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Inner Child Healing
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Inner Child Healing

Inner Child Healing
May 9, 2024, 18:30
Healing for the child in us

We all have a child within us, who can play a tremendous role in our healing journey.A healthy child in us can keep us in a joyful, playful and creative state of mind.

This healing and working with inner child can help us to reach the root of our blockages, pain and beliefs.
Trauma stuck as this inner child in us can be viewed as a crack in a windshield that can hinder our clear view and smooth journey forward.

Here we are giving you a healing guidance for this child in you.Use this for 21 days to see the shifts in your being.

By registered users: 17
Inner Child Healing
Arevik Hayrapetyan
May 10, 2024, 04:00
Inner Child Healing: Set Yourself FREE (breakthrough session)

This type of healing session is for you if you

✔️ Tend to find yourself in unhealthy patterns that affect any area of your life (relationships, career, self-confidence, health, habits, finances, body image, etc.)
✔️ Want to understand how your childhood experiences shaped you and what you can do about it as an adult
✔️ Want to re-connect to, re-parent your inner child and set him/her free
✔️ Want to see your life transform

The N of coaching sessions required depends on your specific situation.

During each session I create a safe container for you to EXPLORE, HEAL & TRANSFORM your patterns and bring positive changes into your life!

I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

By registered users: 12
Inner Child Healing
Claire Roche
May 10, 2024, 08:00
Inner Child Healing

Trauma, emotional and mental stress, false belief systems, physical distress, environmental stress, and other blocks to our personal growth can be stored in the energy fields of our bodies, impacting our ability to function at our full potential.Through tapping into the subconscious through meditation and visualisation we gain access to your inner child who holds the key to unlocking what we have often been hiding from ourselves.

This process is completely safe and there is no danger of uncovering traumas that will damage your psychological state of mind as we work very closely together to uncover the most hidden parts of your psyche, often referred to as "the shadow". During the session Claire facilitates the healing process by creating a very safe and nurturing space in which your energy can soften and allow your vulnerabilities to surface. By allowing yourself to open means you can allow the light in and this is where the healing process takes place. As Rumi says “The wound is the place where the Light enters you.”

Next comes Reiki which is a very soothing and non-invasive energy which is channeled with the help of your guides towards your inner child so that the body can move to its optimal level of balance from where it is able to access its inherent ability to heal itself. This experience is different for every person but the most common feeling is empowerment. Following a session you will feel freer and more confident to tackle whatever is happening in your life. When we shine the light in the shadows of our psyche these parts of us have no more power over us and we can see our behaviours more clearly. More importantly we become aware of the pattern which prevents you from being trapped in that same situation again.

By registered users: 21
Inner Child Healing
Psychology of Happiness with Elena Semenek
Healing Inner Child Course

You should attend this online course if:

☑ You want to learn how to understand yourself and your true desires

☑ If you want to overcome your fears and anxieties

☑ Gain self-confidence and self-esteem

☑ Stop being a victim and stop sacrificing yourself for others

☑ If you want to learn how to attract love and abundance into your life

☑ Attract new opportunities in life and use them to the maximum!

☑ Love and accept yourself the way you are

☑ Free yourself from constant worries and start enjoying your life!

☑ Allow yourself to have a profound, fulfilling and happy life!

By registered users: 9
Inner Child Healing
Kerrin Kuntzman
May 10, 2024, 14:00
1919 S Shiloh Rd, Garland, TX 75042, USA
Remote Harmonic Egg Session

Schedule a remote Harmonic Egg™️ session and enjoy 50 minutes of relaxation from the comfort of your home.This affordable option is ideal if traveling is inconvenient or you have a health concern that does not permit you to do so. Just as Reiki practitioners are able to send energy across time and space, a remote Harmonic Egg session allows the recipient to receive beneficial sound and light frequencies even if they are in another country!

By registered users: 5
Inner Child Healing
Eileen Burns
May 10, 2024, 09:00
Inner Child Healing Sessions

One to One Inner Child Healing Session
Helping you connect, heal and empower your Inner Child to heal the adult you.
Helping you heal and let go of distorted and unhealthy beliefs, sabotaging behaviours and fears that are stopping you live the life you were meant to live. Stopping you share the gifts you were meant to share.

