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10-12 Week Mentoring Program

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$430 USD
$430 USD

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Hi, I am a Relationship and Transformational Coach focusing on healing from narcissistic abuse and spirituality. I combine emotional intelligence, positive psychology and spirituality to help people heal past wounds and transform to live a happier and healthier life.

On Core Spirit since June 2021

Grace Being
How to Raise Your Vibration

From a metaphysical and scientific perspective, human beings are made up of four different energy levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Each type of energy level vibrates at a specific vibrational frequency and combined, they create your general state of being. For example, if you consistently wake up with a positive mood, joyful, motivated, and ready to conquer the day, it means that you are vibrating at a high frequency. On the contrary, if you are feeling bored, melancholic, and generally demotivated, you are vibrating at a low frequency.

If you maintain a high vibrational frequency, you will find yourself to be more productive and creative as a high vibration makes you feel light and energized. Most often, we tend to develop certain habits which give us temporary relief and gratification, and when stressed out, we self-medicate by engaging in self-destructive behaviours. For example, indulging in sugary food or junk food, drinking alcohol and using other substances, binging on TV, or just simply overworking without having a balanced lifestyle. Long term, these habits are not sustainable, and they end up lowering our vibration, leaving us feeling low and trapping us in this unhealthy cycle. When we lower our vibration, we start feeling dark and heavy with a sense of emptiness inside, and even if we have everything together in our life, we struggle to fill up the empty void.

What can you do to raise your vibration?

1. Meditation

Practising meditation helps you become more aware of your thoughts and emotions and by practise, it will be easier for you to manage them. Most often, the mind is lost in the past or the future, and it gets stuck on speculative fears and irrelevant memories which no longer exist. As a result, we end up missing out on the precious present moments and opportunities that come along our way, leaving us feeling stressed and anxious. When we get stuck worrying about something that isn’t happening to us at that very moment, it means that we are only experiencing it in our head, and has not manifested in our life experience. Meditation trains your mind to be present and still, which leaves you feeling calmer and mindful. As you learn to live in the present moment, you realize that you are experiencing the true reality because the past and the future are only in your mind, the only truth is in the present. Meditation has many physiological, psychological, emotional and spiritual benefits. To name a few, it calms your nervous system, improves your mood, calms you down and cultivates a sense of inner peace. These are all high-vibe qualities that will improve your state of being.

2. Gratitude

Gratitude can easily be taken for granted in the hectic, fast-paced lives that we lead, and its benefits are highly underestimated. When you feel grateful even for the simplest of things, you instantly boost up your vibration and cultivate a nice feeling inside your heart. Moreover, when you are feeling grateful, it diminishes low vibrational feelings like fear or anger as it is impossible to feel both at the same time. These emotions hold different polarities, meaning that they repel each other and vibrate on the opposite side of the emotional vibrational spectrum. Even though it could be challenging, when you experience a low energy emotion, try to shift your attention to something you are grateful for. Practising gratitude is a great habit, and it will transform your outlook on life to a positive and appreciative experience. Your state of being shifts from a place of lack, to a place of abundance.

3. Compassion and Acts of Kindness

Being kind and compassionate with others cultivates high vibrational emotions. When you help someone else, you naturally feel good about it making you feel all warm inside. On the other hand, anytime you get greedy with anything, it lowers your vibration and just makes you feel bad and in a state of lack. If our happiness is based on external things outside ourselves, we end up feeling the opposite of how we wanted to actually feel. If you want more kindness or love, try it out with others and see what happens. This works with everything as you reap what you sow, it’s a universal law. What you put out in the universe, you will receive back to you.

4. Self-Love

Loving yourself means that you nourish yourself and know how to take care of yourself on every energetic level. Let’s start with the physical energy level, you cannot feel good about yourself if you are not taking care of your basic physical needs. When you take good care of your basic needs, you feel healthy and good about yourself. Doing physical activity, getting enough sleep and engaging in activities which you enjoy doing most certainly uplift your vibration. Taking care of your mental health and emotional well-being is also essential to vibrate at a high frequency. It’s important to be aware and in touch with your emotions. Learning how to process them rather than repressing them will help you move gracefully through uncomfortable feelings. When these energy levels are in balance, your spiritual energy level will also vibrate at a high frequency. Self-love allows you to be authentic and true to yourself which will uplift your spiritual energetic level and make you feel that you are in harmony with your truth.

5. Eating Healthy Food and Reducing Toxins from Your Body

Be mindful of what you put in your body. Keeping your body clean and eliminating toxins help you maintain a high vibration. Substances like alcohol can temporarily feel good, but in reality alcohol is a depressant and lowers a person’s vibration. If you want to unwind when feeling stressed, rather than numbing it out, try to adopt healthier and more holistic ways, like going for a run or spending some time in nature. There are many options to try and see what works best for you. To name a few, practising yoga, breathing exercises, journaling, meditation and sport are all activities which uplift your vibrational frequency. If you want to feel spiritually connected with a healthy outlook on life, eliminating toxins from your body is a good place to start.

6. Forgiveness

Emotions like anger and resentment vibrate at a low vibrational frequency. So holding a grudge against someone will not allow you to move up the scale, instead it will drag you down. Forgiveness is not easy, but most people confuse forgiveness with justifying what happened to them. When you forgive someone who hurt you, it does not mean that you tolerate and allow people to take advantage of you, or step over your boundaries. Forgiveness requires a lot of compassion and more over, the desire to live in peace. If you do not manage to let go and forgive, it will definitely disturb your inner peace, and it won’t allow you to completely move forward because you are still holding on to unpleasant feelings. Working toward forgiveness, will help you release yourself from this lower energy and move up the vibrational scale.

7. Think Positive Thoughts

Thoughts are subtle forms of energy in our brain which vibrate at a certain frequency. The more you focus on a thought, the more powerful it becomes until it is manifested into your reality. An emotion is energy in motion, and our feelings and actions are affected by our thoughts. If you compulsively engage in pessimistic or fearful thoughts, you may find that you are attracted to situations that affirm these feelings. Since we as human beings vibrate at a certain frequency, we attract that reality into our life and resonate with things that match our vibrational frequency. What you think about, you become, and your thoughts direct your future and the path that you choose to take. Be conscious of what thoughts you give your attention to as one thought attracts another. Our brains are designed in a way to become more efficient in whatever we practice over and over again. You don’t want to train your brain and make it more efficient into generating pessimistic and anxious thoughts. Choose your thoughts wisely as positive thoughts are key to positive change.

