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Why Do We Age?

Aug 27, 2021
Reading time 3 min.

According to Wikipedia, the percentage of oxygen in the air is 20.95% at the present moment. In reality, it is much less, especially in heavily populated industrial areas. In some cities it’s 19%, and even 18%.

Very long time ago, Earth atmosphere had 28% oxygen in the air. People naturally lived as long as they wanted and didn’t age much. This high percentage of oxygen in the breathing air used to burn all the toxins in the cells of the body. There is an obvious connection between the percentage of oxygen in the air, toxins, and aging. This is the first main reason people on this planet age.

At present moment, toxins don’t get fully burnt during the metabolic process. They stay in the body and contribute to aging. The problem is, our organs can shut down completely from an overload of toxins. But they don’t, not just yet. Our magnificent body has a built-in intelligence mechanism. This mechanism gets to pick a lesser evil. So in this case, the lesser evil is taking part of the toxins out into the extracellular fluid (ECF) instead of shutting the affected organ down altogether.
Toxins are poisons that invade the ECF. Our body’s intelligence kicks in and retains extra fluids to wash the toxins out, the best it can. Hence, water retention and weight gain.

Fortunately, we can help the body burn toxins naturally, if we abstain from food once a week. Drinking water is okay during this 24-hour fast. While there is no intake of food, the body has the ability to do the necessary maintenance while our system is not busy digesting food. Food digestion takes up to 80% of our body’s energy. When this life-force energy is not wasted on trivial digestion process, our body can hurry up and clean the house. Toxins burn up during the 24-hour fast, and we start looking and feeling younger. Excess fat gets utilized as well, therefore weekly fasts are a natural weight-control mechanism.

The second reason is the built-in biological program we are born with. It includes the following stages: birth, maturity, reproduction, aging and death.
The third reason is the so-called “societal norms”, when we see old people out there who are crippled, achy, frail and tired. Our own subconscious mind compares people’s appearance to their age. It is busy doing that every second of the day. If we think that at 43 one ought to look a certain way, the subconscious will age us to the “appropriate” age, just so that we don’t stray too far from the ”norm”.

When a woman in her early to late thirties starts to experience her first signs of aging, she is very alarmed and concerned. So what is the first thing she does to remedy the situation? You guessed it! She runs to the local skin clinic. She will seek anything, anything at all, like micro-needling, microdermabrasion, peeling, laser treatments, plastic surgery, just to name a few. This woman will do it long enough to address the most conspicuous signs of aging, and when they are not as obvious she will settle down and relax again. And the process repeats itself over and over.

The bad thing is, the poor woman only goes after the physical reasons for aging and is completely oblivious to the fact that the subconscious mind is doing its own thing. One cannot fight the subconscious mind, it is said to be 1000-10000 times more powerful than the conscious mind.
So in this case in spite of all that effort on the person’s behalf to change the signs of aging, her subconscious mind will return her right back to where she started from. And will age her back to the “appropriate” way she “should” look at 43.

If the programs running in the subconscious mind are not deleted or reprogrammed, there is no hope for any change on the outside. Our physicality only follows what the subconscious mind dictates. The above-mentioned process is very similar to this analogy. When one tries to swim against the current, he or she will have a semblance of success, just for a minute. But then tired of fighting the unstoppable natural force, they will give in to the current and go with the flow.
However when you re-route the subconscious mind by changing the software in the computer (your mind), the current will automatically self correct. That’s exactly how it works with the subconscious!

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Bantu Chk3y ago

Wonderful !

