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Gene Key Reading

mentorship session
$122 USD
$122 USD

The Gene Keys are a deep dive into our internal world. They present a sacred algorithm for humans to embody based off of the blueprint we were given at the time of birth. Essentially, it is a technique which one can learn and practice to understand themselves and their own uniqueness, in order to most efficiently and harmoniously interact with the internal and external world, and to have a greater understanding of the connectedness of all people and all things.

This framework was created by a student of the man who channeled Human Design, It uses the same underlying algorithm (the positions of the planets and the I-Ching/Spheres), to assist guide oneself into a deep contemplation process, to observe, and ultimately, to transmute, ones own (and humanity’s) Shadow frequencies into Gift and Siddhic frequencies.

The Gene Keys have absolutely shifted my awareness, perception, and understanding of my inner and outer reality. I not only have a greater understanding of my own unique gifts, quirks, and contributions to the collective whole, but now I also have a greater understanding and acceptance, of how and why others are the way that they are.

These teachings have supported me immensely., and I believe they may do the same for you.

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San Francisco, CA, USA

Trishana has received teachings from Shaman's in Peru/California, studied the Chakra System and psychic/intuitive abilities, uses Tantric/Taoist practices to harness/direct sexual energy for deeper self-awareness/alignment, and utilizes Human Design/Gene Keys to understand her own sacred algorithm. She has10+ years experience working with divination tools and spent the past 3 yrs guiding clients.

On Core Spirit since October 2021

Spiritual Healing
Trishana Suman
May 23, 2024, 02:00
Intuitive Healing Session

I utilize a combination of chakra reading, energy work, shamanic tools, and intuitive channeling to bring peace, calm, and clarity to the bodymind.

This is for you if:

You are wanting clarity regarding a life circumstance, and its greater purpose, with a curiosity of where this energy is working mentally, emotionally, and spiritually., and what the lesson/karmic pattern is for you.

You feel that something is ‘off’ mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, and are seeking to access your inner awareness to gain clarity for the purpose of learning and progressive growth.

You are feeling stuck and are seeking guidance on what is wanting to move and shift in your being, with a desire to consciously connect with what will activate your connection to your own personal freedom and liberation.

You are interested in cultivating your sexual energy for healing, growth, and expansion.

Trishana Suman
May 23, 2024, 02:00
Gene Key Reading

The Gene Keys are a deep dive into our internal world. They present a sacred algorithm for humans to embody based off of the blueprint we were given at the time of birth. Essentially, it is a technique which one can learn and practice to understand themselves and their own uniqueness, in order to most efficiently and harmoniously interact with the internal and external world, and to have a greater understanding of the connectedness of all people and all things.

This framework was created by a student of the man who channeled Human Design, It uses the same underlying algorithm (the positions of the planets and the I-Ching/Spheres), to assist guide oneself into a deep contemplation process, to observe, and ultimately, to transmute, ones own (and humanity’s) Shadow frequencies into Gift and Siddhic frequencies.

The Gene Keys have absolutely shifted my awareness, perception, and understanding of my inner and outer reality. I not only have a greater understanding of my own unique gifts, quirks, and contributions to the collective whole, but now I also have a greater understanding and acceptance, of how and why others are the way that they are.

These teachings have supported me immensely., and I believe they may do the same for you.

Human Design
Trishana Suman
May 23, 2024, 02:00
Human Design Reading

What is Human Design?

It is a synthesis of Astrology, the Chakra System, the I-Ching, and the Kabbalah, which presents a sacred algorithm for humans to embody based off of the blueprint they were given at the time of birth. Essentially, it is a technique which one can learn and practice to understand themselves and their own uniqueness, in order to most efficiently and harmoniously interact with the internal and external world, and to have a greater understanding of the connectedness of all people and all things.

The Human Design framework have absolutely shifted my awareness, perception, and understanding of my inner and outer reality. I not only have a greater understanding of my own unique gifts, quirks, and contributions to the collective whole, but now I also have a greater understanding and acceptance, of how and why others are the way that they are.

These teachings have supported me immensely., and I believe they may do the same for you.

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