8. Surround Yourself with Positive Information

Everything we observe and interact with influences us in some way. People who tend to watch the news all the time develop a negative outlook on life because the media is mostly reporting negative news. The same goes for individuals who surround themselves with pessimistic people. On the other hand, if your entertainment and social circle is of a high vibration, you feel uplifted rather than depleted. Even the music we listen to affects our vibration. Some music just makes you feel happy and uplifted, while other music can make you feel angry or sad. When you start fuelling your mind with positive information, you will realize that your outlook on life changes, and you feel a sense of relief and empowerment.

9. Spending Time in Nature

Getting some exercise outdoors and taking a break from the computer or never ending tasks which consume your energy, will definitely uplift you and make you feel re-energized. Reconnecting with Mother Nature has great psychological effects and helps to calm the mind and release some tension. Even just a few minutes spent mindfully outdoors can uplift your mood. Even though you might be tempted to push yourself harder and continue working, over burning yourself is detrimental to your level of productivity and general well-being. As a result, you end up taking longer to get back on your feet.

10. Involve Yourself in Healthy Relationships

People can either lift up your energy or drain you down. If you find yourself meeting someone who puts you down, it would be beneficial to take some distance to protect yourself from being dragged down. Spending time with people who make you feel better about yourself, believe in you, and are interested in resonating at a high frequency, will benefit you and help you maintain a positive outlook on life especially during challenging times.

Grace Being
How to Heal from a Narcissistic Relationship

We all know that breaking up with someone is painful. Even if you feel that it was the best choice, and you were feeling that the person was inhibiting you from reaching your potential, it still requires some sort of grieving. Ending a relationship with someone also requires some sort of adjustment to your new life and routine, which might feel uncomfortable and a bit scary until you re-adjust yourself. However, when you end a relationship with a narcissistic partner, it’s a totally different ball game.

Leaving a narcissistic partner can be extremely difficult as they make it hard for you to leave. It’s important to understand that they want you to stay in their life not because they really love you, but because they want to keep taking advantage of you and ensure that you are there to attend to their needs. Narcissists are good at playing this game, and they shift back and forth from making you feel good and love bombing you, to breaking you down to a level you that thought you would never reach. When you are emotionally involved and attached to someone who abuses you, the moment they show some level of improvement, you fall for their games and believe that they could actually change and love you authentically. Unfortunately, this phase of improved behaviour is only temporary, and it’s only a matter of time until the narcissist takes it to another level. They know that they can get away with anything with you, and they continue to step over your boundaries, which gives them an ego boost and makes them feel more powerful over you.

The longer the relationship is, the more damage you will endure and you end up feeling confused, not knowing what is real or not anymore. You end up questioning your own judgement and you feel that you cannot trust yourself, it’s like you lost touch with reality. This is a result of gaslighting which is a form of manipulation and psychological abuse that leaves you questioning your own sanity. People who experience this kind of abuse struggle with finding strength to make the decision and leave their abuser. They have been subjected to emotional abuse by a person who they thought was their perfect match, as narcissists are very good at presenting themselves in this way. They can read people very well, so they know exactly what they need to do to get you hooked on them before they show you their true colours.

Healing from narcissistic abuse won’t happen overnight. It is a journey that will take time, but with support and learning how to take care and love yourself, you will find yourself again, and become more resilient than ever before. It’s important to be compassionate and patient with yourself. When you have been in a relationship with a narcissist, you get used to getting the blame for everything that happens, so you will need some time to reclaim yourself and detach from the wrong ideas you have about yourself due to the abuse.
What steps can you take to heal?

1. Recognizing What Happened

The first step towards healing is recognizing and acknowledging what has been happening to you. Some people end up normalizing the abuse as it becomes their every day reality. If you don’t become aware of the issue that has been sucking the life out of you, you wouldn’t be able to understand what you have been going through. Recognizing and acknowledging the fact that you have been a victim of narcissistic abuse, will help you make sense out of things and realize that you are not crazy. There’s nothing to be ashamed of or feel guilty about, what happened to you is not your fault. Everyone can fall for their games no matter how smart you are or what you do for a living. People with a narcissistic personality disorder play an emotional mind game with a variety of manipulation tactics, and people who are codependents are very likely to fall prey to them.

2. Grieving

Every kind of break-up requires some sort of grieving, but when it comes to narcissistic partners, this goes to another level. When you meet a person with these traits, they present themselves as your ideal partner, making you believe that they have everything you have ever dreamed of. They start love bombing you and lavishing you with attention and affection, making you feel like the luckiest person on the planet for being with them. It’s almost like casting a spell on you, making you feel high on love. This love bombing is only a temporary phase, and it’s only a matter of time until something triggers them, and they start showing how controlling and obnoxious they can be.

Sadly, many people mistaken this behaviour for being protective or end up blaming themselves for not being good enough as they cannot understand how such a lovely, considerate and thoughtful person could switch into such a nasty being! It’s extremely painful to realize and come to terms with the fact that the loving and attentive person whom you thought was your soul mate is actually an illusion. It takes a lot of time to process this, and letting go of that person is not easy as for you it all seemed very real. Learning how to recognize red flags like being possessive, controlling, and belittling you, will help you realize that a person who truly loves you would not behave in such a disrespectful manner.

3. Understanding the Psychology Behind It

Trying to make sense out of things is not easy as nothing seems to make sense, no matter how much you think about it. You’ve tried everything you could think of to make it work with the narcissist, like changing your behaviour, analysing what you say before you say it, buying them gifts and neglecting your own needs to attend to theirs. Nothing seems to make them happy and no matter how much you show them that you love them, it’s never enough. Unfortunately, most people make the mistake of interpreting this as not being good enough themselves. This is not the case, as narcissistic people have an issue with self-love and validation no matter how full of themselves they seem. So it’s important to understand that you cannot fix this for them. Educating yourself about this issue will also help you understand why they were treating you with such disrespect and why they kept withdrawing their love from you.

4. Self-Love and Self-Care

Learning how to truly love yourself is essential if you want to heal from trauma. It’s important to realize that people who love themselves completely would not end up in a relationship with a narcissist in the first place. When you truly love yourself, you are able to assert your needs and boundaries, and when someone disrespects you, you would have the courage to end the relationship before it gets worse. For some reason, you decided to stick up with the narcissist and the abuse, and even though you might love yourself to a certain extent, you still ended up neglecting your needs to attend to theirs. Learning how to communicate your needs and taking care of yourself will help you establish a healthier relationship with yourself and with others. Taking care of yourself is not selfish, it’s an act of self-love. People who tend to fall for these kinds of toxic relationships usually have such a big heart, ready to help anyone but themselves.

