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Guided Meditation

Guided Meditation
Michael Smith
May 22, 2024, 05:00
[Fullprice] 1-on-1 Coaching: Experience The Enlightened Self

During this 60 minute 1-on-1 coaching session, you are paying for my undivided attention, not the onset of Enlightenment, which is freely available on my website via a prerecorded audio instructional.

My recommendation is to experience the proof of a truly Enlightening Experience of Freedom, first; then book direct coaching, should you feel the need for an in depth and personalized clarification as to how this experience can be embodied in every moment of your waking life.

Otherwise, leave a review and continue to practice it daily, before getting too involved in the day.

The result of sufficient understanding, which can happen intuitively with patient self-inquire, or rapidly with direct coaching is the ongoing experience of peace, love and joy; plus the removal of all doubt & sorrow as you progress through your own sanctification unto full Liberation.

At present, I do have a book in the works that will clarify 100% of what needs to be known to secure Enlightenment for the average person, but that work will not be readily available until later this year (2022).

I look forward to directly introducing you to The Kingdom, within.

Hallelujah, forevermore.


By registered users: 19
Guided Meditation
Michael Smith
May 22, 2024, 05:00
888 Jack Rd, Clayton, NC 27520, USA
[Discounted] 1-on-1 Coaching: Experience The Enlightened Self

During this 60 minute 1-on-1 coaching session, you are paying for my undivided attention, not the onset of Enlightenment, which is freely available on my website via a prerecorded audio instructional.

My recommendation is to experience the proof of a truly Enlightening Experience of Freedom, first; then book direct coaching, should you feel the need for an in depth and personalized clarification as to how this experience can be embodied in every moment of your waking life.

Otherwise, leave a review and continue to practice it daily, before getting too involved in the day.

The result of sufficient understanding, which can happen intuitively with patient self-inquire, or rapidly with direct coaching is the ongoing experience of peace, love and joy; plus the removal of all doubt & sorrow as you progress through your own sanctification unto full Liberation.

At present, I do have a book in the works that will clarify 100% of what needs to be known to secure Enlightenment for the average person, but that work will not be readily available until later this year (2022).

I look forward to directly introducing you to The Kingdom, within.

Hallelujah, forevermore.


This $10 service is only applicable if you consent to allowing me to record the meditation and conversation so as to use it as content in later publications. If you do not consent, please select the alternative, $150 option.

By registered users: 22
Guided Meditation
Dina Omar
May 20, 2024, 18:00
Meditation For Acceptance

During the past few months, many of us have experienced an incredible volume of emotions in such a relatively short amount of time. Not unlike the stages of grief, we’ve gone through a process of shock, anger, and depression, along with plenty of uncertainty and anxiety thrown in there for good measure.

But there comes a point in all situations where we have to decide if we’re going to dwell on the past (pre-COVID) or accept the situation that we’re in and move forward. In moments like this – when we have very little control or choice – radical acceptance can be a transformative skill to utilize.

Acceptance allows us to be autonomous, because when we accept that situations are out of our control, we allow ourselves to cope and we free ourselves from the pressures of trying to resolve situations we cannot change. Coming to terms with reality helps us move on from uncontrollable situations and take charge of our future actions. In doing so, our mood regulates, our bodies de-stress, and we feel uplifted.

Acceptance involves letting go of the desire to protest and force change. Meditation can help recognize feelings in the present, learn to appreciate the moment, view experiences more compassionately, and consciously allow things to be as they are.

By registered users: 8
Guided Meditation
Thara Wild
May 20, 2024, 06:00
Grounding Excerices

Grounding Excerises help to ground your energy into the present moment. It teaches you mindful awareness and about how to sit in your energy better. It helps to teach you what to do when you want to heal and what to do when the healing it too intense and you need a break. It also helps you to learn how to ground and heal others and your space from a distance.

By registered users: 32
Guided Meditation
Matthew Anthony DeRubertis
May 20, 2024, 13:00
Private Meditation Session

It is my aim to help you build a meditation practice that works for you.

At first, meditation can feel intimidating to approach. I'm here to make it simple by giving you a clear path to incorporating meditation into your daily life, and experiencing the numerous benefits.

In a guided meditation session, we will:

  • Spend a little time getting to know eachother
  • Talk about how to approach meditation
  • Actually do a guided meditation together!

You will come away from the session with a practice created specifically for you to help create more harmony in YOUR life.

I look forward to working together!

By registered users: 22
Guided Meditation
Lora Velichkova
May 20, 2024, 07:00

Breathing exercises, which can help you cope with stress and begin to change your old patterns.

