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Emotional Stress Release
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Emotional Stress Release

Emotional Stress Release
Linda Sauve
May 7, 2024, 14:00
Discovery call: I want what she's having

Get clear on the issues you want to change with a simple plan.

Please allow up to an hour for our call by Internet in order to go deep into the problem, issue, pain or situation you are ready to address.

A short questionnaire will need to be filled out and returned at least 24 hours before our meeting in order for me to prepare and give you the best outcome possible.

In this meeting you'll realize what has been holding you back from pursuing your goals,
• Leave with actionable recommendations,
• Use a simple & effective process to relax and feel good,
• Decide if we are a good fit to work together.

By registered users: 38
Emotional Stress Release
Almora, Uttarakhand, India
Retreat( India): Connect With Your Inner Wisdom 1st to 4th Sept

Join us for an immersive experience anchored amidst the beauty and tranquillity of Kasar Devi, Almora, India

1st Sept'22 ( Thursday) - 4th Sept 2022 ( Sunday )
Kasar Devi, Almora, Uttarakhand, India

Kasar Devi is one of the only three places on this planet under the impact of highly charged geomagnetic fields that come within the Van Allen Belts discovered by NASA.

About your expereince:
A relaxing self-exploratory retreat to re-ignite the connection with yourself. Use the power of meditative practices to gain a deeper understanding of your motivations, strengths, and emotional triggers to navigate life with clarity and energy. Spend your time in grounding yoga and meditation sessions, get guided through anti-anxiety techniques, and eat healthy, clean food created with love.

Day 1 · Kasar Devi
Arrive in Kasar Devi
Check-in at Kasar Jungle Resort
Introduction and intention setting ceremony

Day 2 · Kasar Devi (Theme: Making Space for Inner Wisdom)
Morning practice (daily movement and breath work)
Cathartic meditation, reflective exercise, and group activation
Free time to rest
Kundalini meditation and learning tools to ease anxiety
Visit Kasar Devi Temple
Night satsang followed by yoga nidra

Day 3 · Kasar Devi (Theme: Staying Connected)
Morning practice (daily movement and breath work)
Inner child guided meditation and reflective exercise
Free time to rest
Self-awareness workshop and Mandala Art Therapy
Self-reflection time
Cacao ceremony and intuitive dancing

Day 4 · Departure (Theme: Where Do We Go From Here?)
Wrap-up ceremony including forest bathing
Closing and feedback
Check-out of accommodation
Transfer to airport
Journey ends

Double Occupancy 800 USD
Single Occupany 920 USD

By registered users: 25
Emotional Stress Release
Tamar Viva
May 7, 2024, 00:00
Creatrix® Breakthrough

This is a revolutionary process, SPECIALLY designed for women. You will be able to clear your most depeest BLOCKS and limiting beliefs. 

This is the only tool out there that works not only for an OUTOME, it also GUARANTEES your results.

We wil work together until your achieve your results.

I have practice and studied many different modalities out there, from root cause therapy, counselling, couching, breathwork, reiki, tapping, energy healing, trauma therapies, YET there was always something that was still there. I have found this to be the only tool that takes you as deep as clearing and healing at a GENE level. It breaks through generations of supression, trauma, negative beliefs, patterns, negative emotions from the ROOT and it gives you FAST and LONG LASTING results like I have never experienced before.

Your emotional and mental blocks can be removed with CREATRIX®.

It helps you bring out your inner learnings about the blocks. Then, it re-codes and changes the way you react to that event or emotion so you can RECREATE what you want and dream, without the mental and emotional blockages. It sets you FREE from them.

By registered users: 17
Emotional Stress Release
Martin Lowndes
May 6, 2024, 08:00
Holistic Counselling for Depression

Are you struggling with depression? Are you struggling with negative thoughts and low moods? Would you like to become clearer about your gifts, purpose and direction in life?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, Holistic Counselling can help you.

The type of counselling I offer is a holistic, solution-based approach that takes into account mind, body, energy body, lifestyle and soul.

It goes beyond traditional counselling to guide you through a powerful toolkit of healing practices.