A relationship with someone who has narcissistic traits feels like a roller-coaster of emotions, and can leave you mentally exhausted. It’s important that you engage in activities which nourish you and make you feel good. Healing is a journey of self-discovery, you have spent so much time focusing on how to please others, you forgot who you truly are and what you really enjoy doing. Practising mindfulness techniques like breathing exercises, yoga and meditation will help you feel grounded and help you rebuild self-trust. You will become more aware of whom you truly are and where you want to go with your life. Practising self-love will also help you protect yourself from entering into another toxic relationship and repeating the cycle all over again.

5. Forgiveness

If you want to experience inner peace and feel completely free from the emotional pain you have endured, it is important to practice forgiveness. This process takes time and will come at a later stage after you have healed deeper wounds and reclaimed yourself. As you start detaching from the narcissist and start re-building yourself, you will become more resilient which gives you a sense of empowerment and personal control over your life.

However, you might notice that you still carry a sense of anger or resentment towards what happened. Forgiving the abuse does not mean that you justify what happened or that you will allow it to happen again, but it will help you to let go of unpleasant emotions which are still stored in your being. These unpleasant emotions can have a negative effect on your body and mental well-being, and can inhibit you from reaching your potential. To forgive what happened to you requires a sense of compassion and realizing that abusers have a problem with themselves. Embrace the fact that once you let go of the person, you are completely free of their mental torment, while they have to live with themselves for the rest of their lives. This will give you a sense of relief and also helps you to move forward.

Being able to forgive reflects a sense of confidence and strength within you, as you know that this does not mean that you will go back to your abuser or allow anyone else to mistreat you like that every again. When you are able to forgive, it means that you are able to let go of all the bad emotions resulting from the abuse, leaving you completely free and finding inner peace.

6. Seeking support

Dealing with trauma can be quite complicated and overwhelming. Unfortunately, people who have been experiencing domestic abuse, end up feeling isolated and living in constant fear. It’s important to seek support during such a turbulent time. Whether you seek comfort in a family member, a dear friend, or seek professional help, you will surely feel a sense of relief sharing your experience with someone you feel comfortable with and trust. It’s expected that your abuser would threaten you and tell you not to tell anyone about what’s happening, but you should not feel guilty about seeking support. Narcissists care a lot about their reputation, which is why they wouldn’t want anyone speaking about their dark side.

There are also numerous support groups that you could join which could really help you as you would connect with people who had similar experiences. Connecting with others who can empathize with you and understand what you’ve been through will help you release bad emotions and bad energy accumulated from the toxic relationship you have dealing with. It’s quite a common trait that people who end their relationship with narcissistic people end up contacting them, which could be very dangerous as it might result in falling for them again. Surrounding yourself with a support system of family and friends will help you refrain from going back to your abuser and will help you embrace the beautiful qualities you have within you.

Healing and Breaking Free

Healing from a narcissistic relationship is not easy, but it is possible. Be patient with yourself and DO NOT CONTACT your abuser. If you have kids, keep the communication strictly about them and do not answer any other questions or fall for any of their tactics. Once you give up any hope that you can make this relationship work, you can start working on the relationship you have with yourself. When you reclaim yourself and see them for who they really are, you realize that there’s nothing attractive about someone who doesn’t have any sense of empathy with a great sense of selfishness and a vindictive behaviour.

The dynamics in a relationship with a narcissistic person are the complete opposite of what a healthy relationship represents. Relationships should enhance your life and motivate you to be a better version of yourself as you help each other grow. By seeking support and learning new life skills of how to establish boundaries and have better communication and understanding, you will be able to break the cycle of unhealthy patterns. As a result, you will learn how to make better decisions and choose people who compliment you so you can live a healthier and happier life where you can be loved and appreciated for whom you truly are.

Grace Being
Narcissistic Abuse and Spiritual Awakening

I know what you must be thinking, shocking right?! When you think about narcissistic abuse, it’s difficult to associate it with anything spiritual or of good benefit. For someone who is still stuck in that phase of emotional abuse and manipulation, it’s even more difficult to wrap their head around it. That’s not surprising, victims of narcissistic abuse live in a state of confusion, they end up questioning their own reality due to the gaslighting, manipulation and the emotional trauma that they go through.

It’s difficult to believe that the strategic devastation of another person’s life could result in something so beautiful and liberating. Narcissistic people are like dementors, they feed on pain and unhappiness of others, and they suck the energy right out of you. Their ego is boosted by belittling others, leaving their victims feeling unworthy and unloved so they feel superior to them. This way they become more powerful and gain control over their victims so they can easily manipulate them and feed on their energy. This personality disorder is a mental health issue that causes a lot of pain and mental torture to the targeted victims, who are usually codependents and empaths. Narcissists choose their victims wisely, and they target empaths and codependents for their kindness, nurturing characteristics and high level of empathy. These people are usually selfless and are always ready to please others and give as much as they can. Narcissistic people take advantage of their goodness and end up making them believe that they are useless without any good qualities, unworthy of love, and have their victims believe that everyone views them in the same light.

The weaker their victims become, the more powerful they feel. Their victims end up depending more on them as they lose their sense of self and identity because of the misery they find themselves in. Narcissists keep taking advantage of the forgiving personality and the fear of abandonment that their victims have. They shift between phases of withdrawing their love from you and love bombing phases, to keep you attached to them and make it harder for you to leave. This kind of abuse is soul-crushing, making it quite difficult to heal from the emotional wounds and overcome the trauma. It’s important to cut off every contact with the narcissist as this reduces the chance of you falling back for them. The narcissists usually don’t want their victims to leave them if they sense that they can still take advantage of them in some way to continue feeding on their energy. They want to stay in power and get you to attend to their needs, unless you become an inconvenience to them, then that’s a different story.

The Healing Journey

Healing from narcissistic abuse takes a lot of time, and the victims pass from different stages as they start processing what happened to them. It’s not easy to realize that the person you loved so dearly does not exist, and to accept that the person you adored caused you so much pain. Initially, people start going through the grieving phase as they come to terms with the fact that their ideal lover was actually an illusion, a sociopathic imposter pretending to be their soul mate. It’s almost the same as mourning the loss of a loved one, which could take months of suffering and struggle. Most often, people get stuck on the memories and the good times they had together, and find themselves in a state of cognitive dissonance, craving their abuser like a drug.

