My 35+ years of experience have granted me insights that I'm excited to share with the Core Spirit community. My goal is to empower you with tools to elevate your life and contribute to the betterment of our planet.

Guided by a vision of a healthy and sustainable future, I see a world where more and more individuals awaken to their innate potential and collectively work towards a harmonious existence. A world where mindfulness and compassion drive every action, and where personal well-being intertwines with the well-being of the planet.

In this envisioned world, I believe that small conscious choices lead to significant positive impacts. Communities thrive on shared values of respect for nature, fostering a sense of interconnectedness that transcends borders. Through educational initiatives and collaborative efforts, we cultivate a deep understanding of our environment, encouraging sustainable practices that preserve our planet for future generations.

I am committed to fostering a culture of empowerment and self-awareness, where every individual can access the tools and knowledge they need to lead a fulfilling life. By nurturing physical, mental, and spiritual well-being, we create a ripple effect that transforms not only our own lives but also radiates outward, touching the lives of those around us.

Together, let us build a world where innovation and technology align with the greater good, where business models prioritize ethical practices, and where humanity works hand in hand to address pressing global challenges. Through our collective efforts on Core Spirit, we pave the way for a brighter tomorrow, where our shared vision of health, harmony, and sustainability becomes a reality.

Through Core Spirit, I'm here to collaborate, connect, and co-create with like-minded individuals who share a passion for personal growth and planetary well-being.

Join me on this extraordinary journey toward a future where mind, body, and spirit thrive in harmony, and where our actions reverberate through the tapestry of our world, leaving behind a legacy of empowerment and transformation. Together, let's embark on a path of holistic wellness and conscious evolution, forging a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and generations to come.

24 years of practice
On Core Spirit since August 2023
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Alexander Brosda
Nanoplastics in Bottled Water Raise Concerns Over Health Impact

In a groundbreaking study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, researchers have discovered that a typical 1-liter bottle of water contains approximately 240,000 previously undetected plastic fragments, raising significant concerns about the health implications of nanoplastic pollution. The findings indicate that health risks associated with plastic pollution may have been drastically underestimated, shedding light on a previously uncharted territory.

Nanoplastics: A Hidden Threat

The study is the first to assess bottled water specifically for the presence of "nanoplastics," which are plastic particles smaller than 1 micrometer in length—about one-seventieth the width of a human hair. Previous studies only accounted for larger microplastics, ranging from 1 to 5,000 micrometers. The new research suggests that bottled water may contain up to 100 times more plastic particles than previously estimated.

Nanoplastics pose a greater threat to human health as their minuscule size enables them to penetrate human cells, enter the bloodstream, and potentially impact various organs. Additionally, these particles can cross the placenta, exposing unborn babies to potential health risks. Despite suspicions about their presence in bottled water, the lack of technology to identify individual nanoparticles hindered previous research efforts.

Innovation in Detection Technology

To overcome this challenge, the study's co-authors developed a new microscopy technique, programmed a data-driven algorithm, and used both to analyze approximately 25 liters of bottled water purchased from three popular brands in the US. The researchers discovered 110,000 to 370,000 tiny plastic particles in each liter, with 90% classified as nanoplastics.

Naixin Qian, the lead author and a graduate student of chemistry at Columbia University, emphasized the significance of the study, stating, "This study provides a powerful tool to address the challenges in analyzing nanoplastics, which holds the promise to bridge the current knowledge gap on plastic pollution at the nano level."
Implications and Future Research

The study focused on seven common plastic types, including polyethylene terephthalate (PET), commonly used in water bottles, and polyamide, often found in water purification filters. However, numerous unidentified nanoparticles were also discovered in the water, suggesting that the prevalence of plastic in bottled water could be even higher.

Despite the alarming findings, the International Bottled Water Association called for a full scientific review of the study's methodology and stated that there is no scientific consensus on the potential health impacts of nano- and microplastic particles. The association did not comment on the specific findings of the study.
The co-authors of the research are not limiting their investigation to bottled water. They plan to extend their research to examine nanoplastics in tap water and snow samples collected from western Antarctica, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive understanding of the presence and impact of these particles.

The discovery of a significant number of previously undetected plastic fragments in bottled water raises crucial questions about the potential health risks associated with nanoplastic pollution. As scientists continue to delve into this unexplored realm, it becomes increasingly evident that nanoplastics pose a considerable threat to human health. The study serves as a call to action, urging further research and regulatory measures to address the pervasive issue of plastic pollution and its potential consequences for global health.

Alexander Brosda
Unlocking Your Potential: Training Your Brain for Effective Goal Achievement

Achieving goals requires more than just ambition; it demands a strategic approach that involves training your brain to think and act in ways that support your objectives. Whether your goals are personal or professional, adopting a proactive mindset can significantly enhance your chances of success. In this article, we will explore actionable strategies to train your brain and pave the way for more effective goal achievement.

Set Clear and Specific Goals

The first step in training your brain for goal achievement is to define your objectives clearly. Vague or ambiguous goals make it challenging for your brain to create a roadmap for success. Instead, establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. This clarity provides your brain with a clear target, making it easier to focus your efforts and resources.

Develop a Growth Mindset

Cultivating a growth mindset is crucial for effective goal achievement. A growth mindset is the belief that abilities and intelligence can be developed through dedication and hard work. Embrace challenges as opportunities to learn and grow, and view failures as stepping stones toward success. By adopting a growth mindset, you train your brain to approach goals with resilience and a willingness to learn from setbacks.

Visualize Success

Visualization is a powerful technique that involves mentally picturing yourself achieving your goals. When you consistently visualize success, your brain becomes more attuned to the desired outcome, making it feel more attainable. Create a mental image of yourself reaching your goals, including the emotions and sensations associated with success. Regular visualization can increase motivation and create a positive mindset that propels you toward your objectives.
Break Down Goals into Manageable Steps**

Large, complex goals can be overwhelming, leading to procrastination and a sense of helplessness. To combat this, break down your goals into smaller, more manageable steps. This approach makes the task at hand more achievable, providing a sense of progress that keeps your brain motivated. As you accomplish each step, your brain receives a dose of positive reinforcement, reinforcing the belief in your ability to succeed.

Cultivate Positive Habits

Your habits play a significant role in shaping your thoughts and actions. Identify habits that support your goals and work on cultivating them. Whether it's establishing a daily routine, incorporating healthy lifestyle choices, or developing a habit of continuous learning, positive habits contribute to a productive mindset. Over time, these habits become ingrained, reinforcing the neural pathways associated with goal achievement.

Embrace Challenges and Learn from Setbacks

Challenges are an inherent part of any journey towards success. Rather than viewing obstacles as insurmountable, see them as opportunities to learn and grow. When faced with setbacks, analyze what went wrong, extract valuable lessons, and adjust your approach accordingly. By reframing challenges as learning experiences, you train your brain to approach difficulties with a solution-oriented mindset.

Training your brain for effective goal achievement involves a combination of mindset shifts and intentional actions. By setting clear goals, cultivating a growth mindset, visualizing success, breaking down tasks, developing positive habits, and learning from setbacks, you create a foundation for a more liberating way of thinking. Remember, the journey towards achieving your goals is a dynamic process that involves continuous learning and adaptation. As you train your brain to think more effectively, you empower yourself to turn aspirations into reality.

Alexander Brosda
The Mysteries of the Brain and the Universe: A Quantum Connection

The human brain has long been a source of wonder and fascination, and the vast cosmos has intrigued scientists and philosophers for centuries. Recent research has set its sights on a tantalizing possibility: Could there be a connection between the human brain and the universe, operating on a quantum scale? Following, I will explore groundbreaking discoveries that bridge the realms of neuroscience and astrophysics, shedding light on the mysterious relationship between our brains and the cosmos.

Part 1: The Brain's Mathematical Blueprint

Scientists have unveiled a hidden mathematical order governing the way neurons cluster in the human brain and across various mammalian species. This revelation may revolutionize our understanding of brain function and connectivity.

Imagine your brain as a complex cityscape, with neurons serving as the inhabitants. Researchers have found that these neurons are not distributed randomly. Instead, they follow a fundamental mathematical pattern described as a lognormal distribution. In simpler terms, most regions of the brain exhibit an average neuron density, but a few areas possess significantly higher neuron density. These high-density regions may hold the key to understanding how our brains work.

The significance lies in the potential impact of small changes within these high-density areas. Even minor deviations from the norm in these regions could have far-reaching effects on brain connectivity and function. This discovery opens the door to a new frontier in neuroscience, offering insights into the fundamental mechanisms that underlie consciousness, cognition, and perception.

Part 2: Quantum Fractals and Cosmic Networks

Now, let's shift our focus to the cosmos and the intriguing concept of fractals. Fractals are self-replicating patterns that can be observed in nature and throughout the universe. Recent research studies the quantum transport properties of these fractal networks, with a specific emphasis on how electrons and energy traverse these intricate cosmic patterns.