By registered users: 6
Guided Meditation
Lora Velichkova
May 20, 2024, 07:00
Meditation about connecting to others
  • tonglen buddhist practice


  • deeper connection to others
  • sending love towards others
  • empathy towards collective suffering
  • opening up of heart chakra
By registered users: 7
Guided Meditation
Dina Omar
May 20, 2024, 18:00
Meditation For Grief

Navigating grief is hard, even without a global pandemic, and it’s certainly that much harder with it. Grief is a normal response to loss during or after a disaster or other traumatic event. It can happen in response to loss of life, as well as to drastic changes to daily routines and ways of life that usually bring us comfort and a feeling of stability.

Grieving the loss of a loved one while coping with the fear and anxiety related to the COVID-19 pandemic can be especially overwhelming. The pandemic is forcing many of us to change the way we go about our daily lives. With those changes, some of us are experiencing a wave of losses: economic, social, physical and emotional. For some, these losses may build up and lead to feelings of grief.

During the pandemic, the family and close friends of a person who died of COVID-19 may experience stigma, such as social avoidance or rejection. Stigma hurts everyone by creating fear or anger towards other people. Some people may avoid contacting you, your family members, and friends when they would normally reach out to you.

Dina will explain the stages of grief and share a nourishing meditation practice to tap into your healing wisdom, find courage in the face of suffering, and uncover inner resources to deal with grief.

By registered users: 12
Guided Meditation
Dina Omar
May 20, 2024, 18:00
Meditation For Social Anxiety

Are your nervous about socializing again after the lock-downs have been lifted?

Over the last year and a half, our global community has become increasingly used to being in a state of lock-down. As a result, many people are naturally feeling nervous about socializing again, particularly in big groups or with strangers. For some people, this fear might even manifest as social anxiety.

It has become socially acceptable again to sit in the pub, do a group exercise class, and hug loved ones. But the easing of coronavirus rules isn't exciting for everyone – for those with social anxiety, life after lock-down is a scary prospect.

Social Anxiety Disorder is a fear of social situations, under which one worries about meeting strangers, how to act with groups of friends, and generally feeling self-conscious.

For this reason, Dina has designed a mindfulness and visualization practice to achieve a state of relaxation and to help decrease social anxiety, overcome shyness, and foster a greater sense of self-confidence.

By registered users: 7
Guided Meditation
Dina Omar
May 20, 2024, 18:00
Mountain Meditation (For Resilience)

Resilience can help us get through and overcome hardship. But resilience is not something we’re born with. It’s built over time as the experiences we have interact with our unique, individual genetic makeup. That’s why our individual responses to stress and adversity — like those from the COVID pandemic — can differ tremendously.

Hardships can be terrifying when you’re running away from them, and it can be so easy (almost natural) to feel ungrounded, fearful, or even paralyzed in the face of difficult emotions and life circumstances. But have you ever noticed that, the more you turn and face those fears, the more they lose their power? It’s like going on a camping trip and being terrified of the dark and the noises in the woods. The moment you shine a torch and look again, you realize there’s nothing to be afraid of.

The Mountain Meditation is a mindful visualization that is designed to cultivate stillness and calm, and to connect with our inner strength and stability in the face of internal and external challenges. It encourages us to seek inner stillness and peace in the face of everyday life and its challenges.

When it comes to meditation, mountains have a lot to teach. They have archetypal significance in all cultures: they are sacred places… they embody the contradictions of dread and harmony, harshness and majesty… they are the wombs of visions and revelations, where people have always sought spiritual guidance and renewal.

In this meditation practice, we borrow these wonderful archetypal qualities of mountains and use them to bolster our intentionality and resolve, to hold the moment with an elemental purity and simplicity. The mountain image, held in the mind's eye and in the body, can freshen up our memory of why we are sitting in the first place, and of what it truly means, each time we take our seat, to dwell in the realm of “pure being” and “non-doing.”

By registered users: 17
Guided Meditation
Megan- Inner Peaks Wellness
May 20, 2024, 15:00
Yoga Nidra- For Healing

Upon purchase recieve a link to access this pre-recorded Yoga Nidra session.

Yoga Nidra or Yogic Sleep is a deeply healing state for both mind and body by encouraging wholeness and balance within the body.

Think of yoga Nidra as a beautiful guided meditation to facilitate relaxation and healing.
It is very accessible for people of all ages and capabilites. No prior experience needed.