The more you learn about the psychology behind this personality disorder, the easier it becomes to accept and understand what happened to you, and realize that you did not deserve any of that. When people get into a relationship with a narcissist, they get blamed for everything, and they feel that they are not good enough no matter what they do. Learning about how these people function will help you realize that you are not to blame. Their behaviour is actually a reflection of how they feel about themselves, and their fragile ego projects onto others because they cannot handle any self-imperfections. Knowing this will give you a sense of relief and will uplift you as you start re-discovering your positive qualities and skills.

The process of healing might seem a bit slow, and this journey requires a lot of patience combined with self-care, self-love and self-compassion. So what does it mean to really love yourself? Accepting yourself with all your flaws, mistakes and imperfections is an act of self-love, as it means that you love yourself unconditionally, which is the purest most authentic form of love. Acceptance is key to start healing because the path of the least resistance removes suffering and allows you to find inner peace. Even if you are not aware of it, you are gracefully walking yourself to the path of liberation and spiritual awakening.

What is Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakening happens when you experience a shift in consciousness where you stop filtering everything through your ego. Your consciousness expands and you become more self-aware and wake up to the ultimate reality. It’s as if you were perceiving the world through a dark filter, focusing on things which don’t really matter. Most people tend to live in fear that keeps them stuck in their comfort zone, seeking security which kills all the fun in life. They stay worrying about the past and the future, missing out on the present moment, and indulge in compulsive thinking which inhibits them from reaching their own potential and manifesting great things.

An expansion of consciousness comes with enhanced self-awareness and usually results from a lot of suffering and emotional pain. When people realize that they’ve had enough of their life, behavioural patterns, and life choices which no longer serve them, they start going inward reflecting on their circumstances. Being exploited and abused, pushes you to start taking care of yourself and nourish yourself with self-love and care. You realize that no one can take better care of you than your own self, and slowly you start changing your ways to live a more balanced and joyful life. Change is not easy, but experiencing narcissistic abuse will make you realize that there is no other way out of your misery but to start working on yourself to heal your emotional trauma.

Practising mindfulness techniques and meditation play an important part in healing and the expansion of consciousness. Meditation is truly beneficial when it comes to managing stress, anxiety and releasing painful emotions. Apart from the numerous physiological and psychological benefits of meditation, it also calms the mind and gives you access to inner knowledge and inner power. By practise, you will find it easier to detach from your thoughts and be less carried away by them and the triggered emotions. As you learn how to observe your thoughts, you realize that you are not your thoughts, but the observer of the thoughts, thus awareness in itself. You become in touch with your true essence and all of a sudden you realize that you have much more clarity with a heightened sense of intuition.

With more clarity and access to your inner wisdom, you realize what a beautiful being you are, you feel empowered and reassured that you will never allow someone to take advantage of you like that again. You feel a sense of oneness and universal connection with all beings, and you realize that separation comes from ego which is just a fragment of who you are. Thanks to the clairvoyance that a spiritual awakening brings with it, you start making better choices for your life and makes you feel that you are in harmony with the universe.

How is narcissistic abuse linked to spiritual awakening?

Narcissistic people break you down and leave you feeling mentally and spiritually exhausted. When we are faced with this kind of abuse and want to break free from that nightmare, we start seeking ways to help ourselves and change. The suffering and abuse push us to change no matter how difficult it might seem, and make us go inward to find ourselves again and find inner peace. The only way we can find peace is to go inward and even if we are not aware of this, we start doing it intuitively to free ourselves from the trauma and emotional pain tormenting our reality.

During their healing journey, people realize that they need to start taking better care of themselves to protect themselves from getting into similar situations and create a better lifestyle. Let’s have a look at the most common changes that people go through during their healing process and path of spiritual awakening:

1. Consistent self-care

Self-care is essential to start healing from narcissistic abuse. The more you participate in it, the more you will start to appreciate it and enjoy the cultivated feeling of well-being. You start becoming more assertive and feeling less scared to communicate your needs or assert your boundaries.

Taking care of yourself properly requires taking care of your body, mind and spirit, and you stop making excuses that you are too busy to engage in activities that you enjoy doing. You learn how to give yourself what you need at the right time, whether it’s spending some time in nature, going for a run, taking some time for yourself in silence or taking a break from your busy routine.

2. Interested in working on self rather than fixing your Ex or wondering what they’re up to

When you are in a relationship with a narcissist, you get stuck in a loop where you are constantly focused on how to fix the problem and make things better. You never think about what you need or why you are staying in that toxic relationship in the first place.

Focusing on what you need rather than trying to understand how to make your abuser happy is a sign that you are letting go of the need to control the situation and that you want to take care of yourself. You finally stop worrying whether your life choices are going to make your Ex angry or be of any inconvenience. This way you start honouring your own needs, desires and dreams which means that you are being true to yourself.

Moreover, you start caring less about what your Ex might be up to, and realize that the same repeated cycle of abuse will keep repeating itself with whomever they might get involved with. Instead, you start focusing on your future and exploring what brings you joy and fulfilment.

3. Realize that no amount of love or empathy can fix the narcissist

Most people who end up being victims to narcissists think that if they love them unconditionally and empathize with them, they will be able to heal them or change their personality. Unfortunately this is not true, and they end up harming themselves along the way trying to fix their abusers.

Most narcissists don’t even see the need to change, and those who do still find it extremely difficult to change their behaviour and personality traits due to the nature of the personality disorder itself. Even if you convince the narcissists to go to therapy, it is highly unlikely that you will see any improvement.

At some point, the victims make peace with this and realize that fixing them was only a fantasy. They accept the fact that the only person they can change is themselves, and they stop trying to control people. Instead, they turn inward and start working on the relationship with themselves to heal.

4. Letting go of people who drain your energy

Following a relationship with a narcissist, you realize how draining some people can be. As you become more aware of this, you start releasing that which no longer serves you, and you become more selective with the kind of people you spend time with.

If you experience a spiritual awakening, it also means that you are vibrating at a higher frequency. Naturally, friends who are vibrating at a lower frequency will start draining you, and you realize that suddenly they step out of your reality even if it seems like it happened for no obvious reason. It’s okay, let go of people who drain you and honour yourself by surrounding yourself with good energy and people who uplift you.
5. Learning the importance of self-boundaries and that what you allow will continue

Narcissistic people do not respect boundaries. They strategically manipulate you to get an ego boost from getting away with things and keep pushing your limits. Trying to assert boundaries with a narcissist is a complete waste of time, and people realize this after countless failed attempts.

Arguing with the narcissist is pointless and by time, the victims realize that by sticking around, they are indirectly telling them that they can do anything they want without facing any consequences. The only way to stop the abuse is to walk away and not tolerate it any more.

