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Intuitive Oracle Card Reading

therapy session
$95 USD
$95 USD

Do you have burning questions that need answers? Do you feel stuck in life, a relationship or career and need guidance? Do you want more clarity on love and relationships? Are you unsure of your current energy and what you are projecting to others?

As an Intuitive Energy Oracle Card reader, Chanelle will help reveal both the past, future & present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract! This reading will help you gain clarity and help you understand what you are consciously creating and reveal hidden blocks that can be delaying your progress. With Chanelle’s intuitive gifts and the information provided by these cards, you will feel empowered & inspired to shift your life for it comes from spirit messages and your higher self! Chanelle will hold space for you to provide you with the guidance, support and the tools needed to shift and transform your life!

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Brampton, ON, Canada

Hello Beautiful Soul! My name is Chanelle and I am a certified Usui Reiki Master, Energy Healer & certified Intuitive Channeller who uses multiple healing modalities to assist clients in as much healing as I possibly can. I specialize in Reiki healing and passionate about helping you heal on your spiritual path and igniting the light inside you!

On Core Spirit since May 2021

Oracle Cards Reading
Chanelle Macko
May 23, 2024, 16:00
Intuitive Oracle Card Reading

Do you have burning questions that need answers? Do you feel stuck in life, a relationship or career and need guidance? Do you want more clarity on love and relationships? Are you unsure of your current energy and what you are projecting to others?

As an Intuitive Energy Oracle Card reader, Chanelle will help reveal both the past, future & present energy you project and the results you are likely to attract! This reading will help you gain clarity and help you understand what you are consciously creating and reveal hidden blocks that can be delaying your progress. With Chanelle’s intuitive gifts and the information provided by these cards, you will feel empowered & inspired to shift your life for it comes from spirit messages and your higher self! Chanelle will hold space for you to provide you with the guidance, support and the tools needed to shift and transform your life!

Chakra Balancing
Chanelle Macko
May 23, 2024, 16:00
Chakra Balance & Heal Course

In this groundbreaking 7 lesson video course, you receive an in-depth explanation of the 7 Chakras and how they can affect your daily life. It will provide you some key insights into the TRUTH about why you feel the way you do around feelings of FEAR, ANXIETY, SELF-WORTH and ANGER and how they affect your life and health.

Discover, practical and specific exercises and mystical tools that allow you to identify energy blockages, and clear, balance, and charge each chakra. Your Chakras, hold the keys to healing suppressed negative emotions & past life trauma, building genuine relationships, increasing abundance in your life, igniting your creativity & achieving a life YOU desire! This is the FASTEST & most EFFECTIVE way to make a massive shift in your energy and have lasting change affecting every aspect of your life.

Yes! Payment plans are available! Please email Chanelle and she can set you up the course.

Chanelle Macko
May 23, 2024, 16:00
Distance Reiki Healing Session

Do you want to release stress, suppressed trauma AND feel complete happiness from the comfort of your own home?! Distance healing allows people to receive the benefits of reiki anywhere in the world, even if they are unable to be physically present!

This healing session offers a safe and sacred space & restores the client both physically and emotionally, clearing out any stagnant toxic energy and aligns the mind, body, spirit. Chanelle also combines past life clearing and transmutes anything that surfaces and does not resonate with the clients highest good during the session.

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Hi Michelle! I can definitely provide more guidance and clarity in a private session with me! I would also suggest Meditation and or journaling to reflect on what makes you happy? Quieting the mind always helps me when making decisions! Look forward to connecting with you xo

Michelle Collins3y ago

Hello! I am currently dealing with emotional stress, I wish I knew what I wanted in life! I got my bachelor’s degree and have some work experience already but I feel like I’m never gonna be happy. Nothing inspires me, nothing makes me passionate. Do you have any advice on how to find my purpose?

Oracle Cards Reading
Chanelle Macko
May 23, 2024, 16:00
Intuitive Oracle Card Reading
Chanelle Macko
May 23, 2024, 16:00
Distance Reiki Healing Session
Chakra Balancing
Chanelle Macko
May 23, 2024, 16:00
Chakra Balance & Heal Course

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Iyengar yoga
Praggati Anand Oswaal
May 22, 2024, 08:00
5-Day Yoga Challenge

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This challenge is designed for all levels, from the Yoga newbies to the seasoned Yogis looking to re-inspire their practice. Get ready for long holds in classic Yoga postures that will help you reset and release tension from head to toe.

