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Crystal healing
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Crystal healing

Crystal healing
Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
35 Ewart St, Brighton BN2 9UJ, UK
Crystal Healing Course

Would you like to learn more about healing crystals and how to use them to enhance your life and to heal yourself and others?

In these two new courses you can learn all those skills and more:

Part 1

History of crystals and their use
Subtle anatomy of the aura and chakras
How they work with the body
Charging, cleansing and protecting crystals
Healing properties of crystals
How to use crystals for personal use – wearing, sleeping with
Different shapes of crystals
Meditations with crystals
Basic crystal layout
Crystals and the chakras
Platonic solids
Light language activations to the chakra set
Journeys with the spirits of the crystals

Part 1 is suitable for all those who are new to crystals but would like to learn more.

Part 2

Making crystal essences – incl how to use poisonous stones safely
Using crystals to clear energy of a room – ley lines
Use of wands in clearing chakras and re-aligning aura
Crystal grids
Crystals for home and office
Programming crystals
Choosing crystals for healing
Placing crystals on the body
Developing sensitivity
Crystal mandalas

Part 2 is suitable for those who have either completed part 1 or those who are already working with crystals. This course will truly deepen your connection to these elements of our natural world.

By registered users: 21
Crystal healing
Step Into Your Light - Christina Moore
May 23, 2024, 09:00
35 Ewart St, Brighton BN2 9UJ, UK
Crystal Healing

Crystal healing brings relief from everyday and deep rooted tensions leaving you feeling revitalised, relaxed with a greater amount of peace and harmony.

Crystal healing aims to restore a sense of wholeness, harmony and also to balance your body's energy systems. As your energy system rebalances it creates balance in other layers of the body. Crystals can also be used to repair damage to the chakras and aura and remove energetic blockages.

Crystals are a gift from the earth, and galaxy, to us and have been used for healing since ancient times by many different cultures. Crystals that we use have originated from all over the earth, and also from outer space in the form of meteorites.

Crystals are powerful transmitters of energy. Every type of crystal has a different energy and works with the body in a unique way. By choosing the right crystals and placing them on the body, crystal healing has a wonderful and restorative effect on the body's energy.

The structure of a crystal vibrates with energy in a very ordered pattern and when placed on the body this vibration creates order within your own structure - your body.

Crystal healing is an holistic therapy, which means that the focus is on you as a whole, rather than on your physical symptoms alone. After all health is a holistic state.

A session may involve using chakra stones, platonic solids and other crystals placed on and around the body, thus creating a grid of energy all around you, which interacts lovingly with your energy system creating a healthy flow of energy within us.

Crystal Healing also complements other forms of therapy and may be combined with Reiki and  Pellowah

Sessions last 1 hour.

By registered users: 11
Crystal healing
Brett J Kinsman-Daw
May 23, 2024, 09:00
I will carry out remote crystal healing

Hello and welcome to my service on Crystal Healing. As someone who sees spirit and of whom is attuned to crystals and their healing properties I have been honing my skills on carrying out Crystal healing.

Each of the sessions will focus around using the power of my own Crystal Grid and selection of crystals to send healing energies to you to help heal you as a whole.

This is to provide general support and healing.

For more focused healing energies and more powerful services please see what else I have to offer.

By registered users: 15
Crystal healing
Vivien S. Schapera
May 22, 2024, 14:30
9456 Towne Square Ave, Blue Ash, OH 45242, USA
Alexander Technique, Energy Healing and Crystal Healing

Clients get instruction in the Alexander Technique as well as Energy Healing and Crystal Healing as indicated for the presenting condition.

The Alexander technique teaches improved posture and movement, which is believed to help reduce and prevent problems caused by unhelpful habits. During a number of lessons you're taught to be more aware of your body, how to improve poor posture and move more efficiently.

Crystals emit positive, uplifting, energizing, and calming vibrations that help you achieve a more peaceful mind and a revitalized physical state of being.

By registered users: 25
Crystal healing
Sara Dessau Lopez
May 22, 2024, 13:00
Womb Clearing Session

💫. Receive a womb clearing distance healing session to support you with feeling more energized, healthy, and balanced. The healing session will feel like gifting yourself with a bouquet of your favorite flowers.

💫. You will be tuning into your lunar wisdom and feminine power that comes from your creative center, your womb. Your womb is an energy center of feeling that holds all of your emotions. If you’ve had a hysterectomy the energy of your womb is still there and the work will be powerful.