6. Perceiving the experience as a divine gift

It may sound odd to perceive your suffering and emotional trauma as a good thing. But in reality, that very experience drives most people to go inward and overcome false self-limiting beliefs and heal unresolved wounds which they were carrying from childhood. As a result, they free themselves from the dysfunctional conditioning which was leading them to making unhealthy choices and getting involved into toxic relationships.

Once the unresolved childhood wounds are healed, you start operating from a place of love rather than a place of fear and self-doubt. Making better choices and aligning with your truth will help you live a healthier life and establish fulfilling relationships.

7. Transforming beyond your psychology and living your best life

Once you move away from the emotional abuse and establish solid boundaries, you start understanding how a healthy relationship should work. You find yourself always working on being the best version of yourself, releasing what no longer serves you, and embracing new beginnings and opportunities that come your way.

Of course, this does not mean that you don’t go through difficult times, all of us experience ups and downs in life. However, this kind of transformation empowers you to approach life challenges differently with a sense of knowingness that no matter what happens you will be okay.

Spiritual awakening allows you to start seeing synchronicities and signs from the universe which you weren’t able to see before because you did not trust on yourself, and you were too focused on how to fix others rather than listening to your intuition. By building up the courage to be your authentic self, you find yourself living an incredibly fulfilling and peaceful life.

If you are finding it difficult to leave a toxic relationship, ask yourself why you are actually staying and face your biggest fears. Go inward and reflect on why you allow others to treat you that way. If you think that one day the narcissist will start appreciating your dedication and effort that you put into the relationship, you are going to be waiting for an infinite amount of time.

Grace Being
5 Red Flags To Look Out For In A Relationship

When we first start dating someone, it’s easy to get lost in the moment, and the exciting feelings we get in the initial stage. It’s important to keep in mind that when you start getting to know someone, everything might seem happy and carefree. Your days might be filled with fun dates, laughter and a lot of intimate moments. This so-called honeymoon phase can be quite intense, and it’s easy to ignore the red flags popping up, as we are too caught up in the blissful moments. However, if we keep ignoring what our gut feeling is telling us, this might cost us a lot in the long run.

Here are 5 common red flags which should not be ignored if you want to avoid toxic relationships:

1. Inconsistent behaviour and communication

The first thing you start to notice when you are getting to know someone, is their communication style. When someone is emotionally stable and truly interested in you, you can feel it, and it makes you feel safe opening up your heart to them. They show genuine interest in getting to know the real you and embrace your authenticity. You notice that they ask about your day, your plans, your goals and are genuinely interested in what you like and dislike to have a better understanding of who you are.

On the contrary, if someone starts alternating between showing a lot of interest in you, and then ghosting you for hours and ignores your messages, it’s already a sign that they are inconsistent. Of course this doesn’t mean that you have to be glued to your phone 24⁄7, it’ extremely important that you don’t lose yourself along the way and continue growing as an individual. Disregarding you for hours however is a different story.

2. Disregarding your needs and your boundaries

If you find yourself in a situation where you express yourself, and show that you value certain things in a relationship, but the other person does not even acknowledge them, it’s not something that you should ignore. These behavioural patterns don’t just disappear, they get worse over time.

When someone truly cares about you, they respect your boundaries and values, and if they are aligned with you, it should not cause issues in your relationship. If they hold different values, and you sense that these clash with your core principles and with who you are, it means that you are not a good match. If you try to change and convince yourself that these values do not matter to you anymore, you are not being true to yourself.

By doing this, you are being submissive and allowing them to step over your boundaries from the very beginning. It’s wiser to walk away and wait until you meet someone who holds the same principles and shares the same values, otherwise you will not be happy in the relationship.

3. Acting selfishly

Being in a relationship requires compromise and attending to each other’s needs. If you notice that a person is self-involved and shows minimal interest in being involved in your life, don’t fight for them to stay. This could be a bit confusing for some people as when you date someone who is self-centred, they will show you that they want to meet you and spend time with you, however only when it is convenient to them.

To build a healthy and fulfilling relationship, both parties need to be wanting it. So if you find yourself craving their time and attention, it’s a sign that they are not ready to commit. Most people take this a sign that they are not good enough. They get caught up in a vicious cycle where they keep chasing the other person and trying to win them over. If you don’t want to find yourself in a situation where you have to beg and fight to get some affection and attention, end the relationship before it gets harder to leave.

4. Controlling and manipulative

This can be quite tricky as most often we think that when someone is trying to control us, we interpret it as being protective over us because they want us so much. It also goes hand in hand with respecting your boundaries and yourself as a human being. For example, you might be dating someone who seems lovely and considerate, but flips out when you show interest in going out with your friends or something he or she disapproves of.

Respecting each other’s boundaries is one thing, but being possessive and suffocating is unhealthy and not sustainable long term. Moreover, if you do something which raises concern to your partner, they should be able to communicate it in a healthy way and discuss it with you, rather than causing drama and throwing tantrums. Giving ultimatums to abide by their terms is also quite common, and a lot of people become submissive because they fear losing the other person. If you find yourself giving up doing the things you love, or behaving in a certain way to make someone else happy, you are giving away your freedom and your own right to live a joyful life.

5. Justifying their behaviour

This is a HUGE red flag which most people seem to overlook. When you find yourself justifying their behaviour, and trying to think of valid reasons as to why they are making you feel unhappy, it means that you should RUN AWAY.

Unfortunately, when we are strongly attached to someone, we idealize them and keep hoping that they are the perfect soul mate we have been waiting for. We end up making excuses for them when they ignore our calls or cancel on our plans. The first time that they snap at us just for asking a question, we justify it and blame other reasons for that reaction. Maybe it’s because they’re going through a hard time, or they’re stressed out and have too much on their mind.

Excuses are excuses, and we keep thinking of every possible reason to blame, because we don’t even want to entertain the idea that maybe this is just who they really are. It is painful to accept the fact that the image of the person you had in your mind is unreal. But it will be much more painful if you dig your head in the sand and ignore all the red flags telling you to run away as fast as you can.

Keep in mind, that a person’s reaction to things and behavioural patterns, are an indication of their personality. How they react to external situations and different scenarios is in itself a part of who they are. So it’s important not to mistaken and interpret the reaction as being caused by the scenario or external stimuli. People react differently to different situations, it’s what makes us who we are. The scenario or situation is never the cause of the reaction, the reaction comes from within.

How to deal with red flags in a relationship?