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Larrissa Aawar
May 24, 2024, 17:00
This face rejuvenation practice happened spontaneously when I sat down to do some mental work to return my own energy back. I developed a technique that allowed me to do just that. All of a sudden, it started to transform into pleasant facial skin tightening and toning.
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The next morning I did not even think about what I was doing the night before, so I did not even look in the mirror trying to notice anything new. However when I got to work, my co-worker saw me coming in through the front door and gave me this "look".
She said to me: "Oh my God, what happened? You look 25...." I was in my mid-forties at the time, and did not believe her. I went to look at myself at the mirror, and was shocked. I DID LOOK 25!
You are probably wondering, how is it possible to turn back the time?
Here is the thing: our body remembers perfectly well all the developmental stages it went through. You can program it to go back to the desired time.
Your body can re-create the way your muscles, fascia, tendons, skeletal structure, and the fatty tissues once were. This is what happened to me. I felt the space around my face shifting and re-positioning itself. It was a very pleasant sensation of the skin tightening and all those deep layers under the skin re-grouping.
I stumbled on what I call the "Consciousness-based technology".
I have been utilizing this method on my many clients who achieved very similar results. Try it for yourself and be shocked, too!
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Spiritual Healing
Larrissa Aawar
May 24, 2024, 17:00
In my experience, most illness is a direct result of a certain entity (or entities) sucking the life out of the host not only creating ugly health problems but also completely draining the person. These are low vibratory parasites who operate in the "unseen" astral realm.
It is common to experience bodily aches and pains in the area of an entity attachment. These can feel like heart problems, organ failure, high blood pressure, energy depletion, bad eyesight, alcoholism, drug and porn addiction, inability to quit smoking, etc.
There is a myriad of entities that stay with a person and coax him or her to partake in the vices like smoking, drinking, drug abuse, porn, masturbation addiction, over-eating, etc., to name just a few.
Once removed from the client's energy structure, entity clearing is felt immediately, resulting in more freedom in the body, the disappearance of immediate aches and pains, increased energy, and elevated mood!
​Clearing bad energy & aura clearing will have you feeling like yourself again! Spirit attachments, especially negative spirit attachment, are very common and is part of routine Entity Clearing when I work with clients online or in person.
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Space clearing
Larrissa Aawar
May 24, 2024, 17:00

It is felt by many house inhabitants if the house has ghosts or spirits who have not crossed over. They might not want the property to be sold or rented and will banish all potential buyers or renters.

These entities could cause, either intentionally or unintentionally, a multitude of different emotional, mental, and physical problems. Poltergeist is just that: entities having a fit when they don't have things go their way.


The most common (and obvious) sign is when the property sits there for months and years and is not getting sold or rented. Another reason for that is some leftover emotional garbage that still remains inside the house or the lot. It is the residual negative energy left behind by the previous owners who lived in the house.

All of these things mentioned above will make it extremely difficult, at times next to impossible, to sell or rent out the property. The entities need to be banished, and the energetic negative residue needs to be cleared for the house to feel good to the potential buyers and renters.

I have a great deal of expertise when it comes to remote energy cleansing home & energetic house clearing.I will need several photos of the property plus the property address. The house energy clearing is done remotely, so the property owners do not need to be present for this to work.

The listing below is for a SINGLE (ONE TIME) Property Clearing procedure. This will clear your house/office of any negative entities and will remove the heavy dark energies. It will then be infused with loving Light energies which will be appealing to the prospective buyers/tenants and will make them want to buy or rent your property.

It is highly advised that the house energy clearing is done every time one buys a new home. Energetic house clearing, or house energy clearing, is a new holistic medicine approach applied to residential and commercial property. It is obvious that old houses need energetic house clearing because they've been lived in for so long. But what about new homes, do they need ​​​energetic house clearing as well?

The answer is "yes". New home energy clearing is necessary for the following reason: one never knows what kind of people were building the house, and what they might've left behind. This could be entities and dark dirty energy.

By registered users: 12
Spiritual Healing
Larrissa Aawar
May 24, 2024, 17:00
Off-the-planet civilizations like to butt in and use the people of this planet as a human battery source. They like to put all kinds of tracking devices, implants, and microchips into the bodies of human beings.
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It is not unlike the following scenario. Let's say, you purchased a battery for your MP3 player, used it for a couple of days, and then dumped it into a street dumpster. The next person walks and picks it up, and uses it for the rest of the battery life, for free.
Aliens possession is commonplace worldwide. During energy clearing sessions with clients, I hardly see one person who would not be possessed by a few off-planet alien civilizations. People of planet Earth are being used for physical & energy food by those low-vibratory civilizations.
They can still get away with this because we are practically blind: we can only see a small portion of broad-spectrum light, and they remain unseen to us for the most part.
With more light coming from the Great Central Sun, they have a harder time remaining unseen. That's why demonic circles that run the planet are in a hurry wreaking havoc before they are banished here for good. The Bible calls it the "Time of Reckoning".
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