By registered users: 23
Inner Child Healing
peac sanctuary
May 13, 2024, 01:00
Soul Retrieval + Inner Child Work

Soul fragmentation can take place both in children and adults when anything upsetting takes place. If what has happened is just too awful to think about or to go through again, a soul fragment breaks off.

Soul retrieval is about bringing back lost parts of your soul from both this life and from previous lifetimes while inner child work is about helping to make those lost fragments feel safe and to reintegrate them back with you. The key to this is for you to be ready to accept your past and to move on by learning how to practice total forgiveness of self and of others.

The session is done remotely and absentee.
DM us through Instagram for an appointment.

By registered users: 15
Inner Child Healing
Ginnah Siani
May 10, 2024, 11:00
Inner Child Healing and Integration

Your Inner child holds the key to releasing your early programing giving you the freedom to integrate learning from early experiences. This is when your core beliefs are formed and your perceptions of self and place in the world are compounded. These fictional elements then limit the possibilities of your life. Once released you can come into the full expression of who you are here to be and fulfill your Dharma or Life Purpose.

We will use an Advanced Emotional Freedom Techniques including Matrix Re-imprinting. These gentle techniques are used to give your younger self the resources they didn’t have access to at the time. This is a world as magical as your imagination. We may also use chakra healing and colour to balance and heal through the electromagnetic field .

Your Inner Child is the central character and they decide what they need and what takes place. There is no need to re-live the event reinforcing the neural pathways of the trauma, instead we will create pathways in the mind using the new information and understanding that occurs during the session with your Inner Child.

Upgrade your beliefs to meet the energy of the Age of Aquarius

By registered users: 7
Inner Child Healing
Ginnah Siani
May 10, 2024, 11:00
Food Craving Cure

Food can be a major comforter and it’s at the center of many happy life events. It’s only natural we would associate certain types of food with feeling happy, loved, excited or cared for. At times of difficulty we reach for these foods to bring us that comfort.

No wonder we develop cravings. Mine’s cake and the FOOD STORY is my father has always baked wonderful cakes it’s the taste of home, belonging, laughter, fun times and celebrations.

Recognising the emotions that cause us to reach for our trigger foods is a vital part of transforming them. Learn how to use EFT tapping to neutralise food cravings for sugar, salt or any foods such as chocolate, crisps, fast food etc

3 sessions $135

By registered users: 6
Inner Child Healing
Victoria Gross
May 10, 2024, 08:00
London, UK
Reiki Healing

I offer Reiki Healing to help you be fully cleansed in your energy flow to centre and heal your higher self.

My services include:

-distance healing
- trauma healing
- inner child healing
-crystal healing
-emotional blockages
- full chakra cleanse
- diseases healing

By registered users: 15
Inner Child Healing
Soul Paradise
May 10, 2024, 08:00
Soul Plan Reading

\* Want to reconnect with your true life purpose?
\* Want to discover why those certain things are happening to you over and over again?
\* What if there was an overall guideline that clearly described the challenges you face in life?
\* What if it could point you in the direction; most likely to help you feel more fulfilled in your life?
\* Would you wish to understand yourself at a deeper level?
\* Equipped with such information would help you to become more aligned with the path that will bring you the most satisfaction and abundance?

Although there is no one who can tell you precisely what will occur during your life, there is however an overall plan that exists for each individual. This is your Soul Plan.
At the end of the session, you will also receive ‘Grace Healing’ from the Divine Source.

PS: I work approximately two hours in the background before our session; by tuning in with your energy, using your original birth name and gather all information as well as what I can pick up intuitively . Then, in a form of a video call or face to face session, we discuss each aspect of your life, which shall give you guidance and more clarity on your path.

When you book this session, please also provide your full name (as per your birth certificate)

By registered users: 17
Inner Child Healing
Laura Bazso
May 10, 2024, 13:00
Toronto, ON, Canada
Child trauma

Using spirit guides to help heal the childhood trauma

By registered users: 11