This exploration has led to the tantalizing hypothesis that the brain's neural networks and cosmic structures might share strikingly similar underlying principles. The fractal nature of both the brain's neural networks and cosmic structures suggests a potential connection on a quantum scale. Understanding this connection could provide profound insights into the mysteries of consciousness and cognition.

Part 3: Practical Applications and Future Prospects

The research on quantum transport in fractal networks not only deepens our understanding of the brain-cosmos connection but also holds promise for practical applications. One exciting possibility is the development of quantum technologies, such as quantum computing and quantum communication. These technologies could transform industries and solve complex problems that were once deemed insurmountable.

Additionally, the study of fractal networks could enhance our understanding of complex systems, such as the human brain and the cosmos, at their most fundamental levels. By deciphering the shared principles governing these systems, we may unlock new ways to explore and harness the power of the universe.

In the ever-evolving landscape of scientific discovery, the quest to understand the human brain and the mysteries of the cosmos takes a quantum leap forward. The revelations about the brain's mathematical blueprint and the potential connection to fractal cosmic networks open doors to unprecedented insights and possibilities.
As researchers continue to investigate this fascinating intersection of neuroscience and astrophysics, we find ourselves on the brink of a new era of understanding. The profound implications for brain function, quantum technology, and our comprehension of the universe hint at a future where the boundaries between the human mind and the cosmos blur, revealing the intricate tapestry that connects us to the cosmos at a quantum level.

Alexander Brosda
The Profound Link Between Mind and Body: Understanding the Mind-Body Connection

In the multifaceted tapestry of human existence, the concept of the mind-body connection has emerged as a fascinating and essential element of holistic well-being. This intricate relationship underscores the profound interplay between our mental and physical states, highlighting how they coalesce to shape our overall health, resilience, and even our ability to heal. The exploration of this delicate connection has led to a deeper understanding of the human experience and has paved the way for integrated approaches to health and wellness.

A Paradigm Beyond Separation: Mind and Body

Traditionally, the human body and mind have often been approached as separate entities, treated by distinct branches of medicine – physical health managed by medical doctors and mental health by psychologists or psychiatrists. However, the ever-evolving field of science, psychology, and medicine has unveiled the intricate interdependence between the two. The mind and body are not isolated realms, but rather two facets of a unified system.

The mind-body connection acknowledges that our thoughts, emotions, beliefs, and attitudes can directly influence our physical well-being. Likewise, our physiological state, including hormonal responses and neural activities, can significantly impact our mental state. This connection operates bidirectionally, creating a continuous feedback loop between mental and physical aspects of our lives.

The Science Behind the Connection

Advancements in neuroscience have provided concrete evidence supporting the mind-body connection. The brain, the epicenter of our thoughts and emotions, communicates with the rest of the body through an intricate network of neurons and neurotransmitters. For example, the "fight or flight" response triggered by stress activates the release of stress hormones like cortisol, which can impact various bodily functions, including the immune system, digestion, and cardiovascular health.

Moreover, studies in the field of psychoneuroimmunology have shown that psychological stress weakens the immune system, making individuals more susceptible to illnesses. Chronic stress has been linked to a range of health issues, from cardiovascular diseases to autoimmune disorders.

Emotions as Architects of Health

Emotions play a pivotal role in the mind-body connection. Positive emotions like joy, gratitude, and love are associated with the release of "feel-good" neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin, promoting a sense of well-being and contributing to physical health. On the other hand, negative emotions such as anxiety, anger, and sadness can trigger the release of stress hormones, impacting both mental and physical health.

Mindfulness practices, meditation, and relaxation techniques have gained prominence as effective tools to harness the mind-body connection. These practices enable individuals to manage stress, reduce anxiety, and cultivate a sense of awareness that allows them to respond more effectively to challenging situations.

The Healing Power of the Mind-Body Connection

The understanding of the mind-body connection has paved the way for innovative approaches to healing and healthcare. Integrative medicine, which combines conventional medical treatments with complementary practices like acupuncture, yoga, and meditation, acknowledges the synergy between mind and body in promoting health and healing.

The placebo effect, often seen as a mere psychological phenomenon, is a testament to the mind's power over the body. Research has shown that believing in the efficacy of a treatment can lead to real physiological changes, highlighting the mind's role in the healing process.

Cultivating a Healthy Mind-Body Relationship

To nurture a harmonious mind-body connection, it's essential to adopt holistic practices that prioritize both mental and physical well-being. This includes:

Regular Exercise: Physical activity not only promotes physical health but also triggers the release of endorphins, enhancing mood and reducing stress.

Balanced Nutrition: The foods we consume impact both our physical health and cognitive function. A well-balanced diet supports optimal brain function and emotional well-being.

Stress Management: Engage in relaxation techniques, meditation, and mindfulness practices to reduce stress and cultivate emotional resilience.

Social Connection: Healthy relationships and social interactions contribute to emotional well-being and a sense of belonging.

Positive Thinking: Cultivate a positive outlook, as optimistic thoughts can positively influence both mental and physical health.

Quality Sleep: Prioritize sleep, as it is crucial for cognitive function, emotional regulation, and physical repair.

The mind-body connection stands as a testament to the elaborate and profound relationship between our mental and physical states. Embracing this connection empowers individuals to take charge of their well-being, acknowledging the impact of their thoughts, emotions, and behaviors on their health. As science continues to delve into the depths of this intricate relationship, society is moving toward a more holistic understanding of health – one that encompasses both the body and the mind in the journey toward well-being.

Alexander Brosda
Ever Realized, the Ugliest People Are the Meanest Exploring Inner Attributes Over Physical Appearance

We've all heard the age-old adage, "Don't judge a book by its cover." While it's easy to say, human nature often tends to gravitate toward appearances. But what if I were to tell you that the phrase holds more truth than meets the eye? Indeed, many would argue that the ugliest people are often the meanest, not referring to their physical attributes, but rather their inner qualities. Psychology offers us intriguing insights into this phenomenon, shedding light on the intricate connection between behavior and personality.

Understanding the Facade of Mean Behavior:

The concept of "ugliness" here isn't about physical appearance, but rather the behavior and attitudes that we consider unattractive. People who exhibit mean behavior tend to show traits such as selfishness, rudeness, cruelty, and a lack of empathy. They may use sarcasm, insults, or condescending remarks, and they often seem to enjoy putting others down. However, it's crucial to note that this behavior isn't always an accurate representation of their inner selves. Often, it's a defense mechanism or a coping mechanism that masks deeper psychological issues.

The Role of Insecurity:

Many individuals who project mean behavior onto others might be dealing with underlying insecurities. Insecurity can stem from various sources, such as childhood experiences, past failures, or a general lack of self-confidence. The mean attitude becomes a way to deflect attention from their vulnerabilities. By focusing on others' perceived flaws or shortcomings, they divert attention away from their own fears and inadequacies.

The Empowerment Illusion:

For some, being mean can create a false sense of empowerment. In a world that can often feel overwhelming, asserting dominance through mean behavior can provide a sense of control. Such individuals might feel that by belittling others, they are elevating themselves. This distorted perspective gives them a short-lived feeling of superiority, even if it's at the expense of others' emotional well-being.

The Defense Mechanism of Projection:

Psychologically speaking, the concept of projection comes into play here. Projection is a defense mechanism where individuals attribute their own unwanted or negative feelings, thoughts, or traits onto someone else. In the context of mean behavior, a person projecting their own inner negativity might lash out at others, accusing them of being the source of the negativity they themselves are feeling. This phenomenon allows them to avoid confronting their own issues and provides a justification for their actions.

The Cycle of Reinforcement:

Mean behavior can also be reinforced by the reactions it elicits from others. When individuals witness or experience someone being mean, they often react emotionally, either with frustration, anger, or sadness. This reaction can give the perpetrator a twisted sense of satisfaction or power, further encouraging the continuation of this behavior. The cycle perpetuates itself as mean individuals receive attention and responses, albeit negative ones, that feed their need for validation.

Breaking the Pattern:

Understanding that mean behavior often masks deeper psychological issues doesn't excuse the harm it can cause. Compassion and empathy should always be extended to those who are struggling, even if they present a tough exterior. For those dealing with mean behavior within themselves, seeking professional help can lead to a deeper understanding of the underlying causes and the development of healthier coping mechanisms.

The notion that the ugliest people are the meanest goes beyond physical attributes. It dips into the complex interplay of psychology, personal history, and defense mechanisms. By recognizing that mean behavior often arises from insecurities, projection, and a distorted sense of empowerment, we can foster a more empathetic and understanding society. Just as no book should be judged solely by its cover, no person should be judged solely by their outward behavior.

Alexander Brosda
What's The Difference Between A Dream And Passion?

In the landscape of human ambition and aspiration, two concepts frequently intertwine: dreams and passion. While both evoke a sense of longing and drive, they possess distinct qualities that set them apart in terms of depth, commitment, and the willingness to make sacrifices. Understanding the difference between a dream and passion can greatly impact how individuals approach their goals and the level of success they ultimately achieve.