When your intuition is telling you that something is off, don’t ignore, and listen to it. Accept things as they are and move forward with your life, don’t sell yourself short or settle for someone who doesn’t reciprocate what you are putting in the relationship. If you want to build healthy and fulfilling relationships, it is essential to be true to yourself and make the right choices, even if it might feel uncomfortable.

When you know that it’s the best choice for your own happiness’s sake, you will feel empowered and proud of yourself for making the right choice according to what’s best for you. If someone isn’t able to recognize the value in you, make space for those who will.

Grace Being
Living Authentically to Live a Fulfilling and Joyful Life

The impact of social media on our youth has definitely contributed to the self-absorbed society that we are living in. It seems like people across the globe are becoming more individualistic over time, as opposed to collectivism where people were more focused on working together as a community and family-oriented. Research has also shown a rise in narcissism, where people are becoming more selfish and self-centred. As a result, people have become more focused on individual success and on how many likes and followers they get on Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat and other forms of social media. This lead to people becoming more fake and superficial to ensure that they are liked and accepted by others.

Economic development correlates to the shift toward an individualistic society, leading to a greater sense of self-reliance and detachment from others. While social media seems like it helps us connect with others, it comes with the undesirable effect of isolation and feeling inferior to others. People end up comparing themselves to what is shown on their news feeds, rather than feeling grateful for what they have. This leaves them feeling more disconnected and lowers their vibration, which affects their productivity and sense of self-worth. Most people seem to be unaware of these negative effects and got hooked on these kinds of apps, leaving them glued to their devices and too concerned with how the world perceives them.

When you are concerned with how others perceive you, you will find it more difficult to be authentic and be your true self. Naturally, people don’t like to feel rejected, and this is a trait which we inherited from our ancestors. Back in the days, being rejected by your community or tribe meant that you are an outcast, and this was a legitimate threat to your survival. In today’s world, it’s a different story, but this kind of psychological fear leaves people vulnerable and drives them to do just about anything to be liked by their peers.

What most people seem to miss is that success, fame and being liked by others does not lead to authentic happiness. Being validated by others gives us an ego boost, and people seem to become addicted to this kind of feeling and end up always wanting more to feel good about themselves. This is dangerous for obvious reasons, as if your self-worth is based on how others perceive you, it can be easily shaken off since others have this kind of power over you.

On the contrary, when you are able to recognize your self-worth and know how valuable you are, you feel empowered to speak your truth and be authentic. Being authentic and following your heart also results in success, but the kind of success that fills your heart with joy and makes you feel fulfilled. When people become successful just to be liked by others and feel validated, it leaves them feeling empty inside and always wanting more.

We have seen celebrities who had the opportunity to experience this and learn from it like Jim Carrey and Russel Brand. They both were living a life which they thought would make them happy, but left them feeling empty and unfulfilled.

**‘’I hope everybody could get rich and famous and have everything they ever dreamed of, so they will know that it’s not the answer’’ – Jim Carrey.

Why authenticity leads to success and fulfilment in life and relationships:

Ego VS Soul

These two are always working against each other. Ego only cares about being liked and validated, and it keeps you in your comfort zone as it likes feeling safe and secure. So by following social constructs and guidelines, it feels reassured that it will get noticed and accepted.

Our soul is the most authentic part of us and is indifferent of who likes us or who doesn’t. Soul is fearless and carries personal power, authentic love, and happiness which are essential to thrive in life. When we allow our intuitive side which comes from the soul to have power over our ego and takes over, we find fulfilment and a love that goes beyond any materialistic thing gained by ego.

Being authentic is the deepest form of self-love

You might ask how could someone who is rich and successful could be unhappy and empty inside? Or you might ask, how could someone who looks so beautiful with so many fans struggles with self-love and acceptance?

Having a large bank account or a large fan base is irrelevant when it comes to happiness. Authenticity does not only provide outward success, but fills your heart with self-love and happiness from within. You feel empowered to share who you are with the world, you let your light shine through you which leads to fulfilling your soul purpose.

Attracting the right people in your life

If you are always trying to fit in and forcing yourself to hang out with people who do not seem to be on the same frequency as you, you will end up feeling isolated and disconnected. This will also hold you back from being more successful and from building healthy and authentic relationships.

When you are not scared of showing who you really are, you attract the right people in your life. Being aligned with your truth can only result in attracting similar, like-minded people who will help you grow and thrive in your environment. When you are surrounded with people who align with your authentic self, you will find that synchronicities and opportunities seem to fall into your lap, which make it easier for you to achieve your goals and manifest your dreams.

Survival of the fittest

People seem to mistake the fact that focusing on themselves and forgetting about others means that they will be successful, as they are living in a survival of the fittest kind of world. This kind of mentality is also reflected in the kind of world we are living in, where humans are focused on taking more for themselves without thinking about long-term sustainability. We are destroying our own home, our own planet which we make part of, and we forget that we need mother nature to function in order for us to have a healthy habitat. Instead, we keep working against it rather than thinking of ways of how we can live together in a holistic environment.

Living authentically and holistically

Being authentic means that you are connected with your true self, and this cultivates a sense of connectedness to all beings. Taking care of yourself doesn’t mean that you lose your sense of compassion and disregard others.

When we help each other out and work together, it cultivates a sense of fulfilment and joy in our hearts. We feel more connected and appreciated, and encourages us to be more grateful for what we have, leaving us feeling blessed and abundant. Moreover, when we work together we are stronger and more powerful, it’s just how nature works. When all species collaborate together, nature works better.

Grace Being
Why Is Emotional Intelligence So Important?

Emotional intelligence is essential if you want to thrive in your professional life and personal relationships. We all know about the intelligent quotient (IQ) which measures the cognitive abilities and functions of an individual. Emotional intelligence can also be measured by the emotional quotient (EQ), and its benefits are less known and appreciated by most people.

How often do you recognize the emotion you are feeling?

Can you manage those feelings without allowing them to take over? Do you find yourself reacting impulsively without conscious choice of action and regret it afterwards?

Do you know how to motivate yourself to reach goals and overcome challenges?

Are you able to read and sense the emotions of others and respond effectively?

By definition, emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and manage your own emotions as well as others. But in reality it is much more than that. Our behaviour and actions are based on our emotions which arise from thoughts. So thoughts, emotions and actions are all linked together, and they drive us in our everyday life.

Anxiety is instigated by overwhelming emotions and compulsive thoughts such as worry, fear and insecurity. Most often, people are not even aware of their compulsive thoughts, feelings and behavioural patterns, and end up making choices based on fear rather than what is best for them.

