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1:1 Personal Training Session (Virtual)

coaching session
$35 USD
$35 USD


– Resistance Training Focused through bodyweight exercises, dumbbells, resistance bands, or gym equipment. Cardio recommendation provided.
– Individualized program to meet your goals as well as based on your level
– Weekly sessions (1 to 3 times per week)
– Tracked Progress (measurements, weight logs, photos, etc)
– Motivating, empowering, and supportive environment.
– Weekly emails with nutrition, exercises, and lifestyle tips to help you on your journey.
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Provided By
New York, NY, USA

Women's Holistic Health & Fitness Coach.

I work with women who are looking to make changes in their life to feel healthier, energized, and happy. Together we work on nutrition, fitness, lifestyle, and environmental habits to build lifestyle changes that will last a lifetime.

On Core Spirit since October 2021

Season Gorny
Top breathing tips for exercising

I always seemed to struggle with breathing when I would jog or do the elliptical, I would end up with pain/cramping in my side. Most of the time when I would do any type of strength training, I was holding my breath. As someone who suffers from Endometriosis and Pelvic Floor dysfunction, it wasn’t until recently that I discovered the reason why breathing is so important. I also learned the top breathing tips for exercising.

Many adults don’t breathe correctly. They are usually breathing too shallow, moving their upper rib cage more than they should. Factors like poor posture and stress may be the reason that some aren’t encouraging their diaphragm properly. This can often lead to discomfort in the chest and back muscles. Incorrect breathing may also cause your pelvic floor muscles and lower back muscles to weaken. As well as disrupt the proper movement of your shoulders and spine.

Try Diaphragmatic breathing or “belly breathing.” Diaphragmatic breathing involves engaging your stomach, abdominal muscles, and diaphragm fully when breathing. Diaphragmatic breathing is great for strengthening your diaphragm, stabilizing the core muscles, promoting relaxation, and reducing oxygen demand.

How to do Diaphragmatic breathing:

  1. Lie down on a flat surface.
  2. Place one hand on the middle of your upper chest, and the other hand on your stomach (just below your rib cage)
  3. Inhale slowly through your nose, drawing the breath down toward the stomach. You should be able to feel your stomach rise, while your chest remains still.
  4. Exhale, tightening the abdominal muscles and let your stomach fall down.
  5. Practice this 3-4 times per day, 5-10 minutes each time.
    Once you become comfortable doing this, you can try sitting or standing.

During exercise, it is important to breathe correctly to help feed our muscles as well as prevent the risk of injury. During cardio activities, make sure that you are breathing in and out through your nose. For strength training be sure to inhale on relaxation, and exhale on exertion.

Top breathing tips for exercising.
– If you find yourself holding your breath, try counting out the reps.
– When running, if you often get side-stitches, try exhaling on your left footfall rather than the right.
– If you have difficulty catching your breath, avoid bending over with your hands on your knees. Instead, stand tall with your hands behind your head and take deep breathes.
– Make sure to cool down, take deep slow breaths to help calm your body and help it recover.

“Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”
― Thich Nhat Hanh

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Season Gorny
5 tips to avoid overeating to help you reach your goals.

Whether you are looking to lose weight or just change your eating habits, we all have times of overeating. It can be frustrating and set back our goals. Overeating can have negative effects on your mental and physical health as well. Before I became a Long Island Holistic Health Coach, I would often find myself struggling with overeating which would then trigger an endometriosis flare-up. Once I started on my new wellness journey, I learned to balance my nutrition it started to get easier to avoid overeating. So I thought I would give you 5 tips to avoid overeating to help you reach your goals.

-Don’t skip or restrict your meals. I hear this so often, people restricting calorie intake or skipping meals to help them lose weight. By restricting or skipping meals you can affect your blood sugar levels, which may lead to increased cravings. Can you guess what types of cravings you will have? Yup, unhealthy processed food cravings. Those cravings lead to overeating.

-Limit or Avoid Processed Foods. Kinda goes without saying, but processed foods have little to no nutritional value. Have you heard the phrase “not all calories are created equal?” Well, whole foods offer nutrients that fuel your body. Processed foods are loaded with chemicals and often cause our bodies to continue craving more of it. Just like sugar.

-Check in to see if you are really hungry. We can often confuse being physically hungry with emotionally hungry. Typical signs of physical hunger are an empty feeling or growling in your stomach. Some people may even feel irritable or weak. Emotional hunger is often caused by how we are feeling and the craving for comfort foods. Foods have a way of comforting us when we are bored, depressed, sad, stress, or angry. So do a check-in to see which type of hungry you are feeling.

-If you eat it, track it. A great way to keep yourself aware of what you are actually consuming is to keep a food journal. We often don’t realize how much we are consuming throughout the day. So get into the habit of tracking your days, and then looking it over to see where to make adjustments.

-Be Mindful. Pay attention to the food that is in front of you. Get rid of any distractions, like the TV, computer, or phone. Slow down when eating, focus on chewing your food. Experience the food, smell it, taste it, think of the texture, etc.

Make a connection with your meals and appreciate the benefits that they are providing your mind and body.
Health & Happiness!!

Don’t forget to follow us on instagram.

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All healing sessions are non refundable.
If you need to change the time of the healing please try to do so at least 24 hours prior.

Legal Disclaimer:

This session does not replace medical care for a medical condition. It is not intended to diagnose or treat any medical issue. Please see a licensed medical professional or doctor for health concerns.

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