The Essence of Dreams

Dreams are the seeds of imagination that take root within the mind. They are the projections of our desires, the vision of a future we yearn to experience. Dreams can be as simple as picturing oneself in a successful career, living in a picturesque house, or traveling to exotic destinations. They serve as motivational tools, providing a source of inspiration to move forward. Dreams are often fueled by the desire for change, self-improvement, or the pursuit of something greater than the current reality.
Dreams are characterized by their openness to possibilities and their ability to evolve over time. They are the starting point of a journey, the initial spark that ignites the flame of ambition. However, dreams can sometimes remain mere fantasies if they lack the fuel of passion to sustain them through challenges and setbacks.

The Power of Passion

Passion, on the other hand, is the emotional force that transforms dreams into tangible realities. Unlike dreams, which can remain abstract and distant, passion is an all-encompassing fervor that drives individuals to take action. Passion is marked by an intense dedication and unwavering commitment to a particular pursuit. It is what propels people to invest time, effort, and resources into their endeavors, regardless of the obstacles they encounter.

Passion is what makes sacrifices feel worthwhile. Those who are truly passionate are willing to forego short-term gratification, comfort, and even certain conveniences to dedicate themselves fully to their goals. This sacrifice stems from a deep connection to the pursuit – a recognition that the journey itself is as meaningful as the destination. Passionate individuals are known for their resilience in the face of adversity, their willingness to learn and adapt, and their unyielding determination to overcome any obstacles that stand in their way.

The Crucial Distinction

The key distinction between a dream and passion lies in the level of commitment and action. Dreams are the starting point, the initial visualization of what one wants to achieve. They provide direction and a sense of purpose but may remain unrealized without the infusion of passion. Passion, on the other hand, is the driving force that propels individuals forward, encouraging them to take consistent and purposeful steps toward their aspirations.

Consider the example of someone who dreams of becoming a successful novelist. The dream involves envisioning a published book with a dedicated readership. However, it is passion that motivates them to spend countless hours honing their writing skills, revising drafts, and submitting manuscripts despite facing rejections. Passion transforms the dream into a concrete goal that they are willing to sacrifice for – perhaps sacrificing leisure time, social engagements, or even other career prospects to commit to their writing journey.

Nurturing Dreams into Passion
While dreams and passion have distinct characteristics, they are not mutually exclusive. Dreams can evolve into passions when they are nurtured with dedication and action. If someone cultivates a deep connection to their aspirations and is willing to invest themselves fully, their dreams can transform into a driving force that propels them forward.

Nurturing dreams into passion involves several key elements:

  1. Commitment: Commit to your dreams by setting clear goals and creating a plan of action. Outline the steps required to move from dream to reality.
  2. Resilience: Understand that challenges and setbacks are inevitable. A passionate pursuit involves the willingness to face difficulties and keep moving forward.
  3. Continuous Learning: Passionate individuals are often avid learners. They seek knowledge, skills, and experiences that enhance their journey toward their goals.
  4. Adaptability: Be open to adjusting your approach as you learn and grow. Passion doesn't mean sticking rigidly to a plan; it means being flexible while staying true to your core vision.
  5. Sacrifice: Recognize that achieving greatness often requires sacrifices. This could mean reallocating time, resources, and energy from other areas of life to prioritize your pursuit.

Dreams serve as the foundation of ambition, while passion provides the driving force that turns dreams into reality. It's the difference between wishing for change and actively pursuing it. Passionate individuals are those who are willing to sacrifice, persist, and adapt in the name of their aspirations. By understanding the distinction between dreams and passion, individuals can navigate their journeys with a clearer sense of purpose, commitment, and resilience, ultimately transforming their dreams into the remarkable achievements they envision.

Alexander Brosda
YouTube's CEO Neal Mohan Takes Down Videos On Garlic's Ability To Heal Cancerous Cells

Garlic, a time-honored culinary delight, has captivated the human palate and imagination for centuries.
While the idea of garlic possessing cancer-fighting properties might seem like folklore, numerous scientific studies have explored this potential association. One of the key compounds responsible for garlic's potential health benefits is allicin. Allicin is formed when raw garlic is crushed or chopped, releasing enzymes that convert alliin (a sulfur-containing compound) into allicin. This compound is credited with a range of biological activities, including potential anticancer effects.

The Anticancer Potential of Garlic: Nature's Pharmacy

Garlic, originating in central Asia and now cultivated worldwide, boasts a rich historical embroidery spanning over five millennia. Revered across cultures as both prophylactic and therapeutic, garlic has been employed to address diverse maladies such as leprosy, fever, and infection. The intrigue deepens with evidence of garlic's prowess in supporting cardiovascular health, immunomodulation, and intriguingly, its possible role in battling cancer. While garlic's reputation as a potent preventive tool gains traction, a deeper investigation into its bioactive compounds is warranted.

The Garlic Chemistry Mystery

At the heart of garlic's potency lie its complex chemistry and the array of compounds it harbors. Fresh garlic bulbs are a comprised of water, carbohydrates, proteins, amino acids, fiber, and organosulfur compounds (OSCs). The transformation of alliin to allicin is orchestrated by allinase, yielding a bounty of OSCs responsible for garlic's therapeutic effects. These compounds hold the potential to curb the expression of cell-growth stimulatory proteins, targeting the hallmarks of cancer defined by Hanahan and Weinberg. OSCs also engage cellular redox systems, influencing cellular signaling pathways vital in the regulation of proliferation, apoptosis, and redox balance.

Beyond Tradition: Garlic's Bioavailability Odyssey

The bioavailability of garlic's therapeutic constituents sparks curiosity. Allicin, a key player, showcases remarkable antioxidant and radical-scavenging prowess. The pathway of allicin's transformation involves intricate dynamics, affected by various preparation methods and the presence of other compounds. Intriguingly, water-soluble OSCs emerge as the primary bioactive components governing cancer prevention. Enteric-coated garlic products offer a unique perspective, demonstrating differing bioavailabilities influenced by factors such as meal composition. The enigmatic bioavailability nuances shape our understanding of garlic's efficacy.
The Garland of Anticancer Mechanisms

Garlic's crusade against cancer is marked by a diverse arsenal of mechanisms, each targeting distinct stages of carcinogenesis. From thwarting mutagenesis to scavenging free radicals, garlic emerges as a potent guardian. Its intervention spans enzyme regulation, inhibition of protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum, and curbing cancer cell behaviors including proliferation, apoptosis evasion, and immune system subversion. In vitro studies showcase garlic's ability in inducing cancer cell apoptosis, a vital target for therapeutic intervention. Notably, the allure of garlic extends beyond prevention, unveiling its potential for cancer therapy.
The Emergence of Therapeutic Avenues

Transitioning from prevention to treatment, garlic's potential as a cancer therapy takes center stage. Surprising revelations surface from studies injecting raw garlic extract into tumor-bearing mice, achieving unprecedented curative results. This uncharted route, distinct from oral administration, underscores the selectivity of garlic's phytochemicals in targeting cancer cells while sparing normal cells. This groundbreaking discovery redefines the potential application of this ancient medicinal food in cancer treatment.

Hidden Dimensions: Navigating Cancer Care Amid Information Suppression, Evolving Technologies, and Dietary Considerations

Garlic studies suppression by individuals such as Neal Mohan are plain and simple criminal, suggesting a concerted effort to mold a misleading narrative in favor of prominent pharmaceutical giants and the sprawling network of medical cancer treatment establishments that adorn YouTube advertisements. This unsettling assertion revolves around the contention that some treatment methodologies imposed on individuals are not only outdated but also perilous, inflicting considerable harm upon vulnerable patients. Amid this backdrop, a burgeoning wave of innovative technologies is emerging, spotlighting highly targeted approaches for the treatment of cancer patients. Curiously, within the medical discourse, the broader conversation surrounding the potential influence of diet and lifestyle choices in proactively averting cancer remains overshadowed.

The crucial intersection of medical choices and dietary patterns in cancer management is veiled by a blanket of silence within the healthcare sphere. The diagnosis of cancer thrusts individuals into a bewildering array of options, with invasive treatments frequently taking precedence. In this context, the broader narrative that emphasizes the significance of adopting dietary and lifestyle changes to complement, if not reshape, conventional treatments largely remains in the shadows. The integration of these pivotal facets, tailored to the individual's unique circumstance, could yield profound outcomes in enhancing the efficacy of cancer treatments, while simultaneously mitigating potential adverse effects.

In essence, the discourse surrounding the suppression of information, the preeminence of outdated treatments, the advent of cutting-edge technologies, and the muted conversation on the impact of dietary choices on cancer presents a multi-dimensional tapestry. A deeper exploration into these facets is essential to unravel the complex dynamics that shape the landscape of cancer care, provoking both critical introspection and a reimagining of approaches that have the potential to transform the lives of those facing this formidable adversary.

Navigating Safety and Promise

Safety and efficacy, cornerstones of any health intervention, demand our attention when considering garlic. Garlic's multifaceted preparations, from fresh bulbs to oil, powder, and aged garlic extract (AGE), present varying levels of safety and effects. Caution is advised due to allicin's potential irritation, the higher toxicity of oil-soluble OSCs, and the evolving toxicity profile over time. AGE emerges as a safer option, validated through extensive toxicological assessments. However, as the market brims with varied preparations, guidelines and labels serve as beacons for consumers to make informed choices.

