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Oracle Card Reading

$10 USD
$10 USD

Set your intention and join me for a 10-15 minute session. During our time together I will pull a card from The Starseed Oracle deck for you. This card pull is intented to help you receive the messages you are meant to hear.

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Kalamazoo, MI, USA

I am transformational coach who is passionate about helping others recognize their worth and see their inner light!

authenticity • balance • life design • spiritual evolution • communication

Meeting someone in the dark and working with them to find their light, is an honor that I handle with great care. I help others live their very best lives!

On Core Spirit since November 2020

Lisa Yoder
Power from Pain

Here’s the deal, life isn’t easy. Life isn’t fair. Life has a funny way of sneaking up and slapping you in the face as soon as you get too comfortable.

Let’s get real — this year has been painful for everyone. We are living in the midst of a pandemic that is taking the lives and livelihood from many people around the world.

If you are tired of reading about COVID-19 in a traditional sense, keep going to learn how this virus played an interesting role in my life.

Just before the pandemic hit the Midwest I had proudly opened the doors to a brand new business. A business that I began building nearly a year earlier after deciding to enter into a partnership with someone I had worked with for over a decade. We decided to leave the corporate world to build something new, and we introduced a healing outlet, or healing collective, to our community.

Despite many attempts to visit an actual bank, my partner was determined to finance the project. She promised that I’d be an equal partner, handling the customer-facing aspects of the business — given my extensive marketing background.

As with most relationships, the early days were fun. And then, each day that we got closer to opening our doors, I felt more like an employee and less like a partner. Every time I asked about the legal paperwork, documenting my stake in the company, it was always “in-progress”.

Money was spent without a team discussion, because the money was hers, and therefore I didn’t have a say. While she was spending thousands on chairs for our office, she failed to designate a marketing budget, leaving me to build a brand with only my skill and my network. Tempers shortened, and passive-aggressive comments and text messages became her way of communicating. I was in tears by 8:30am on the day that we opened the doors.

Despite the mental and emotional abuse, I believed in our vision and success. And trusted my friend and partner not to betray me.Seven weeks later, with solid opening numbers, we were forced to temporarily close the doors. And as the doors closed, my intuition opened. As my questions went unanswered and input was ignored, I knew something was wrong.

And wrong it was.

After many unanswered phone calls and only a few days of being closed, my partner called me to tell me that she couldn’t “pay me” and that I should find a job. Pay me? Job? Obviously, I was never a partner — just an over qualified and unpaid employee. She tried to spin it in a way that was saving me from the long-term pain of a small business in the face of a pandemic. But, I knew better. This was her opportunity to cut ties without having to own her decision.

My world began to crumble. Even though I was unhappy with our dynamic, I had spent more than a year of my life building this business. I declined executive leadership positions to be a part of something that was mine. And all the while, I was being played in a major way. She never intended on having a partner, and she used COVID-19 as her catalyst to fly solo.

On some level my inner knowing prepared me for this news, because although it was heartbreaking, I refused to let it break me. Instead, of falling into a victim mindset asking “how could this happen to me?”, I looked inward to ask, “what is this teaching me?”. By staying in that place, I became the victor.

I took time to explore my options. I took time to enjoy being safe at home, with my son. Although painful, I did the work. And every time I was tempted to get angry and spiteful, I chose to RISE.

Life is challenging all of us in different ways. And each of us has a choice every damn day. We can stay down and feel sorry for ourselves, or we can rise up, hold our heads high and walk with pride, as victors!

The next time life slaps you in the face and brings you to your knees, turn that pain into power and transform your life. It is your choice.

Always choose power!

Lisa Yoder
Life Brought You to Your Knees — And It’s Time to Get Back Up

7 ways to believe in yourself, again.

Life has a funny way of reminding us that this human experience isn’t easy. It finds ways to show us that we cannot recognize the light without witnessing the dark, and sometimes we fall. As Rumi says, “When life brings you to your knees, you are in the perfect position to pray.” And at some point, you need to get back up. This list should help you get started.

1. Accept the situation. For whatever reason, you are here. Look around. Feel everything. Breathe — and take the time to make peace with the circumstances. Denial will only waste your time. Because believe it or not, you have to take a good long look at where you are, one way or another.

2. Give yourself grace. Forgive yourself for any mistakes that you have made. Mistakes serve their purpose by way of teaching. Noticing the behavior was a mistake, is your signal that it is time to move forward. Let go of the past and focus on the future.

3. Stop turning away in fear. Instead, face it head on. Look that fear dead-in-the-face and take back your power.

4. Celebrate your strengths & success. Too often our past becomes clouded with things that hurt us. Start focusing on the wins and remind yourself of everything you’ve done and how far you’ve come.

5. Trust yourself. You are capable of great things. All of the answers, energy, and confident-vibes are with you now. You just need to unlock them. Take time to be with yourself, and begin to listen.

6. Be good to yourself. Talk to yourself the way you talk to the people you care about. Build yourself up the same way you do for a friend that is struggling. Motivate yourself with kindness and encouragement.

7. Let go and let life flow. Relax; stop trying to force and control things. Let life flow through and around you, and witness all of the gifts and rewards that life has to offer. Approach each day with an open heart and mind and trust that you are on your path.

Remember that every day is a new opportunity to start again. If you are struggling to find your confidence, consider working with a coach. Doing so will help you address, and remove, the blind spots that are preventing you from following the path to your best life! Stop looking back - it is time to move forward!

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patrick morrison b2mo ago

I was once a herpes patient but today I have finally got rid of it with the help of dr Zubby powerful herbal remedies.he is a great traditional doctor.you can also get your self cured totally and completely with this same Dr ZUBBY herbal remedy without any side effects stay safe natural products make me believe in herbal medicine work in human body I was dealing with herpes virus, erectile disfunction and small pen** size issue but i have been permanently cured by Dr Zubby natural herbs and roots all thanks to God all mighty who made it possible for me to find dr Zubby who permanently cured do you know I gain up to 11 inches long .. 4tims bigger than before...
Email dr.zubbysolutionhome@gmail.com

Website: drzubbysolutionhom.wixsite.com/website


Lisa Yoder2y ago

I am so glad you enjoyed the session. I apologize for not seeing the other comments, below. The system doesn't prompt practitioners when they've received comments or feedback. Wishing you the best!

Thanks I await your email, very positive.

Light therapy
Astar Elisa GhostSinger
Love Light Healing Intro
Light therapy
Astar Elisa GhostSinger
Love Light Healing
Oracle Cards Reading
Lisa Yoder
May 20, 2024, 14:00
Oracle Card Reading

I’ll keep th time I thought was for pm is 715 pst over here

Hi session hasn’t started yet you will get a email prior that session will begin just turned 26 it’s 12:19 not 7:15?

Hi doesn’t say if it’s am or pm?

Angel Healing
Astar Elisa GhostSinger
May 22, 2024, 10:00
Angelic Healing
Astar Elisa GhostSinger
May 22, 2024, 10:00

Hi I booked a appointment with you is their anything I need to know?

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