Here are some tesimonials from my clients.

> Martin's guidance has helped lift me out of the darkness of situations, shedding light, allowing a sense of clarity to move forward. Eternal gratitude to you Martin.

Pamela Sunderland

> Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being.

Leila Al-Baldawi

> Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance.

Rosemary Lowndes

> I feel so blessed to have met Martin. Martin has helped me with inner child work so much. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. We have done regression hypnotherapy and heart chakra opening meditation sessions as well; I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call hime Archangel Martin because of his special powers. I would highly recommend him wholeheartedly for all types of counselling, hypnotherapy, and his meditation programmes are simply extraordinary.

Bernadette Pal

What we focus on is down to you. I am here to meet you where you're at. I listen from a place of acceptance, non-judgement and intuition.

This can help you heal, let go of depression and find more joy in your life.

I am looking forward to meeting you in our session.

Warm regards,


By registered users: 19
Emotional Stress Release
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 6, 2024, 04:00
Want to lose weight? Love your body first! (breakthrough session)

This coaching session is for you if you

✔️ Struggle with weight loss (diet, exercise programmes)
✔️ Feel shame and uncomfortable in your body (or hate certain parts of your body)
✔️ Feel unworthy/unlovable until you have perfect body
✔️ Want to understand the ROOT CAUSE of your body’s need to store fat
✔️ Want to HEAL the emotional causes of being over-weight
✔️ Want to change your relationship to food
✔️ Want to learn to LOVE, accept and honor your body the way it is as you make healthier choices and positive changes regarding your health

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!

Love, Arevik

P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

By registered users: 11
Emotional Stress Release
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 6, 2024, 04:00
Heal after Break up or Divorce ( heart-break, infidelity )

This healing session is for you if you

✔️ Want to heal and release the pain of your past relationships so that you can feel ready to embrace a NEW HEALTHY RELATIONSHIP
✔️ Have been emotionally abused in your past relationship (feel the victim of gaslighting, narcissistic, dysfunctional behavior or your partner was not emotionally available)
✔️ Have cheated on your partner or have been cheated on
✔️ Are going through a break-up, divorce, life crisis
✔️ Have found out that your ex moved on right after your relationship ended
✔️ Tend to attract emotionally unavailable people or people who ghost you
✔️ Tend to constantly over-deliver and please your partner at the cost of your own needs

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

By registered users: 27
Emotional Stress Release
Kerstin Kramer
May 6, 2024, 20:00
Waterloo, ON, Canada
Emotional Clearing Session

I offer remote balancing & clearing sessions that utilize advanced methods of long-distance energy work, which allow me to tune into exactly the issues that need healing in your body and your body's energy.

In these sessions I am working with your energy field, so there is no need to meet me in person for a session. I work remotely with your Higher Self and Divine Inner Self, in order to swiftly balance and clear out energetic blockages. This facilitates a shift of your energy into a state of greater peace and freedom and divine alignment.

Most people experience a noticeable shift after their very first session, although I recommended starting with two sessions with two to four weeks in between. Afterwards clients book monthly sessions, and a few even book weekly sessions for maintenance.

I will take notes during the session, which will give you an overview over which blockages were cleared. Any additional insights that are provided to me during the session will be added as well. I will deliver in a Word document upon completion of your session!

By registered users: 19
Emotional Stress Release
Tanaya Vaidya
May 7, 2024, 03:30
Stress Management

Stress management is a wide spectrum of techniques and psychotherapies aimed at controlling a person’s level of stress, especially chronic stress, usually for the purpose of and for the motive of improving everyday functioning

By registered users: 11
Emotional Stress Release
Alice Palombella
May 6, 2024, 18:00
Remote, OR 97458, USA

Emotions and thoughts are energies.

These Energies have different qualities, different vibrations and produce different effects on our psyche.

The technique used to work on such energies is called Pranic Psychotherapy .
This healing method is absolutely effective in preventing, alleviating, and treating psychological ailments such as depression, anxiety, stress, traumas, phobias, and addictions.