In Summation

As we tread the landscape of garlic's potential in cancer prevention and treatment, we uncover a complex interplay of compounds shaping its impact. From historical reverence to scientific validation, garlic transcends culinary pleasures to offer a myriad of health benefits.

However, the practice of censoring, prohibiting, and labeling the consumption of garlic as "charlatanism" in the battle against numerous diseases is deeply misguided. YouTube, under the leadership of its newly appointed American-Indian CEO, Neal Mohan, has perpetuated the suppression of free speech, seemingly favoring large pharmaceutical companies and hospital chains that profit from prescribing conventional cancer treatments. This dynamic reveals an overarching focus on business interests rather than the genuine concern for individual health and well-being. What YouTube should be fostering is a platform that encourages further research or provides funding for in-depth investigations. Presently, there is limited funding available for "Garlic-Research," mainly because if the clinical studies were to unequivocally demonstrate garlic's potential in curing cancer, organic farmers would stand to benefit and reap the financial rewards of this discovery, leaving pharmaceutical corporations out of the equation.

Our world seems ensnared in a paradox, and the blame can arguably be directed towards Neal Mohan's heritage as an Indian. In India, press freedoms and other fundamental rights have experienced constriction. With instances of raids, arrests, and hostile takeovers, press freedom within India continues to erode. The trend of conglomerates seizing control of media outlets is not exclusive to India. Nevertheless, Mukul Kesavan, a historian based in New Delhi and an independent journalist, suggests that these takeovers by allies of the Modi government are indicative of a broader systemic problem that threatens fundamental rights. It is evident that Mohan's cultural background significantly influences decisions such as the ban on disseminating information about the health benefits of garlic on YouTube.

The symphony of garlic's bioactive compounds beckons us to continue this journey, unveiling its full therapeutic promise against cancer.

Supporting Research
Ackermann RT, Mulrow CD, Ramirez G, Gardner CD, Morbidoni L, Lawrence VA. Garlic shows promise for improving some cardiovascular risk factors. Arch Intern Med. 2001;161:813-824.

Alder R, Lookinland S, Berry JA, et al. A systematic review of the effectiveness of garlic as an anti-hyperlipidemic agent. J Am Acad Nurse Pract. 2003;15(3):120-129.

Ang-Lee MK, Moss J, Yuan C-S. Herbal medicines and perioperative care [review]. JAMA. 2001;286(2):208-216.

Ashraf R, Aamir K, Shaikh AR, Ahmed T. Effects of garlic on dyslipidemia in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. J Ayub Med Coll Abbottabad. 2005;17(3):60-4.

Berthold HK, Sudhop T. Galic preparation for prevention of atherosclerosis. Curr Opin Lipidol. 1998;9(6):565-569.

Berthold HK, Sudhop T, von Bergmann K. Effect of a garlic oil preparation on serum lipoproteins and cholesterol metabolism. JAMA. 1998;279.

Borrelli F, Capasso R, Izzo AA. Garlic (Allium sativum L.): adverse effects and drug interactions in humans. Mol Nutr Food Res. 2007;51(11):1386-97.

Cao HX, Zhu KX, Fan JG, Qiao L. Garlic-derived allyl sulfides in cancer therapy. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2014;14(6):793-9.

Caron MF, White CM. Evaluation of the antihyperlipidemic properties of dietary supplements. Pharmacotherapy. 2001;21(4):481-487.

Dillon SA, Burmi RS, Lowe GM, et al. Antioxidant properties of aged garlic extract: an in vitro study incorporating human low density lipoprotein. Life Sci. 2003;72(14):1583-1594.

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Cancer is one of the deadliest diseases against humans. To tackle this menace, humans have developed several high-technology therapies, such as chemotherapy, tomotherapy, targeted therapy, and antibody therapy. However, all these therapies have their own adverse side effects. Therefore, recent years have seen increased attention being given to the natural food for complementary therapy, which have less side effects. Garlic (Dà Suàn; Allium sativum), is one of most powerful food used in many of the civilizations for both culinary and medicinal purpose. In general, these foods induce cancer cell death by apoptosis, autophagy, or necrosis. Studies have discussed how natural food factors regulate cell survival or death by autophagy in cancer cells. From many literature reviews, garlic could not only induce apoptosis but also autophagy in cancer cells. Autophagy, which is called type-II programmed cell death, provides new strategy in cancer therapy. In conclusion, we wish that garlic could be the pioneer food of complementary therapy in clinical cancer treatment and increase the life quality of cancer patients. Nature has precious treasures for potential cancer therapy. Humans with their technical skill have developed several therapies against cancer, but we still find some disorders and side effects in these artificial therapies. Hence to find more advanced therapy, several researchers try to identify novel materials bestowed in nature. Many natural components have incredible potential to cure diseases without any adverse side effects, such as the collagenase isolated from the King crab (Paralithodes camtschatica) as a the strongest antibiotic,[1] the alkaloids from the skin of poison dart frogs (Dendrobatidae) toward the development of chemical defense.[2]

Because cancer is the most deadliest disease, recent years have seen increased attention being given to cancer cell study.[3] Cancer cells are characterized by apoptosis evasion, insensitivity to antigrowth signals, tissue invasion or metastasis, and limitless explicative potential.[4] Induction of apoptosis had been the dominant research focus in anticancer field for the past decade. Therefore, it is important to study tumor microenvironment in cancer cells in the future.[5] In this minireview, we focus on the regulating mechanisms of apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis in anticancer research. This review is an attempt to update the recent research progress related to garlic research against liver cancers carried out in the recent years with a special emphasis on the cell death process.

There are three famous types of cell death, which are apoptosis, autophagy, and necrosis, each having their own phenomenon. Cell cycle arrest, DNA fragmentation, caspase activation, and apoptosome formation are characteristics of apoptosis.[6] However, autophagy, called type-II programmed cell death, is characterized by autophagosome induction, organelles degradation, and metabolic stress.[7] As for necrosis, it may accompany with inflammation and lesions in cell surface.[8] In this review, we concentrate on how active components of garlic regulate autophagy in cancer cells.

Garlic and cancer
Garlic (Dà Suàn; Allium sativum), a member of Liliaceae family is a globally consumed food and is bestowed with immense medicinal benefits. Numerous research findings have attributed these health benefits mainly resulting from the organosulfur components, such as alliin, γ-glutamylcysteine, and their derivatives. Besides these organosulfur compounds, garlic is rich in trace elements (zinc, magnesium, copper, selenium, and iodine), protein content, dietary fiber, vitamins, ascorbic acid, and polyphenols. Historically almost all the civilizations in the world had knowledge of the medicinal properties of garlic and garlic has been used in treating a variety of ailments, including leprosy, diarrhea, constipation, and infections.[9] However, garlic as a potent anticarcinogen came to light in the late 1950s after Weisberger and Pensky demonstrated that thiosulfinates extracted from garlic possessed antitumor properties.[10] With the therapeutic potential of garlic and the advent of modern analytical techniques, there has been a surge in garlic research by many research groups around the world.

Classification of autophagy
Four pathways are employed to induce autophagy, including macroautophagy, microautophagy, chaperone-mediated autophagy, and crinophagy.[11,12,13,14]

Macroautophagy Macroautophagy is the most common intracellular degradation system in autophagy. In yeast, it starts with the formation of preautophagosomal structure (PAS), followed by autophagosome formation, whose molecular basis is well-conserved from yeast to higher eukaryotes. The fusion of the autophagosome with lysosomal compartments causes the formation of the digestive vacuole of autophagy, known as autophagolysosome.
Microautophagy The process of microautophagy is nonselective degradation process by lysosome engulfing the cell membrane, and then degradation in the body. So far this situation is often found in yeast.[12]
Chaperone-mediated autophagy The process is more complex, involving the recognition of the hsc70 complex. By recognition and binding, some unfolding proteins may get transferred to lysosome, which then initiates degradation, and the target marker from lysosome in chaperone-mediated autophagy is lysosome-associated membrane protein (LAMP)-type 2A.[13]
Crinophagy Crinophagy is a cellular degradation process by which specifically secretory granules will be degraded by endocrine secretions or hormones.[15] However, the process of crinophagy is still mediated by the fusion with lysosome.
Molecular mechanism of autophagy signaling transduction
Autophagy is a self-catabolic process that imparts a survival mechanism to cells undergoing nutrient deprivation or other stresses, and has been recently linked to the type-II programmed cell death process.[16,17] For example, energy and amino acid exhaustion, unfolding protein response and virus infection stress could induce autophagic initiation. Notably, the most dominant phenomenon of autophagy is autophagosome formation. Except autophagosome formation, the discovery of autophagy-related gene (ATG) could help us to understand the cell signaling transduction of autophagy. Atg12-conjugation and LC3-modification are considered to be the necessary protein-binding systems at mammalian autophagosome formation.[18]