By registered users: 9
Guided Meditation
Michelle Adrienne Becker
May 20, 2024, 11:00
Custom Audio Meditation

I specialise in creating custom guided meditations for business or personal use.

For Business:
If you are a busy wellbeing entrepreneur or business owner, and you want to use meditations to help your clients and followers, but you maybe don’t have the time to dedicate to writing and creating them yourself. I offer my services to take the hassle and time out of writing these meditations. This is what I love to do. I have two years of experience writing meditations for business clients and every single one of them has been very satisfied, returning for repeat orders.

For Personal:
I also have experience creating individual custom meditations for personal use. While general meditations are very helpful to transform our lives, the effect is magnified when a meditation is created specifically for an individual listener, to target their specific needs.

I can write on any subject topic for your meditation or ritual that you desire.

Some past meditation topics for clients include:

emotional eating,
money attraction,
soul mate attraction,
inner child connection,
mother wound healing,
me time,
the 9 contemplations of death.

Affirmations I have written include topics on:

exercise & fitness,
love & relationships,
stress & anxiety
weight loss
positive thinking
achieving goals
lifting vibrational frequency
waking up energized

Please book an appointment and we can arrange a video consultation or email discussion to work out the details of your meditation.

Price includes one custom written audio Meditation recording with background music, between 10-30 minutes in length:

By registered users: 10
Guided Meditation
Jenna DiMaggio
May 20, 2024, 15:00
Guided Meditation

In today's society we are always on the go. Leading to increased levels of stress, depression, and anxiety. We all want more peace, yet no one takes time to slow down.

Meditation is a great practice to cultivate a greater sense of peace and stillness in your life. It assists in calming the mind to better deal with life's situations. When you learn to control the mind you can control all aspects of your life.

I will guide you through different meditation techniques to deeper and strengthen your practice. Depeding on your intention for this practice I can also guide you through a customized guided medtiation for healing, guidance, and/or insight.

By registered users: 13
Guided Meditation
Ian Hosein
May 23, 2024, 13:00
Lead Meditation

Contact for 1 on 1's Meditation / Mindfulness Advice.

By registered users: 15
Guided Meditation
Soul Academy, PLLC
May 20, 2024, 16:00
Meditation Coaching - 6 Sessions

What is meditation coaching?

Meditation is not "one size fits all." What works for one person may not work for you. As your meditation coach, Susan will help you to identify your desires and goals for your meditation practice. Identify your moments of spontaneous mediation in your life and work with what is working for you. You will receive guidance on styles, techniques, and guided meditations to practice that you look forward to, making you feel nourished and connected. Through meditation coaching, you will save time, energy, and money by avoiding meditation practices that are not for you.

Meditation reduces stress, anxiety, boosts focus and concentration, and improves overall well-being.

Meditation coaching is open to all levels, from a beginner to those with experience. We will bust common myths surrounding meditation, learn simple and easy meditation techniques, and build confidence in your ability to develop your meditation practice.

By registered users: 3
Guided Meditation
Soul Academy, PLLC
May 20, 2024, 16:00
Meditation Coaching - Single Session

What is meditation coaching?

Meditation is not "one size fits all." What works for one person may not work for you. As your meditation coach, Susan will help you to identify your desires and goals for your meditation practice. Identify your moments of spontaneous mediation in your life and work with what is working for you. You will receive guidance on styles, techniques, and guided meditations to practice that you look forward to, making you feel nourished and connected. Through meditation coaching, you will save time, energy, and money by avoiding meditation practices that are not for you.

Meditation reduces stress, anxiety, boosts focus and concentration, and improves overall well-being.

Meditation coaching is open to all levels, from a beginner to those with experience. We will bust common myths surrounding meditation, learn simple and easy meditation techniques, and build confidence in your ability to develop your meditation practice.

By registered users: 2
Guided Meditation
Wendy Miller
May 20, 2024, 13:00
Guided Meditation for Groups

Whether you’re a family who wants to meditate together, a bunch of co-workers who’d like to use meditation as a team-building exercise, or a group of friends who enjoy meditating together, this group guided meditation is for you.

Over 45 minutes, we’ll take the time to breathe deeply, scan our bodies for tension, and then go on a gently guided journey. After you’ve booked your session, I’ll contact you to discuss any particular themes or requests you have for the guided meditation.

Group sizes: 4-25 people. (If you have more or less than that, let me know.)