💫. I’m a Certified Hormone Specialist who is passionate about seeing women restore a sacred connection with their womb.

Energetic cords that are not serving you will be cut and reiki will be sent to both any past events and for the highest good of your future self. 💫. I will do a crystal grid healing for your sacral (second) chakra with quartz crystals and pink opal. Pink opal is all about becoming aware of your feelings, understanding them, and letting go of old emotional wounds.

💫. The clearing and activating of your womb will help attract what you desire by energizing your womb as a creative center. I may pick a card from the Rosita Arvigo deck to share an inspiration quote. She brought Mayan Abdominal Massage to the West.

💫. Women’s bodies are 55% water and our wombs need plenty of pure, filtered water every day so please hydrate well before and during your session. If you fall asleep that is perfectly fine and the healing energy will still be just as strong.

By registered users: 28
Crystal healing
Ana Laura Pino
May 22, 2024, 17:00
30 Kincora Glen Park NW, Calgary, AB T3R 1V3, Canada
Intention Layout

In a crystal intention layout session, we’ll work on a special focused intention crystal layout along with other healing techniques to re-align energetic frequencies,re-tune emotions, and/or remove possible energetic blockages. This therapy allows for soul learning, healing, personal and spiritual growth. We’ll create a crystal healing plan focusing on the intention of your choice and needs. You’ll also receive a digital image of your layout for you to keep close and continue/expand the healing process.

It is a beautiful and powerful experience that allows you to work on improving your health, personal growth, spiritual and emotional journey, keep up with your self care, energetic hygiene, and much more.

Some suggested layouts:

Abundance & Prosperity | Grounding Protection | Relaxation Release | Self-Love & Compassion | Gaia Healing | Manifestation | The Seer | Transmuting Shield.

Crystals are wonderful high frequency energy tools and gifts from Mama Gaia with different vibrations, that assist us in retuning and balancing our energetic fields. They can increase and enhance our wellbeing, offer us guidance, help us balance our emotions and much more.

~ Let me share their Blessings with you ~

*I’m is also fluent in Spanish if you would prefer to have your session in your native language.

By registered users: 8
Crystal healing
Steff Pitman
May 23, 2024, 09:00
Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. It involves realignment of energetic frequencies, removes emotional & energetic blocks while allowing for soul learning, healing and spiritual growth. It assists in all areas; energetic imbalances can end up manifesting as physical ailments or emotional issues. Our session will help support you in areas you feel made need some support.

By registered users: 12
Crystal healing
Vivien S. Schapera
May 22, 2024, 14:30
9456 Towne Square Ave, Blue Ash, OH 45242, USA
Remote Crystal Healing and Crystal Surgery Sessions

Powerful remote healing sessions by an experienced practitioner via audio connection. Geographic location has no impact on the quality of this service.

By registered users: 8
Crystal healing
Steff Pitman
May 23, 2024, 09:00
Crystal Healing

Crystal healing is deeply relaxing and rejuvenating. It involves realignment of energetic frequencies, removes emotional & energetic blocks while allowing for soul learning, healing and spiritual growth. It assists in all areas; energetic imbalances can end up manifesting as physical ailments or emotional issues. Our session will help support you in areas you feel made need some support.

By registered users: 10
Crystal healing
Ana Laura Pino
May 22, 2024, 17:00
Light Language Activation

~ First of all, what is light language?

To me, Light Language is a channeled sacred-geometry cosmic language of sound and light/energy. It speaks directly to the soul, expanding all the senses. It is not meant to be translated or “understood”, but rather interpreted by the heart, it is to be felt and experienced, as it transcends all limiting concepts and beliefs.

It is a high vibration too, very powerful and activating. It helps us access information and move through higher and different energetic realms of consciousness, to integrate, shift, and ascend. It helps us get into alignment, opening our hearts and raise our vibrations, as our physical and energetic bodies (specially our DNA) respond beautifully to it.

Light language can be channeled through writing, visions, spoken sounds/words, and many other forms.

I’ve been channeling Light Language in the form of Light Codes* for some years, and have recently started to allow my body to “speak it”.

(*What is a Light Code?

They’re sacred “symbols” of light and geometric structures, that anchor higher energy frequencies of light in our planet and souls. They work on a soul and cellular level, to communicate a message, and help us activate / awaken our DNA.)

All of these being said, in a Light Language Activation session, along with crystal healing techniques, I’ll channel light language for your personal and spiritual growth, healing, soul learning and ascension journey.

After the session, you’ll receive a PDF version of any light codes / light language that
may have come during our time together.