ATG family protein and autophagy ATG5 and ATG12 are located in PAS structure together. ATG12 covalently binds ATG5 at a lysine residue. This polymer is considered to help double membrane winding. On the other hand, LC3 (MAP-LC3, microtubule-associated protein 1 light chain 3), a small hydrophilic protein (16–18 kDa) located in autophagosome, is associated with the formation of autophagolysosome. The cytosolic form of LC3 (LC3-I) will be proteolytically cleaved to form the LC3-phosphatidylethanolamine conjugate (LC3-II or LC3B-II) by lysosomes during the conversion of autophagosome to autophagolysosome. More specifically, a C-terminal glycine 120 of LC3-I is lysed by Cys-protease ATG4. Then ATG7 and ATG3 will catalyze PE bind LC3-I as LC3-II (Atg8–PE in yeast). Therefore, most of the studies employ the increase in LC3-II as a biomarker in autophagy studies rendering it to be the best biomarker of autophagy.[19]
However, autophagy is not only meditated by ATG family. Some studies demonstrated that the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR), Akt/phosphoinositide-3-kinase (PI3K) pathway,[20] extracellular signal-regulated kinases (ERK1/2)/p38 mitogen-activated kinase (p38 MAPK) signaling pathway,[21] Bcl-2/Beclin-1 signaling transduction,[22] and p53 trigger AMP-activated kinase (AMPK) have also involved in autophagy.[23]

mTOR signaling transduction mTOR, a PI3K-related kinase, acts as a central regulator of cell growth in response to nutrients and growth factors. mTOR is usually deregulated in cancer cells by dephosphorylating Akt/PI3K or Akt/protein kinase B (PKB). When mTOR is inhibited, the mTOR-mediated phosphorylation of an autophagy protein ATG13 will also be inhibited. Therefore, the hypophosphorylated form of ATG13 can interact with ATG1 and ATG17 to form a complex, which is essential in the formation of two layers – double-membrane autophagosomes. At the same time, Beclin-1/Atg6 will combine with Vps34, a phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, as a complex to lead to the formation of autophagosome precursors (vesicle nucleation).[24]
Mitochondria and autophagy Bcl-2/Bcl-xL, is the most well-known inhibitor of cell death related with mitochondria. For cytoprotective study, Bcl-2 has the ability to antagonize Bax/Bak, block MOMP, and then inhibit apoptosis. Recently, Bcl-2 was demonstrated to prevent autophagy.[25] Because Beclin-1 can interact with Bcl-2/Bcl-xL by its Bcl-2-homology-3-only domain, some research groups consider that Bcl-2 will completely inhibit the binding of Beclin-1 and Vps34. In the end, the complex of ATG5-ATG12 and LC3-II will become autophagosome, and ATG5-ATG12 will release from autophagosome before lysosome binding. Then LC3-II and lysosomes will become autophagolysosome. In addition, the colocalization of LC3-II with MitoTracker-red (labeling mitochondria), resulting in drug-induced degradation of mitochondria, could be observed by confocal laser microscopy.[26] Autophagosome engulfs the mitochondria and this situation is called “Mitophagy.”[27] Recent studies indicate that oxidative stress could trigger aerobic glycolysis, autophagy, and mitophagy in cancer cells.
p53 signal transduction p53 gene not only regulates apoptosis but also autophagy.[23] When cell incurs some stress or damage, the nuclear p53 will be activated and the cytoplasmic p53 protein would be decreased. And then the low expression of cytoplasmic p53 protein will activate the phosphorylation of AMPK, which triggers the induction of tuberous sclerosis protein 2 (TSC2), and finally TSC2 would inhibit the protein expression of mTOR and trigger autophagy.[28] However, p53 is a famous tumor suppressor gene and involves in many developments of diseases, including cancer. Although p53 molecular mechanism of autophagy is not clearly understood and very complicated, we try to narrow it down in cancer therapy field.
Garlic and autophagy
Many research groups consider that phytochemicals have a good potential of cancer chemoprevention.[29] Garlic is one such potential phytochemical candidate that has been thoroughly studied against various cancer cells, such as colon cancer cells,[30] glioblastoma cells,[31] and hepatocarcinoma cells.[32] Most of these studies show that apoptosis as the mechanism to be associated with the anticancer properties of garlic. However, some studies demonstrate that garlic could trigger other phenomena, such as autophagy.[33] For example, the crude garlic, which has the protective effects on iron-mediated oxidative stress, proliferation, and autophagy in rats.[34] In addition, allicin, which is the most abundant component in garlic, could induce autophagic cell death in Hep G2 cells.[26] From many research outcomes, it could be perceived that garlic with its potent anticancer activities makes it a potential complementary medicine in cancer therapy.[35]

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Autophagy, type-II programmed cell death, is defined as alterative cancer therapy in addition to apoptosis.[36] However, the fate of cell undergoing various types of stress is quite complex, and sometimes be contradictory. Even we could not draw the whole picture of cell death and survival, we can try our best to find complementary therapy, which is much safe and easy in our life.

The risks associated with the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and surgery, makes us to look for the alternative treatments, such as complementary therapy from food or natural herbal medicines, such as resveratrol,[37] curcumin,[38] soybean fermentation products,[39] and even active components from food such as anthocyanins from berries,[40] triteroenes from ginsenoside,[41] which have good tumor inhibition via autophagy and have the potential to be an alternative drug in apoptosis-resistant cancer cells.

Garlic, which is considered the most powerful anticarcinogenic agent by the Designer Food Program, NCI, 2005, not only induces apoptosis but also autophagy in cancer cells. Therefore, we try to figure out that garlic has good potential to kill cancer cells through apoptosis and induce autophagy in apoptosis-resisted cancer cells [Figure 1]. No matter what mechanism garlic triggers, we still consider that garlic as a very good alternative medicine for cancer therapy and to be the pioneer in complementary therapy of clinical cancer treatment in the future. This study also published in the NIH: The use of garlic and garlic-based extracts has been linked to decreased incidence of cancer in epidemiological studies. Here we examine the molecular and cellular activities of a simple homemade ethanol-based garlic extract (GE). We show that GE inhibits growth of several different cancer cells in vitro, as well as cancer growth in vivo in a syngeneic orthotopic breast cancer model. Multiple myeloma cells were found to be especially sensitive to GE. The GE was fractionated using solid-phase extractions, and we identified allicin in one GE fraction; however, growth inhibitory activities were found in several additional fractions. These activities were lost during freeze or vacuum drying, suggesting that the main anti-cancer compounds in GE are volatile. The anti-cancer activity was stable for more than six months in −20 °C. We found that GE enhanced the activities of chemotherapeutics, as well as MAPK and PI3K inhibitors. Furthermore, GE affected hundreds of proteins involved in cellular signalling, including changes in vital cell signalling cascades regulating proliferation, apoptosis, and the cellular redox balance. Our data indicate that the reduced proliferation of the cancer cells treated by GE is at least partly mediated by increased endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress.

Keywords: apoptosis, ER stress, allicin, Organo Sulfur Compounds (OSCs), kinome, cancer
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  1. Introduction
    The complex phytochemistry of garlic (Allium sativum) has been the subject of thousands of research papers, more than two thousand in the last decade alone. Numerous studies have confirmed the beneficial effects of garlic on the cardiovascular system [1], immunomodulation and cancer (reviewed in [2,3,4]), as well as its antioxidant [5] or oxidant properties [6]. Direct antibacterial and antiviral properties have also been described, with allicin being regarded as responsible for the antibacterial effects [7]. Multiple recent studies have linked garlic intake with protective effects against a range of cancers, and the conclusion that raw garlic has health benefits is gaining momentum [8,9,10,11,12].

Most of the biological effects of garlic are shown to come from organosulfur compounds (OSCs) originated from allicin. Allicin is produced by the enzyme allinase from alliin, and is further processed/degraded. Allinases are part of the defence system of the plant, and are released when the plant is damaged. Garlic-derived OSCs are shown to reduce expression and activation of multiple cell-growth stimulatory proteins and to target most of the cancer hallmarks defined by Hanahan and Weinberg [13], (reviewed in [14]). OSCs are also believed to affect the cellular redox systems—e.g., the activation of cysteinyl S-conjugates in OSCs via β-lyase reactions leads to reactive persulfide or sulfane sulfur progenitors. These may, in turn, react with cysteine moieties on redox-sensitive proteins—for example, in proteins important in cellular signalling [15]. It has been shown that S-allylcysteine from garlic suppresses the growth of human prostate cancer cells [16], and that allicin can induce both caspase-dependent [17,18] and independent [19] apoptosis in various cancer cells, as well as ameliorate the toxic effects of chemotherapeutics [20]. Diallyl sulfides, e.g., diallyl disulfide (DADS) and diallyl trisulfide (DATS), which arise from degradation of allicin, are shown to have anti-cancer activities via the promotion of apoptosis and cell cycle arrest [3,21,22]. A problem when comparing the different reports on the biological effects of garlic is that different types of purified OSCs or garlic extracts have been used. This studie is from Science Direct: 1. Introduction
Garlic (Allium sativum) is natively from central Asia and is now cultivated around the world. It is interesting to note that the medicinal potency of garlic has been widely known and used for over 5000 years. Garlic has acquired a reputation in the folklore of many cultures as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent. According to records in the Bible and other literature, including those of the Chinese, Egyptians, Greeks, Indians, Israelis, and Babylonians, garlic has been used for healing a wide variety of disorders in ancient times, including leprosy, diarrhea, constipation, asthma, fever, and infection [1]. During World War II, garlic was applied to treat the wounds of soldiers for its antimicrobial effects. More recently, epidemiological, experimental and clinical evidence has revealed that garlic and its preparations possess a wide range of health benefits, such as the lowering of blood lipids and blood pressure and the inhibition of microbial (viral, fungal and bacterial) growth [2,3]. Of these health benefits of garlic, the anticancer effect is probably the most controversial.