Careful observation and years of research showed that the energies of different ailments are locked into different energy centers. As a Pranic Psychotherapy Healer, I extract and disintegrate the unwanted energies and cleanse the Chakras affected. After a thorough cleaning of your Energy Centers I proceed to energize them with fresh Prana and implement powerful thought-forms to help you counteract the old patterns that no longer serve you.

Prior to each session, we will schedule a complementary consultation call in order to assess your situation, address your concerns, and devise the best way to move forward. During the call you will be given instructions on how to prepare for the Healing Session and guidelines on how to keep your Aura (energy body) clean and strong even after the Healing.

By registered users: 23
Emotional Stress Release
Amanda Hicks
May 7, 2024, 09:00
United Kingdom
Twinflame/soul alignment coaching session

You are human consciousness and your vibration determines your daily experience.
In my sessions, I offer a listening, compassionate ear and insight. I give you daily energetic techniques to help you clear limited subconscious blocks, work on your self acceptance and clear your emotional body to raise your vibration.
These techniques have been proven to:
End panic attacks for good,
Clear depression,
Release writers block,
Release subconscious or conscious fear,
Shift limited beliefs,
Release financial blocks,
Open up your intuition,
Open you to inspiration,
Align with love,
Align with your soul purpose,
Raise your vibration &
Align with your higher self.

By registered users: 9
Emotional Stress Release
Sue Dawson
May 7, 2024, 12:00
Breathe-Embody-Feel-Learn - Move- Connect

I coach an integral practice of movement, bodywork, energy work, meditation to help you feel freer and easier in all aspects of life. Working together to release stress and tensions via Mind Body Soul
One to one Zoom Sessions

By registered users: 12
Emotional Stress Release
Paulina Valenzuela
May 6, 2024, 13:00
Coaching through Email / Video

I will listen to you with an open mind, you can freely express yourself with me, take your feelings and emotions out of you by talking with someone who will truly listen, and i will give you an spiritual advice, i will help you get more balance and i will guide you depending on how i perceive you.

I am here to listen and to guide you if you feel lost or if you just want someone to speak with to feel better.

The conversation could be by email or in video, as you wish, you are the one who decides, you can ask for advice, opinion, and self help.

If you decide to go by mail the price includes 5 mails! (5 you and 5 me)

I look forward to help you feel better :)

By registered users: 5
Emotional Stress Release
Edward Anthony
May 6, 2024, 23:00
Harmonize the Five (5) Elements

Most often symptoms derive from an emotional or mental imbalance that presents a physical illness or stress-like impediment. The mental and emotional is overlooked in modern medical diagnosis. This unique healing blessing transforms health, relationships, and finances. Depending on your situation, circumstances, and presenting problem, we will reduce or eliminate the karmic blockages, as appropriate, to result in a favorable outcome, and create a meaningful result.

By registered users: 12
Emotional Stress Release
Ginnah Siani
May 8, 2024, 15:00
Freedom from Stress and Anxiety

Tapping is powerful for treating stress as it specifically targets your amygdala and hippocampus- our personal alarms - EFT interrupts the stress response and relaxes the entire energy system. It easily transforms old, outdated beliefs and responses. This deactivates the triggers that cause the stress response and puts your system back into neutral. EFT can reduce the stress hormone cortisol by 63% & increases positive emotions, such as hope and enjoyment.
3 session $135

By registered users: 9
Emotional Stress Release
Tara Drake
May 6, 2024, 11:00
Guided Relaxation and Sound Bath

Our session will begin with a guided relaxation to direct awareness inward to calm and relax the nervous system.

You will then blanket yourself with the healing power of sound therapy. This meditative practice will leave you feeling rejuvenated and more balanced! Different frequency of sound opens certain restorative energy points in our bodies to promote healing.

By registered users: 7
Emotional Stress Release
Kasia Patzelt
May 7, 2024, 07:00
Breathwork for Trauma Release

Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release (BBTRS) is a powerful way of releasing tension and frozen energy from your body. It works on all levels: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. During the session you may experience different kinds of emotions: sadness, fear, anger but also joy and bliss. After an hour of deep connected breathing you will feel more free, relaxed and relieved than in a long time. Each session includes Coaching.