**Please schedule your group’s meditation at least 24 hours in advance to allow time for me to contact you and discuss your meditation.**

By registered users: 6
Guided Meditation
Kasia Patzelt
May 21, 2024, 07:00
Wild At Art- Intuitive Painting 6 Week Online Course (start: 9th April)

Are you a woman who longs to express her creative heart? Do you long for it deeply but feel stuck?
Do you, like me, feel there is something missing in this world? Like the embodiment of love and the valuing of beauty?

This 6-week Intuitive Painting Online Course: Awaken to your Creative Essence, is designed to help you connect step by step to the sacred.
It’s about learning how to go through all the layers of mind:
the inner critic, the perfectionist, the saboteur in order to let go
into your pleasure of being in the creative flow.
It’s about learning to love and dance with the process to get out of your own way and to have lots of fun and to rediscover your playfulness and innocence!
This is a course that will slowly but gently bring you back home into your passion and juiciness, helping you to discover your own unique expression.

It will be an intimate group of 12 women only.

To book a discovery call and find out more contact me through my website!

By registered users: 7
Guided Meditation
Giordana La Marca
May 20, 2024, 13:00
Custom Meditation Session - 45 Minutes

A personal and customized meditation session pertained to the client’s needs and desired achievements.

This session will run for 45 minutes, where a brief discussion before and after the meditation session will occur.

By registered users: 15
Guided Meditation
Jana Krychtalkova
May 25, 2024, 09:00
Loving Life Meditation (Guided Meditation)

Loving Life Meditation is an uplifting heart centred experience. We start with focus on the breath, relaxing each part of the body until a state of a deep relaxation is reached. When centred and grounded we embark on an inner journey – a guided visualisation. There are weekly life-affirming themes such as self-love, owning your power, celebration of your uniqueness, power of appreciation, trust, joy, freedom, creativity and abundance. An innate part of this journey is connecting to Source and Angels, opening to their messages and healing. For many, this is a profound experience. Whether you would like to just relax deeper and let go of the stress or seek a deeper connection to your spiritual essence, you are warmly welcome to join us. No previous experience with meditation is necessary and absolute beginners are welcome. Join us and experience the joy of meditating with other kindred spirits!
Meditations are online on Zoom, Thursdays 10 -11.15 am, Fridays 6 - 7.15 pm, Saturdays 10am - 11.15 am. Once you book your session I’ll email you the Zoom link.


“Jana’s meditation sessions are pure magic! The journey meditation always hits the spot with what I need at that time. As if by magic, the following days seem to reflect the insights and gifts the meditation has brought. I LOVE these sessions, they set me up for the week.” G. M., Brighton

“Jana’s Loving Life Meditation group gave me a chance to let go, relax and feel truly present and grounded in my body. She held the space so well that I felt I could just trust in the process and journey with her into the beautifully guided meditation to meet my Angels who were waiting to give me their loving guidance. I highly recommend this group to anyone who wishes to slow down, connect to their higher selves and be uplifted, inspired and healed.” S. H., Lewes

“Jana is a very special person. Her meditation classes are both broad and deep. I feel the expansiveness in terms of the relaxation all over my body and the way that my breath connects with the breath of all beings. I experience the depth in terms of the connection to the angels within – my guardians, guides and inner inspiration. Jana’s voice, as it guides me through the meditation, is simple, clear and very gentle. She has extraordinary intuition and every class feels ‘just right’. The particular focus for each week’s guided meditation always feels as if it is ‘just what I needed’! S. P., Brighton

By registered users: 15
Guided Meditation
Giordana La Marca
May 20, 2024, 13:00
Custom Meditation Session - 60 Minutes

A personal and customized meditation session pertained to the client’s needs and desired achievements.

This session will run for 60 minutes, where a brief discussion before and after the meditation session will occur.

By registered users: 6
Guided Meditation
Giordana La Marca
May 20, 2024, 13:00
Free Meditation Consultation

Discover the path to your wellness journey with a complimentary 20 Minute Meditation Consultation. During this consultation, you will discuss your filled out Client Intake Form further in depth, along with any other questions, concerns, and/or desired achievements.

The $10.00 deposit fee applied will be refunded or applied to your following session once the consultation is finished.

By registered users: 7
Guided Meditation
Giordana La Marca
May 20, 2024, 13:00
Custom Meditation Session - 30 Minutes

A personal and customized meditation session pertained to the client’s needs and desired achievements.

This session will run for 30 minutes, where a brief discussion before and after the meditation session will occur.

By registered users: 5
Guided Meditation
Tymi Howard
May 20, 2024, 13:00
Virtual Yoga Classes

Live-Streaming and On-Demand Yoga Classes.

By registered users: 3