As early as 1958, Weisberger and Pensky reported that the diethyl thiosulfinate from garlic inhibited sarcoma growth in S180-bearing mice [4]. Currently, collective epidemiological studies show that garlic intake is strongly associated with a reduced risk of cancers, particularly in the case of gastric or intestinal cancer [5]. Available laboratory data confirm that garlic has effective components for killing cancer cells. Multiple international organizations, including the National Cancer Institute (NCI), the American Institute of Cancer Research (AICR), and the World Health Organization (WHO), have recommended that the intake of garlic in a routine diet is linked to reduced risks of cancer [6]. Because of the minimal adverse effects on the human body, vegetables and fruits are considered to be excellent sources of phytochemicals. For cancer chemoprevention, curcumin (turmeric), capsaicin (chili peppers), lycopene (tomatoes), resveratrol (grapes), sulforaphane (broccoli), and allicin (garlic) are noted as anticancer phytochemicals from fruits and vegetables [6]. Garlic has been used as a functional food to inhibit the growth of pathogens but also served as a remedy for the prevention of a number of diseases. Cancer researchers have identified that many of the phytochemicals of garlic have anticancer effects. Recently, we found that some components of garlic have novel therapeutic anticancer properties [7]. This review will discuss the anticancer mechanisms of garlic phytochemicals, showing their potential for cancer treatment in compared to conventional chemoprevention agents.

  1. Chemistry of garlic
    Fresh raw garlic bulbs contain ∼65 % water, ∼ 28 % carbohydrate, ∼2 % protein, ∼1.2 % amino acids, ∼1.5 % fiber, fatty acids, phenols, and trace elements, as well as more than 33 (∼2.3 %) sulfur-containing compounds (Fig. 1) [8]. Garlic is well known for its pungent odor, which is from oil-soluble organosulfur compounds (OSCs), including allicin, alliin and ajoene. The main sulfur compound in both raw garlic and garlic powder is alliin. On average, garlic cloves contain 8 g/kg alliin. When raw garlic is chopped or crushed, alliinase is released and the conversion of alliin into allicin is performed. Allicin was found to be a major constituent of solvent-extracted garlic. Allicin is very unstable and rapidly decomposes into a variety of products, including ajoene, dithiins, allyl methyl trisulfide, diallyl sulfide (DAS), diallyl disulfide (DADS), and diallyl trisulfide (DATS). This breakdown occurs within hours at room temperature and within minutes during cooking [9]. OSCs are generally classified into two groups: oil-soluble OSCs and water-soluble OSCs. Although water-soluble OSCs make up a small portion of garlic, they are considered to be the main bioactive component in cancer prevention [10]. S-Allylcysteine (SAC) and S-allylmercaptocysteine (SAMC), metabolites allyl mercaptan (AM) and allyl methyl sulfide (AMS) are water-soluble OSCs, which are less odorous than the oil-soluble OSCs. The transformed pathways and chemical structures of the widely studied organosulfur compounds are depicted in Fig. 2. Fig. 1. Major classification of the bioactive constituents in garlic.

Generally, garlic bulb contains approximately 65 % water, 28 % carbohydrates (mainly fructans), 2 % protein (mainly alliin), 1.2 % free amino acids (mainly arginine), 1.5 % fiber, and 2.3 % organosulfur compounds. ig. 2. Chemical structures of commonly studied organosulfur compounds from garlic.

γ-Glutamyl-S-alk(en)yl-L-cysteines are the primary sulfur compounds in intact garlic, which can be hydrolyzed and oxidized to yield S-alkyl(en)yl-L-cysteine sulfoxide. Alliin could be transformed to allicin during chewing or cutting, which activates the enzyme alliinase. Allicin is highly unstable and instantly decomposes to form various oil-soluble compounds including diallyl sulfide, diallyl disulfide, diallyl trisulfide, vinyl dithiin and ajoene if the conditions are appropriate. Moreover, γ-glutamyl -S-alk(en)yl-L-cysteines are also converted into water-soluble organosulfur compounds, including S-allyl cysteine and S-allylmercaptocysteine.

After oral intake of fresh garlic, SAC can be detected in the plasma, liver and kidney [11]. Due to its stability in the blood, SAC is recognized as the most reliable compliance marker of garlic consumption [12]. Allicin, sulfides, ajoene, vinyldithiins and other oil-soluble OSCs cannot be detected in the blood or urine even after the intake of a large amount of garlic [13]. SAC is an odorless, stable, water-soluble compound with antioxidant and cholesterol-lowering effects in clinical studies. The NCI showed that SAC has 30-fold lower toxicity than allicin and DADS [14]. Previous results have shown that SAC acts as an effective agent against the malignant progression of human non-small cell lung carcinoma in both in vitro and in vivo models [15]. Due to its ubiquitous existence in various preparations of garlic, SAC is commonly used for standardization and comparison of garlic products. AM is an odorous compound that is the main component of garlic breath after eating garlic cloves. AM is quantitatively formed from allicin or diallyl disulfide with cysteine via the intermediate compound SAMC when it comes in contact with whole blood. AM and its further metabolite may be the major effectors of the pharmacological action of allicin or diallyl disulfide [16].

  1. Bioavailability of garlic
    Despite promising in vitro studies and the strong plausibility of anticancer effects demonstrated in a great number of animal studies, clinical trial evidence using various forms of garlic is inconsistent. A strong criticism of these trials is that the bioavailability of the important sulfur-containing constituents differs significantly between raw garlic and the specific garlic supplement formulations. Allicin is considered responsible for most of the pharmacological activity of crushed raw garlic cloves. Allicin has been shown to be metabolized rapidly (half-life <1 min) into AM when added to whole blood, but neither allicin, nor its transformation compounds or AM were found in the blood, urine or stool after volunteers consumed a large amount (25 g) of chopped raw garlic [13]. The allicin bioavailability from 13 garlic supplements and 9 garlic foods was recently investigated in 13 subjects [16]. For enteric tablets, the allicin bioavailability varied from 36 to 104%, but this was reduced to 22–57 % when consumed with a high-protein meal. Independent of meal type, nonenteric tablets gave high bioavailability (80–111 %), while garlic powder capsules gave 26–109 % bioavailability. Allicin rapidly disappears from circulation after iv injection, suggesting that it is transformed into secondary products [17]. Allicin can easily permeate the cell membranes of phospholipid bilayers but does not induce leakage, fusion or aggregation of the membrane [18]. The only known food component that interacts with allicin at body temperature is protein-derived cysteine. Allicin reacts quantitatively with cysteine to form two equivalents of SAMC. This reaction probably also occurs when allicin is released from garlic products in the gastrointestinal (GI) tract come in contact with cysteine released from digested meal protein. A systematic study of the pharmacokinetics of DADS was investigated with an oral administration of 200 mg/kg in rats. In addition to AM and AMS, allyl methyl sulfoxide and allyl methyl sulfone were identified as DADS metabolites in the stomach, plasma, liver and urine of rats [19].

It is widely recognized that extraction increases the potency and bioavailability of various crude components, including garlic, and decreases harsh and toxic characteristics. Aged garlic extract (AGE) is aged for up to 20 months. During the aging process, the odorous, harsh, and irritating compounds of garlic are converted naturally into stable and safe sulfur compounds. The safety of aged garlic has been confirmed by various toxicological studies [20]. AGE contains primarily water-soluble organosulfur compounds, such as SAC and SAMC. The behaviors of water-soluble organosulfur compound pharmacokinetics were found to be quite different from those of oil-soluble garlic organosulfur compounds [11]. The bioavailability of SAC was 98.2, 103.0, and 87.2 % in rats, mice, and dogs, respectively. SAC from garlic consumption was rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The half-life of SAC in humans after oral administration was more than 10 h, and the clearance time was estimated to be more than 30 h [21]. The results from the evaluation of the safety and efficacy of SAC indicate that SAC seems to play an important role in the biological effects of garlic [22].