We all are getting a big serving of stress, anxiety and uncertainty every day. A regular practice of Yoga prepares you to handle the stresses of life with ease. You learn how to release stress so it does not accumulate and create dis-ease.

This is your golden opportunity to setup a consistent daily practice. Do not miss out! Best part of all, it is just $10.

Day 1: Tech Neck/Shoulders and Wrists stretching
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Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 4: Heart opening
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Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Day 5: Hip opening
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Duration ~ 30 Minutes

Sign up and I will send you the details.

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Kayla Stan
May 25, 2024, 15:00
Numerology Profile: The Five Major Numbers

Have you ever noticed the patterns around you and wanted to understand the desires, strengths, and path your soul came into this life?

You are not alone and I can help you learn about your unique soul blueprint. Numerology is the study of your translating your name and birthday into numbers which can tell you information about your desires, strengths, personality, life path and more. Throughout this consultation I will calculate your number profile and work with you to understand current blocks and opportunities you can pursue that will align with your soul.

In this profile you will get the three major personality profile numbers, your life path, the energy for this year, and a couple extra numbers that you should definitely know as you go through life.

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Life Coaching
Alyssa Kelliher
May 23, 2024, 04:00
Coaching Consultation

This service is meant as an opportunity for first time clients who are interested in coaching and want to learn more. Coaching helps get you from where you are to where you want to be. In our session we will create systems to implement changes you wish to make in your life while prioritizing overall health and wellness. We will identify and work through any blocks preventing you from reaching your goals. You will be provided with tools to work through life's ebbs and flows. Find out if coaching is a good fit for you with this introductory session.

By registered users: 12
Distance Healing
Fernando Albert
May 23, 2024, 14:00
(En Español) The Healing: No labels, just White Light


A treatment feels like a wonderful White Light flowing around you. With an energy healing you will bring balance to your body, your emotions, your mind and spirit, and your feelings of tranquility and inner peace will be amplified. By improving balance in your life, you will improve your focus, well-being, and happiness. When we find the sentimental sources that cause physical pain, we usually eliminate the pain.

You can request a healing for yourself, for a family member, a pet, or a place or object. I can send White Light to negative moments in the past (in this life or past lives), for better results in a present situation or for protection.

The Healing focuses on: * All your living areas. * Your body, mind, spirit. * Past Lifes, and Karma (cord cutting) * Bringing positive past moments to the present.

I will send you the healing when your Guides or your Higher Self consider that you are more receptive, and then we will connect for a few minutes by video and I will explain to you how the healing went, and if your Guides have anything to explain to you.

By registered users: 32
Distance Healing
Theresa Ceruti
May 25, 2024, 15:00
Soul Realignment Akashic Records Reading

How many of you say you don’t know why something keeps happening to you…over and over again….in your life? And you ask, “Why?” Others wonder about past lives…”What did I do to deserve this?” Some feel drawn to things they don’t understand, or are attracted to people or places or jobs….and don’t know why. Do you feel like you are always the outlier, the visitor, the ‘never-quite-fits-in’ one? A Soul Realignment Reading can help answer some of those questions. I go into your Akashic Records and look at your soul’s journey…but more…I look at your divine gifts, too. It uncovers the blocks and restrictions that can stop the “over and over again” feeling, can explain the “never-quite-fit-in” feeling, can give perspective to the attraction to certain people or places, and it can shed light on how to change choices that are not in line with your divine gifts…. and allows abundance to flow into your life. This reading can also reveal attached souls or Earthbound souls that are weighing you down and drawing on your life force energy. They can be cleared and released as part of the reading.

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Spiritual - Relationship - Counselling

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The aim is for the client to express themselves and their world with intimate wisdom, spiritual awareness and personal authenticity.
Spiritual Counselling is all about you, your self- healing and nothing about the outside world or other people and external circumstances.

In Spiritual Counselling, we often travel back to early years of childhood in order to find the root cause of all mental, emotional, physical or spiritual imbalance within your physical and soul being. It is healing the inner child.

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Helping you to find the best way to overcome your limit, to break away from limiting beliefs, repeating cycles and help you improve your overall well-being, heal yourself within for a more full-filled life.

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