If people are taught from childhood how to recognize their emotions and express them, they would find it easier in adulthood to deal with stress and emotional turmoil which certain situations bring about. Teaching kids how to cultivate emotional intelligence can also help when dealing with emotional trauma. Unhealed emotional pain can lead to developing unhealthy habits and personality disorders such as narcissistic personality disorder (NPD), social anxiety disorder, codependency, low self-esteem, addictions, amongst others.

Emotional intelligence is a dynamic aspect of one’s psyche and behavioural traits, and can be enhanced with some knowledge and basic skills. Cultivating emotional intelligence helps in maintaining a positive outlook on life and can yield significant benefits, from personal happiness and general well-being to success in a professional context.

Five Pillars of Emotional Intelligence


This is the first step to enhance your emotional intelligence as it comes with introspection and self-evaluation to identify behavioural patterns and emotional aspects of your psychological framework. Self-awareness enables you to identify and differentiate between your emotions which allows you to get to know yourself at a deeper level.
People who self-reflect are able to embrace their strengths and positive qualities while also acknowledge their weaknesses without denial. They know what makes them feel good, what activities they enjoy doing and what triggers them and puts them off track. Being able to define what triggers you allows you to take a step back and make better choices for yourself. It also encourages you to engage in activities and sustain healthy relationships rather than going along with whatever life brings you.
With proper self-evaluation and reflection, you will be able to tap into your inner self and discover what self-limiting beliefs you have which have been limiting you and driving you to make unhealthy choices based on fear and insecurities. This way you can work on these qualities to improve them and optimize yourself to live a happier and healthier life.
Being able to identify your own emotions also helps you to identify emotions in others which strengthens your communication skills as you learn how to react and respond effectively in different circumstances.


Self-regulation is the ability to manage your negative and unpleasant feelings in different circumstances and react effectively. This should not be confused with repressing your emotions, but communicating and expressing your emotions in a healthy manner, and knowing the ideal time when to express yourself.

For example, if you are at work and you are facing a difficult situation with your manager or colleague and you start feeling upset, it would be inappropriate to let your anger take over and act impulsively due to feeling overwhelmed with the emotion. It would be way more beneficial to acknowledge what you are feeling and express why you are feeling angry or hurt calmly. This way, you have a much better chance of obtaining your desired outcome rather than raging and creating a big drama.

The same goes for personal relationships. Having an argument with your romantic partner, friend or family member is part of being human. Sometimes we end up getting lost in the emotion and throw a tantrum or say hurtful things which we didn’t really mean and end up feeling worse afterwards. It would be much beneficial to have a calm conversation where you can identify and express what you are feeling and reduce the friction. It’s natural for human beings to act defensively when they feel that they are being attacked, so you have a higher chance of being understood and comforted if you are able to take control of your emotions and express them as a healthy adult instead of throwing tantrums like a toddler.


A person with high emotional intelligence has a personal drive to improve, achieve goals and create a better life. This cultivates positive feelings and general well-being and makes it easier to overcome challenges to reach one’s goals. A person who is not motivated has a bigger chance of feeling apathetic, bored and can lead to depression as life starts looking dull, mundane and without meaning.

It is important to discover what motivates you and understand the deeper meaning of your aspirations. This helps you stay committed and optimistic when faced with challenges. Ask yourself questions and dig deeper to identify the meaning behind your goals, it will be easier to sustain your energetic motivation during set-backs.

Visualize how your life would look like after achieving what you are working for and think about how you will feel when you get there. Cultivating the feeling will help you get into that state of being which is a powerful technique to push you to continue moving forward out of your comfort zone and align your actions with your vision.


Empathy is often confused with sympathy. Sympathy is when you understand what another person is going through, and you might feel sorrow or pity for the person. However, empathy goes deeper as it is the ability to understand and share what another person is feeling which strengthens the connection between each other.

An empathic person considers other people’s feelings before reacting in social situations. To cultivate a high level of empathy, one cannot be judgemental as it would interfere with the ability to feel and perceive what the other person is going through. Therefore, it is essential to be open to new ideas and perspectives in order to connect with someone on that level. That’s why people feel better when they are speaking with a dear friend or a therapist whom they trust as they can feel that the listener is actively listening and truly understanding what they are going through.

People with a high level of empathy are naturally more compassionate and feel the need to help others and contribute to their well-being. They hold value in uplifting others and willingly put things aside to be able to connect authentically and be present for the other person.

Social Skills

We are social beings and having good social skills makes it easier to interact in a social context. Social anxiety is very common and it can hold a person back from reaching one’s potential depending on the severity of the anxiety.

Low self-esteem plays an important part in this as people with low self-esteem struggle when socializing and end up either entirely avoiding social interaction or overcompensating to hide what they are feeling. This kind of trait can also lead to engaging in unhealthy habits, giving in to peer pressure and sticking to unhealthy toxic relationships in general. In a professional context, one could dream of becoming a leader and possess the intelligence and capabilities to do so, however struggles when communicating in large groups of people and fears public speaking. If one does not manage to overcome this fear, it would inhibit the individual from reaching certain goals and manifestations.

The above-mentioned skills combined help people build up solid basic life skills and cultivate emotional intelligence. This enables them to reach their goals and maintain healthy relationships with themselves and also others. People with these basic life skills have a higher chance of succeeding in whatever they put their mind to, despite struggling with certain self-limiting beliefs.

Being aware of your own thoughts and emotions allows you to address the self-limiting beliefs and cultivate self-love as you embrace the good qualities within yourself. Being able to regulate yourself allows you to overcome unpleasant feelings and set-backs, and move forward even though it feels uncomfortable. Self-motivation empowers you to overcome present challenges and strengthens your self-confidence which makes it easier for you to manifest your vision. Empathy makes you more compassionate and strengthens your communication skills and connection with others. And finally social skills allow you to resolve conflict in a calm and rational approach, thrive in a social environment and comfortably share your ideas and opinions while maintaining solid boundaries. If everyone worked on enhancing their emotional intelligence, the world would be in a much better place.

Grace Being
What Does it Mean to Really Love Yourself?

How many times have you been told that it is important to love yourself? We all know that it is essential if we want to live a happy and fulfilling life, but unfortunately not everyone understands the true meaning of self-love. When we are faced with this statement, we most often believe that we do truly love ourselves however, if we had to take a closer look at our life choices we realize that they are not aligned with this statement. For some people self-love means having a massage or pampering themselves, treating themselves with materialistic things or going on a nice holiday. But self-love is much deeper than just doing something for yourself.