  1. Anticancer mechanisms of garlic
    Many in vitro studies have shown that garlic has clear and significant biological effects in killing cancer cells. The effects of garlic on animal models and human cancer cell lines are summarized in Table 1. The anticancer actions of garlic have largely been attributed to the following categories (Fig. 3): (1) suppressing mutagenesis, (2) scavenging free radicals, (3) regulating enzyme activities, (4) inhibiting protein folding in the endoplasmic reticulum, and (5) inhibiting cancer cellular behaviors, such as proliferation, apoptosis resistance, and evasion of immunosurveillance. Fig. 3. Anti-carcinogenic effect of garlic bioactive compounds in different stages of cancer progression.

In the initiation stage, blocking phytochemicals prevents the bioactivation of carcinogens through antioxidation, antimutagenesis and detoxication. In the promotion stage, suppressing phytochemicals inhibits the proliferation of clonal cells by modulating protein folding and DNA repair. In the progression stage, suppressing phytochemicals impedes the growth or metastasis of tumors by changing the cell behaviors, including antiproliferation, apoptosis and immunocompetence.

Previous studies have shown that organic or aqueous garlic extracts efficiently inhibit chemically induced mutagenicity in bacteria, such as Salmonella typhimurium and Escherichia coli [[23], [24], [25], [26]]. In addition to blocking the effects of extracellular mutagens, garlic is also a highly effective antioxidant. SAC and SAMC exhibited strong radical scavenging activities [27]. Oral administration of garlic in mice significantly decreased lipid peroxidation and increased circulatory antioxidants, including vitamin E, superoxide dismutase, reduced glutathione, and glutathione peroxidase [28]. The antioxidant effects of garlic were also attributed to the enhanced activity of radical-scavenging enzymes. Garlic has been demonstrated to prevent oxidative damage in normal cells through stimulating scavenging of reactive oxygen species (ROS) [29,30]. For example, DAS and DADS can increase the activity of glutathione reductase. Moreover, garlic has been shown to stimulate carcinogen-detoxifying enzymes, such as glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and cytochrome P450 s (CYPs). The activity of GST in the rat liver was significantly increased after the addition of garlic powder to the diet [31]. Garlic derivatives with an allyl group have the ability to increase the activity of GST in mouse livers and are more effective than derivatives with a propyl group [32]. The enzymatic activity of CYP2E1 was shown to be decreased by DAS oxidant derivatives [33], reducing the toxic products of common carcinogens, such as carbon tetrachloride, acetoaminophen and N-nitrosodimethylamine. Although DADS and DATS in the original form cannot affect CYP2E1 or CYP1A1/2 activity [34], they can prevent the enzymatic activity of arylamine N-acetyltransferase (NAT) to generate carcinogens from foreign substances [35]. Additionally, recent studies revealed that ajoene from garlic caused the accumulation of misfolded protein aggregates in cancer cells, activating the unfolded protein response [36,37]. Collectively, we can see that some components of garlic function as blockers and regulators in the initiation and promotion stages of carcinogenesis. These components prevented carcinogens from being transported to organs and tissues by reducing active toxins or by inhibiting interactions with cellular macromolecules, such as DNA, RNA and proteins.

Moreover, garlic components also play important roles in the progression of carcinogenesis, in which cancerous cells are invasive and metastatic, showing the potential of immune evasion and uncontrolled growth. Evidence has shown that garlic caused a remarkable suppression of the proliferation of cultured cancer cells. Some studies have demonstrated that preincubation of sarcoma 180 cancer cells or Murphy-Sturm lymphosarcoma cells with diethyl thiosulfinate and thiosulfinate completely prevented cancer cells from developing tumors in animals [4,38]. The antiproliferative effects of garlic are also involved in the induction of apoptosis in cancer cells. There is more evidence showing that OSCs (DAS, DADS, and ajoene) significantly promoted cancer cell apoptosis, accompanied by increased DNA fragmentation and intracellular free-calcium, upregulation of p53 and Bax, and downregulation of Bcl-2 [39]. Apoptosis is commonly used as a valid target for cancer treatment in the clinic. Additionally, garlic has been shown to be useful in enhancing the immune response, which is helpful to decrease the risk of malignancy. Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) immunotherapy is superior to chemotherapy for bladder cancer. Notably, AGE was more effective than BCG in the treatment of transitional cell carcinoma in a mouse model [40]. AGE significantly inhibited the growth of S180 and LL/2 lung carcinoma cells transplanted into mice, increasing the activities of natural killer (NK) cells and lymphokine-activated killer cells [41]. The increased activities of these immune cells directly reflect stimulation of the immune response by garlic. A large number of studies have evaluated the anticancer effects of garlic mainly on cell cultures and animal models [[42], [43], [44]]. Although these studies provide encouraging results for cancer patients, truly active compounds involved in anticancer effects have not been fully discovered. The anticancer effects of garlic have been studied in humans but showed controversial results, as evident in Table 2. The limited results were based on a small sample of patients with different types of cancer. Adjustments for confounding factors such as chemotherapy, drugs, and diet were not performed in some studies. Due to the great heterogeneity of measurements of intake among case control and cohort studies, it is not possible to determine the minimum intake of garlic necessary to exhibit a protective effect. Remarkably, a published meta-analysis demonstrated a consistent inverse association between a high garlic intake and colorectal cancer [45]. 5. Therapeutic promises of garlic
Once tumor cells spread throughout the body, it is much more difficult to treat a patient's cancer. Compounds from garlic can also block several signaling pathways involved in cell migration and the differentiation of tumor cells. Allicin inhibited the TNF-α-mediated induction of VCAM-1 through blocking ERK1/2 and NF-κB signaling pathways and enhancing the interaction between ER-α and p65, leading to the suppression of invasion and metastasis of MCF-7 cells [46]. DADS suppresses FOXM1-mediated proliferation and invasion in osteosarcoma by upregulating miR-134 [47]. DATS treatment reduced the activity of Wnt/β-catenin, inducing apoptosis in colorectal cancer stem cells [48]. We thought that garlic components not only have functions in the stages of cancer chemoprevention but also have uncovered potency for cancer therapy.

In a recent study from our own lab, we found that a lethal model of mouse malignancy with sarcoma 180 cell implantation is completely cured by ip injection of raw garlic extract or by organic extract of raw garlic but not by oral gavage [7]. S180 cells exhibited metastasis to major organs near the peritoneal cavity [49]. This mouse model of malignancy is so aggressive that it has not been treated successfully by any existing chemotherapeutic reagent. Thus, the therapeutic efficacy of garlic extract injection can be considered highly unprecedented. All the treated and cured mice also showed no signs of any adverse side effects with a dose equivalent to fresh garlic wet weight of up to 1/150 of total body weight. This finding is highly surprising in that the difference in therapeutic effect between injection and ingestion of the same raw garlic preparation is so profound and definitive. To our knowledge, injection of raw garlic juice for treatment of cancer has not been reported in animal models or in humans, with a few exceptions of highly purified individual compounds. Most, if not all, studies were performed by taking garlic extracts or derivatives orally. Our data suggest that the phytochemicals of raw garlic do not have to go through the normal cells in the GI tract, and have an extremely high selectivity for killing cancer cells with exceptionally high efficacy and without any harmful effects on normal cells. It is therefore reasonable to think that the phytochemicals of raw garlic may specifically target one or more metabolic key points that are functional in normal cells but defective in cancer cells. These findings may open up new possibilities for cancer treatment by using a very ancient medicinal food with a new delivery route.

To date, few studies have explored the therapeutic properties of garlic in animal tumor models. Donald Lamm et al. was surprised by the intralesional effectiveness of AGE in the treatment of a bladder tumor mice model, which was comparable with BCG [40]. No adverse effects were observed in AGE-treated patients. The antioxidative or detoxification anticancer mechanisms of garlic cannot explain the suppression of sarcoma growth in tumor-bearing mice. Previous results highlighted the very large potential of garlic in cancer therapy, at least by acting on cancer cells directly [4,40]. In our study, the success of treatment on S180-bearing mice was only realized by ip injection but not by gavage. When garlic was taken by mouth as food, the therapeutic effect may be lost by going through the GI tract. Given that the truly active components of garlic involved in anticancer effects are unclear, the inconsistency or inefficiency of experimental results may be caused by the administration method or by the preparation process. Intraperitoneal or intravenous injection bypasses the metabolic pathways of GI tract epithelial cells, which is the most efficient method for delivering agents to cancer lesions [50]. Herpes treatment with fresh garlic extract has been patented in the United States. The document recorded that no notable or irreversible side effects were observed in a 70-kg person treated with 5 ml of pure garlic extract in 500 ml of normal saline by iv injection [51]. We also found that mice had no apparent morbidity or mortality effects under the same dose. It is expected that garlic and allium vegetables for cancer treatment require more experimental studies and clinical trials.