From this session you have the option to order:
- Your “Custom Journey Crystal Grid” from your personal light code. To book/order them together, please send me a message after booking this session, and I’ll send you a special 20% off coupon to order the Custom Journey Grid through my store. (visit my website for more info)


This ceremony can be done online/long distance too ~ Please send me a message after booking and I’ll send you all the details.

~ I’m is also fluent in Spanish if you would prefer to have your session in your native language.

By registered users: 3
Crystal healing
Evonne Perfect
May 22, 2024, 13:00
Personalized Crystal Class

Are you curious about crystals? Do you wonder which ones would be focused on your needs? How to pick a good one when there are so many? Don't get lost in your crystal store or dreams. I will help you to understand your concerns, give you background information on popular crystals, and direct you towards which crystals will be focused on your needs.

Remember all uses I cite are always based upon traditional uses and my hundreds of hours of education on crystals, spirituality, and Yoga.
What is a grid? What are the differences in rough cut or tumble or even what are the differences in the shapes and how to work with them? I will address this and more in our one on one class.
I will send you a report on the class fir you to keep, a grid, and even a suggested meditation for you to work with and connect to your crystals called "Crystal Garden".

See you in this Master Class.

By registered users: 9
Crystal healing
Evonne Perfect
May 22, 2024, 13:00
Personalized Crystal Class

I will work with you and connect you with the crystals to help you achieve your focus.
You will understand a simple grid set up and know what to obtain and how to place them on yourself or on a layout or a combination of both.
I like my clients to be able to lead the direction of the class so they can gain the insight they are looking for.
After the class, I will send over notes with detailed information on the crystals and the things we discussed so they can be referenced at any time.
I do ask that you keep the insights to yourself since they are case specific.
Let me help understand the world of crystals in this brief but focused session. It is a great way to start your crystal journey knowing what you need and not floating around buying items that may not be as successful together.

By registered users: 6
Crystal healing
Evonne Perfect
May 22, 2024, 13:00
Personalized Crystal Session and Class

I love to improve the lives of those around me. In this package we will focus on the use of Crystals and Chakras. The other healing modalities will be touched upon as time permits or based upon your questions. You get a healing session and Yogic routine. In addition, I send the audio meditation written for you with your intentions along with a written report on Crystals, Crystal layouts, Yoga poses and Chants to establish your goals. Let me explain briefly how I approach your situation.

One part is I am an intuitive Healer who relies on divine guidance. Angels and their input is a part of my system. Gabriel has been appearing to me since as long as I can remember. Being Empathic and Clairempathic are two of the results of the interactions with the Angels.

The second aspect is Yoga and Chakra balancing. Let me teach you specific Yoga poses that nurture your gifts, welcome harmony and abundance into your life.

The Meditations that I write are very detailed as well as inspiring. I believe you can reprogram your brain and create your world by encouraging different thought patterns. Examples of my written meditations are weight loss, overcoming obstacles, overcoming loss, and encouraging self confidence. I take you to your higher self with guided meditations. It is a beautiful process of healing.

Crystals help us the align with different frequencies that we might be missing. Each crystal has its own energetic force. We are energy as are all things and thoughts. I believe crystals help to welcome earth energy and certain angels respond to them. Yoga teachings that I have had value the addition of crystals in mediation, yoga practice and just wearing them. Grids are geometric approaches that have been used for centuries as healing modalities.

I own a crystal store where you can shop at a discount to obtain items that donates profits to charity.

2nd Level Reiki and my use of singing bowls or sound therapy is another approach I use depending upon the needs you have or your interests.

I am an experienced Healer and Yogi, let's bring in the sunshine if a magical smile found in you.

Testimonials are available.

By registered users: 9
Crystal healing
Saumya Rawal
May 23, 2024, 03:30
Phone counseling

One on one phone counseling.
To help individual get a clarity and a complete vision of things.

By registered users: 11
Crystal healing
Vivien S. Schapera
May 22, 2024, 14:30
Crystal Healing and Crystal Surgery Courses

Online free, introductory and advanced training in crystal healing and Crystal Surgery for all levels of interest. Certification courses coming in 2021.

By registered users: 10
Crystal healing
Judy Fenton
May 23, 2024, 11:00
Shrewsbury SY1, UK
Reiki Crystal & Energy Healing

I am a gifted Intuitive Energy Healer using a variety of different modalities from Reiki, Angelic, Crystals, Crystal singing bowls and tuning forks.

By registered users: 2