By registered users: 6
Emotional Stress Release
Louise Hallam
May 7, 2024, 14:00
Emotional release session

This is for you if you’ve got a single issue that comes around to bite you every time.

Maybe you constantly worry about what people think about you or you never feel good enough because you weren’t given any praise as a child or you felt like a burden to your parents.

You get tongue-tied in meetings or go bright red when someone doesn’t understand you. You find yourself in the same destructive relationship patterns.

No matter what you do, it always stops you from moving forward and you find yourself thinking “here we go again”. You’ve felt stuck for years. You’re embarrassed because someone at your level shouldn’t feel like this. You have to work hard to cover it up and it’s exhausting. You’ve been known to cry in the toilets because you’re so frustrated.

It might be that thing that gives you stomach lurching anxiety or grips you with fear every time you have to do it. You’re not alone and it’s not just you.

There is nothing wrong with you and you didn’t create this problem for yourself. Let me take away the burden of being stuck in an emotional cycle so that you can move beyond the limitations it has created.

By registered users: 12
Emotional Stress Release
Jena Hinds
May 7, 2024, 18:00
30 minute Emotion Code

This is a 30 minute emotion code session.

Emotion Code release is a way to clear an emotion that may be causing a pain or emtotion in your body. A session would start with a questionniare of what is going on in a clients life or what hurts on the client. The practioner would then use a releasing techniuque to help clear that emotion and to help alleviate that pain or emotion.

By registered users: 11
Emotional Stress Release
Psyched Brain Pvt. Ltd.
May 5, 2024, 23:00
Online Counseling/Therapy Services

We are the company that deeply understands the important value of counseling and therapy sessions for our beloved users, let it due to personal issues, boss troubles, or career problems. Our best mentors, counselors, and advisors, are all well versed in untangling complicated human emotions and offering emotional first aid without any bias or judgments.

By registered users: 5
Emotional Stress Release
Tabassum Supti
May 7, 2024, 03:00
I will help you with your Emotions

Do you ever feel alone and wish there was someone there to help you and listen? Do you struggle with life and don't know what to do? Do you have goals you want to reach but you just can't motivate yourself? Yes you are in right place. I can help you with that! I enjoy listening to others and help guide them with empathy and no judgment.

I will help you with:

-Self motivation
-Feeling depressed
-Dealing with hardship
-Find your passion
-Cope through Relationship
-Cope through social issues
-Finding positivity
-Deal with Anxiety
-Deal with stress
-Help with a healthy lifestyle

In life there are so many different ways to solve problems. Come to take a chance with me and let us make your life better together! Hope to see you soon. Don't hesitate to contact me. I am here to help you!

By registered users: 3
Emotional Stress Release
Chloe Mepham
May 6, 2024, 09:00
Mindset Meeting

Work towards improving emotional intelligence and stress management with a Certified Life Coach.

Learn to take back control of your emotions to achieve your potential. Don't let your emotions control you.

Achieve beyond your expectations!

By registered users: 29
Emotional Stress Release
Apoorva LOCHAN
May 7, 2024, 06:30
Handling Stress & preventing Burnout

The distinction between the real and virtual world gets increasingly blurred, due to a fast paced life, leading to a high levels of stress, that imposes a heavy burden on the Mental health. The constantly weakening mental health eventually leads to the candle burning at both the ends and an eventual Burnout.

If you are already there or can see yourself heading down that slippery slope, then these sessions are for you.

You shall have a better understanding of: Stress, the damage it is causing you, how to undo the damage done and how to prevent further damage in the future.

By registered users: 7
Emotional Stress Release
Ryan Light, Emotional Coach
May 6, 2024, 16:00
1-on-1 Coaching is a personalized program designed to give rapid change

These 1-on-1 Anxiety Coaching sessions are for clients who want more of a personal touch and are not necessarily excited about group sessions or for those that want to start emitting change as quickly as possible.

- 1-on-1 personalized 65-minute anxiety coaching session*
- Resources tailored to meet your personal needs
- A plan for continuation in between sessions
- Direction and strategy for continued healing

By registered users: 11