Our intimate relationships are also indicative of how much we love ourselves. If you are in a relationship where you keep finding yourself being upset, without your needs being met and respected by your partner, craving love and affection, and putting your needs aside to please others, then it is highly unlikely that you practice self-care and self-love. If you keep attracting toxic, emotionally unavailable, narcissistic people into your life it means that you are on the same vibrational frequency as these people when it comes to self-love. Even though narcissistic people might seem full of themselves with a sense of grandiosity, in reality they are really insecure people with fragile egos, and they don’t understand the meaning of self-love. We attract what we are and if you are a codependent or an empath matching up with these people, oh boy aren’t you in trouble!

Self-love means being truly comfortable in your own skin and authenticity. It means finding inner peace where you are able to rest comfortably within the depths of your own being. It requires self-care and nurturing yourself with compassion and kindness towards your own flaws and imperfections. Self-love is cultivated when you nourish yourself emotionally, physically and spiritually, and it is the way to heal yourself from any emotional pain you have encountered. So what are the key qualities and habits that you need to do to help transform your life?

Essential Steps to Cultivate Self-Love:

Mindful Self-Awareness

Being mindful is key to starting your journey of self-love. It means that you are aware of how you speak to yourself. We all have our inner critic voice and most often we are too hard on ourselves. Being mindful also means that you know what you like and what you don’t like, what lowers your mood and what makes you feel good.
Making decisions based on what you want and your sense of intuition rather than what others want for you, is an act of self-love. This empowers you to make better choices for yourself which make you feel happy and fulfilled.

Choose What You Need Rather Than What You Want

You know that you love yourself when you can turn away from something that feels good and exciting, but you still make the right choice and choose what you need to help you stay centred and moving forward in your life. This requires some self-discipline as you might be tempted to go forward with what feels good at that moment, but you know that eventually it will cost you.
Delaying temporary gratification is therefore an act of self-love as you are choosing what is best for you in the long run rather than what feels good temporarily. By staying focused on what you need and what is good for you, you overcome automatic behavioural patterns that get you into trouble and keep you stuck in unhealthy behavioural cycles.


Being grateful for what you have will help you stay in a positive mental state and instigates positive emotions. This will encourage you to take care of yourself and identify the good things which are already present in your life. If you are living with a negative mental state, you will find it harder to be grateful and see the beauty within yourself and your surroundings, everything starts looking dull and melancholic.
It is healthy to have goals and work on self-growth, however it’s important to be grateful for what you have before you ask for more. Gratitude radiates positive powerful energy and keeps you motivated to keep moving forward in your life.

Take Care of Your Body

You cannot feel good about yourself if you are not taking care of your basic physical needs. When you take better care of your basic needs, you feel better and it is an act of self-love towards your physical body.
People high in self-love nourish themselves daily through healthy activities, like eating healthy food, doing physical activity, getting enough sleep and engaging in activities which they enjoy doing and uplifts their vibration.

Set Boundaries & Be Assertive

Learning how to say no when something is inconvenient for you is not an act of selfishness but an act of self-love. Set limits and say no to activities that deplete your energy or harm you physically, emotionally and spiritually. If something doesn’t feel good for you, you don’t need to seek validation from anyone else. Communicating your needs and expressing your emotions is crucial to practice self-love.
People pleasers might find it difficult to attend to their needs and feel guilty if they had to refuse helping others even if they had a valid reason not to. Even though you might feel the urge to go out of your way to please others, learn how to say no if you feel that it will not be good for you, or you just simply don’t have the time. Declining an invitation to a party which you know that will leave you feeling bored or unsatisfied is also an act of self-love. Don’t force yourself to do anything you don’t want to.
Protect & Respect Yourself
Self-respect is essential to cultivate self-love. You cannot love yourself if you don’t respect yourself. The same goes for anyone who shows disrespect towards your being. If you don’t respect yourself, you will attract people who don’t respect you and they will take advantage of this weakness in your personality.
Make space for the right people in your life. Don’t waste time on those who don’t appreciate your time and don’t see the value in you. If you feel like you are chasing and begging someone to spend time with you, then you know that it’s time to step away. If anyone that chooses to spend time with you is being mean to you or mistreating you, protect yourself from this toxic behaviour and remove them from your life.

Do Not Believe Every Thought You Have

This goes hand in hand with being mindful of your own thoughts. When we identify completely with our thoughts it means that we are too attached and will get carried away easily with the emotion instigated by the thought. This ends up leaving us anxious, scared, frustrated and depressed. Learning how to observe our thoughts rather than identifying with them allows us to look at ourselves and situations with more clarity.

Practising techniques like meditation and breathing exercises will help you detach from your thoughts and become the observer. Learning how to observe your thoughts gives you a sense of relief from the mental clutter and will give space to inner peace and stillness. This is an important part of our self-journey of healing and mental well-being.

Forgiveness & Acceptance

We can be so hard on ourselves sometimes. It’s good to take responsibility for our actions, but punishing ourselves keeps up stuck rather than learning from the mistakes and moving forward.
Accept your humanness to love yourself unconditionally. Keep in mind that our ego tells us all the negative things about ourselves as a result of unhealed wounds. Remember, there are no failures, if you learn from your mistakes, they are only lessons learned.
Self-love is a daily practice and there will always be an area in your life that needs some attention and care. True self-love is not about judging ourselves and trying to be perfect. It’s about being there for ourselves in harmony, supporting ourselves along our entire life’s journey.

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🌙. I will share what came up, what shifted, and how to do easy self care to keep your energy and emotions flowing and clear.

Feel free to reach out with any questions. Love, Sara

All healing sessions are non refundable.
If you need to change the time of the healing please try to do so at least 24 hours prior.

Legal Disclaimer:

This session does not replace medical care for a medical condition. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical issue. Please see a licensed medical professional or doctor for health concerns.

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May 21, 2024, 13:30
Oracle Card Reading

Set your intention and join me for a 10-15 minute session. During our time together I will pull a card from The Starseed Oracle deck for you. This card pull is intented to help you receive the messages you are meant to hear.

By registered users: 17
Alex Buta
May 22, 2024, 01:00
Private Ascension Sessions

I can help you with these 3 main aspects:

  • Source alignment
    Raise your vibration, improve your alignment with Source, and receive higher guidance and clarity on your evolutionary journey.

  • 5D Consciousness Integration
    Master your polarity, heal and integrate the multidimensional aspects of your soul, accessing your 5D Consciousness and abilities.

  • New Earth Mission
    Activate your unique codes and soul blueprint, master your energetic signature and align with your New Earth and Starseed mission.

By registered users: 48