  1. Safety of garlic preparations
    Documenting the safety and effectiveness are crucial in evaluating drugs and dietary supplements used for health purposes. The efficacy and safety of garlic are also contingent upon the processing methods. Although there is no standard intake of garlic, German Commission E monograph (1988) suggested that a daily intake of 1∼2 cloves (approximately 4 g) of intact garlic is beneficial to human health. Commercial garlic preparations available on the market generally can be divided into four major types: fresh garlic, garlic oil, garlic powder and AGE. Although garlic has been demonstrated to be safe when acting as a condiment or complementary agent, it still needs to receive attention regarding safety. Three cautions should be noted for the usage of garlic: (1) allicin is one of the major irritants in raw garlic; (2) oil-soluble OSCs are more toxic than water-soluble OSCs; and (3) the toxicity of OSCs become greatly reduced as time goes on. Using enteric-coated garlic products, the intestinal linings were damaged, and the gut microflora were altered when allicin was directly delivered into the intestinal tract of rats [52]. Fresh garlic can lead to damage to the epithelial mucosal membrane [14]. AGE has relatively high safety, which has been demonstrated by various tests, including acute and subacute toxicity tests, teratogenicity tests, mutagenicity tests and chronic toxicity tests. Recent clinical trials confirmed that AGE was safe for patients on warfarin therapy when served as a complementary medicine [53]. The variety of garlic preparations on the market means diversity of the medical effects, implying that some preparations may have undesirable effects. The U.S. Pharmacopoeia and other organizations have developed a monograph to describe the procedure and specifications for AGE. The consumption of garlic preparations should be considered with their side effects, metabolism, synergistic interaction with drugs, interference with key enzymes, and influence on normal microflora. The guidelines of labels based on laboratory and clinical results would help consumers make informed decisions. Additionally, heating uncrushed garlic in the microwave or oven will reduce the anticancer effect of garlic [54]. This should be taken into consideration when preparing a pharmaceutical substance of fresh garlic.

  2. Conclusions
    Garlic has been demonstrated to exhibit anticancer activities via interfering with multiple stages of carcinogenesis. However, the nutritional or chemo-preventive roles of garlic go far beyond the notion that garlic has therapeutic effects against cancers. More rationally designed experiments and trials are required to explore the novel properties of garlic. It should be noted that preparation processing and administration methods may depress the anticancer effects of garlic when the effective components of garlic are isolated and analyzed. Please rewrite the article with this comprehensive information provided!

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Alexander Brosda
Holistic Wellness and Healing: Nurturing Mind, Body, and Spirit

In a world that is constantly moving at an unprecedented pace, the concept of holistic wellness and healing has gained significant traction. Holistic wellness is a philosophy that focuses on achieving overall well-being by addressing the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and spirit. It recognizes that these facets of human existence are deeply intertwined, and true wellness can only be attained when all aspects are in harmony. This approach to health goes beyond mere absence of disease, emphasizing the importance of proactive care, prevention, and a balanced lifestyle.

The Essence of Holistic Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit

Holistic wellness is built on the belief that health isn't solely about physical fitness, but encompasses mental, emotional, and spiritual health as well. It recognizes that when one aspect of our being is suffering, it can have a cascading effect on the others. For instance, chronic stress can lead to physical ailments, just as emotional turmoil can impact mental clarity. Therefore, nurturing each aspect is essential for overall wellness.

Physical Well-being: The Foundation of Holistic Wellness

Physical health is often the most tangible aspect of wellness, as it's easily observable. Regular exercise, a balanced diet, sufficient sleep, and proper hydration form the cornerstone of physical well-being. However, holistic wellness goes beyond these basics, encouraging people to listen to their bodies and address any discomfort or imbalances. It emphasizes practices like yoga, tai chi, and meditation, which not only enhance physical health but also promote mental and emotional well-being.

Mental and Emotional Well-being: Cultivating Inner Harmony

A calm mind and emotional resilience are integral to holistic wellness. Techniques such as mindfulness, meditation, and deep breathing help individuals manage stress, anxiety, and negative thought patterns. Holistic wellness encourages the exploration of one's emotions, seeking professional help if needed, and learning healthy coping mechanisms. By tending to mental and emotional health, individuals can enhance their overall quality of life and build healthier relationships.

Spiritual Nourishment: Connecting to a Higher Purpose

Spirituality doesn't necessarily denote religious affiliation. It refers to a sense of connection to something greater than oneself, whether it's nature, the universe, or a higher power. Engaging in activities that foster spiritual growth, such as spending time in nature, practicing gratitude, or engaging in creative endeavors, can contribute to a deep sense of purpose and contentment. This dimension of holistic wellness reminds us of the importance of finding meaning beyond the material world.

The Role of Holistic Healing Practices

Holistic healing practices encompass a wide range of approaches that support the mind-body-spirit connection. Some popular holistic therapies include:

Acupuncture: This traditional Chinese medicine practice involves inserting thin needles into specific points on the body to stimulate energy flow and restore balance.

Ayurveda: Originating in India, Ayurveda emphasizes balance through individualized diet, herbal remedies, and lifestyle practices.

Herbal Medicine: The use of plants and natural substances to promote healing and well-being, often based on traditional knowledge.

Energy Healing: Practices like Reiki and Qi Gong focus on balancing and harmonizing the body's energy fields to promote healing.

Holistic Nutrition: A personalized approach to diet that takes into consideration an individual's specific needs and aims to nourish the body from within.

Art and Music Therapy: Creative expressions like art and music can be therapeutic tools for emotional healing and self-discovery.

Mind-Body Therapies: Practices like chiropractic care, osteopathy, and massage therapy aim to align physical structures with mental and emotional states.

Embracing Holistic Wellness in Everyday Life

Incorporating holistic wellness into daily life doesn't require a complete overhaul; it's about making intentional choices that promote balance and vitality. Here are some steps you can take:

Practice Self-Care: Dedicate time each day to activities that bring you joy and relaxation, whether it's reading, taking a leisurely walk, or indulging in a hobby.

Prioritize Sleep: Ensure you're getting enough restorative sleep to support physical and mental rejuvenation.

Nourish Your Body: Opt for whole, nutrient-rich foods that provide the energy and nutrients your body needs to thrive.

Stay Active: Engage in regular physical activity that you enjoy, whether it's a workout, dance, or a sport.

Cultivate Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices into your routine, such as meditation or deep breathing, to manage stress and enhance awareness.

Connect Socially: Foster meaningful relationships that provide emotional support and connection.

Explore Your Spirituality: Engage in practices that resonate with your sense of spirituality, whether it's through meditation, prayer, or spending time in nature.

The Holistic Wellness Journey

Holistic wellness is a lifelong journey that requires ongoing self-discovery and mindful choices. It's about recognizing that well-being encompasses far more than physical health alone. By nurturing the mind, body, and spirit, individuals can experience a profound sense of balance, vitality, and fulfillment. As the world continues to evolve, the wisdom of holistic healing and wellness reminds us of the importance of tending to all aspects of our being for a truly harmonious and enriched life.

Alexander Brosda
The Art of Emotional Stress Release

In the fast-paced world we inhabit, emotional stress has become an unwelcome companion for many. The pressures of modern life, coupled with the challenges of work, relationships, and personal growth, can lead to overwhelming emotional turbulence. But amidst this chaos, lies the liberating practice of Emotional Stress Release — a journey towards tranquility, resilience, and self-discovery.

Understanding Emotional Stress:

Emotional stress, often caused by suppressed feelings, unresolved conflicts, or overwhelming situations, can take a toll on our overall well-being. It manifests not only in our minds but also affects us physically, affecting our sleep, energy levels, and even our immune system.

The Power of Emotional Stress Release:

Emotional Stress Release is more than just a temporary remedy; it's a holistic approach to managing and releasing accumulated tension. By acknowledging our emotions and allowing them to flow freely, we take a significant step towards healing. This practice encourages us to connect with our inner selves, fostering emotional intelligence and providing a powerful tool for personal growth.

Techniques for Emotional Stress Release:

Mindful Awareness: Begin by acknowledging your emotions without judgment. Be present in the moment, observing your feelings without trying to suppress or amplify them. Mindfulness cultivates a compassionate space where emotions can be felt without overwhelming us.


Writing down your thoughts and feelings can provide immense relief. Allow yourself to pour out your emotions onto the pages, enabling you to gain clarity and perspective.


Deep, intentional breathing helps release tension from both the mind and body. Try techniques like diaphragmatic breathing or alternate nostril breathing to calm the nervous system.

Physical Movement:

Engaging in physical activities such as yoga, dancing, or jogging can help release pent-up emotions through the body's natural movements.
Creative Expression: Channel your emotions into creative outlets like art, music, or even cooking. Expressing yourself artistically can provide a safe space for emotional release.

Seeking Support:

Sometimes, sharing our feelings with a trusted friend, family member, or professional can provide relief. Their support can offer a different perspective and remind us that we're not alone in our struggles.

Emotional Stress Release is a gentle yet powerful practice that empowers us to embrace our emotions rather than suppress them. By fostering a healthy relationship with our feelings, we pave the way for emotional healing and personal growth. Through techniques like mindful awareness, journaling, breathwork, and creative expression, we navigate the waves of emotional stress with grace, finding our path towards inner peace.

Remember, your emotions are valid, and you possess the strength to navigate through them. With the toolkit of Emotional Stress Release at your disposal, you can embark on a transformative journey towards a more balanced and harmonious life.

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