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Mindfulness meditation
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Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness meditation
Johann Strerath
May 25, 2024, 00:00
Brain Optimization Guided Meditation

This service is perfectly suited for those who are looking for individual single sessions to reduce their immediate levels of anxiety that causes lack of concentration, focus, sleep disorders, incapacity to take proper personal or professional decisions, as well as hyper activity originated by their excess of work related stress.

At the same time, this online session is indicated to those with depressive symptoms, lack of self-steam, as well as mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion, helping to align their body, mind, emotions and soul, as well as to increase self confidence.

By registered users: 58
Mindfulness meditation
Nicole H.R
May 22, 2024, 08:00
Personalised Meditation

This includes:
One 30 minute consultation call to explore hopes, needs, likes and dislikes.
One audio file meditation to keep, max 60min
(Select from: 5min/10min/15min/30min/45min/60min)
Optional* Sample bottles of recommended essential oil based on consultation

Who is this for?

Are you looking for a mindful meditation with all the things you like about meditation and non of the things you don’t?

You have probably tried a free YouTube or app meditation before but found it hard to connect to or stay focused.
You like the idea of meditating but just don’t know if you can really get into it.
You want the results of feeling calm and quieting all the chatter in your head, but you can’t seem to get there any time you've tried before.
You enjoy meditating but your picky about what you like and depending on the persons voice or the background sounds you can get distracted by them.

Follwoing our consultation I will create your perfect mediation, one that you will use and go back to time and time again. No one meditiation is the same, because no one person is the same!

These are a joy to create and I cant wait to support you with yours!

By registered users: 25
Mindfulness meditation
Lora Velichkova
May 22, 2024, 07:00
Mantra for Clearing MERIDIANS

-energy clearing mantra
-good for clensing

  • helps us connect to ourselves
  • ensures a profound sense of stillness
  • activates spiritual connection
By registered users: 8
Mindfulness meditation
Emily Lewis
May 22, 2024, 11:30
1-to-1 Meditation and Mindfulness Session

The purpose of the 1-to-1 Meditation & Mindfulness Session is to learn how to meditate and experience a variety of meditation practices with the facilitator. These sessions will also provide you with a the space to have a 1-to-1 ‘check-in’ with the facilitator, to explore any obstacles that arise with creating this new habit, and to answer any questions.

Areas of Expertise:

o Mindfulness
o Meditation
o Breathwork
o Stress Reduction
o Experiential Inquiry-Based Learning
o Attentional, Emotional, and Behavioural Self-Regulation
o Scientific Research

What to Expect:

This will be a meditation session with Emily where you will practice mindfulness meditation together for 20 minutes and then have an inquiry-based discussion to further explore mindfulness concepts.

Session Deliverable:

To develop a meditation and mindfulness routine for your unique situation. Emily will provide you with tailored resources that you can use on your own time to you maintain your mindfulness practice.

Detailed Description:

Does your mind seem to have a mind of its own? Me too! The good news is we all have the ca-pacity to train the mind to be a bit more present and to also be a little bit kinder!

Mindfulness is not:
• About clearing our minds or getting rid of all of our thoughts
• Necessarily a relaxation exercise
• A fix-all pill

Mindfulness is:
• Taking a pause, slowing down, checking in with ourselves
• Kindly returning our focus of attention to an anchor in the present moment such as the breath or body whenever the mind wanders (which it will!)
• Noticing our whole experience just as it is in the present moment; practicing not grasping the pleasant and pushing away the unpleasant
• A practice, which means it does take some practice!

Mindfulness meditation has been shown to support wellbeing by alleviating symptoms of stress, anxiety, depression, pain, and insomnia (just to name a few)!

By intentionally cultivating present-moment awareness we are able to change how we relate to our experiences, transform habits, and actually alter brain structures associated with stress!

By registered users: 11
Mindfulness meditation
David Giddings
May 22, 2024, 08:00
Mindfulness Coaching

It's time to wake up! To wake up to the truth of who you are.

Welcome to the Mindfulness Course 💚

Throughout this course, I will be introducing different methods of meditation, all of which have their basis in mindfulness. Mindfulness isn't so much a technique of meditation as it is a quality of the mind. It is simply undistracted attention.

Join me on a deceptively simple yet profoundly life-changing journey.

By registered users: 19
Mindfulness meditation
Igor Berkhin
Understand your Mind. Group meditation training.

The knowledge of one’s own mind is neither a religion nor philosophy. Even though contemplative traditions existed for millennia in spiritual context, the nature of one’s own mind can be explored regardless one’s religious, moral, or scientific believes. Mind cannot be directly observed from outside, therefore, we need contemplative methods to observe it from inside. Certain things are invisible just because we don’t know where to look, what to notice, and lack proper instruments. Meditation is a way to develop mental optics as well as a skill how to use it.
A course of 5 sessions 2 hours each. Video conference. A group of 6-10 people. 115$ per person for the course (10 hours).

By registered users: 5
Mindfulness meditation
Tine Steiss
May 23, 2024, 14:00
22527 Hamburg, Germany
Walking Meditation (Covid-19 save!)

If you are in Hamburg I am offering “Walk with me” Walking Meditation Sessions in the Niendorfer Gehege.

What can you expect from our walking meditation:

– Personalized sessions that directly correspond with your needs
– Mindfulness training that teaches being present in the here and now through the benefits of nature and movement
– A holistic approach combining research results and current knowledge with lived experience
– Immediate benefits as you are taking time for yourself
– Longterm benefits ranging from a better understanding of your thoughts and emotions and therefore the ability to respond to life’s changes and challenges more skillfully

How is the walking meditation and mindfulness training usually structured:

– The topics we discuss and experience are based on the 8-week MBSR training.
– We meet in the Niendorfer Gehege and walk together for about an hour.
– There will be an introduction to the topic, open conversation, silence and guided meditation
– Corona safety measures: As we are outside we can easily keep a safe distance

Which are the topics of the mindfulness training?
– What is mindfulness?
– Perception and creative responding
– Mindfulness of the breath and the body in movement
– Learning about the patterns of stress reactivity
– Working with stress
– Stressful communications
– Lifestyle Choices
– A mindful life

By registered users: 6
Mindfulness meditation
Lala Menen
May 23, 2024, 18:00

YOGA NIDRA. A 30 minutes session.
Enter into your divine silent but powerful inner well of deep relaxation and positive potential. I take you on a powerful journey with this guided meditation which is experienced in complete stillness laying on your back. It is a meditation to completely de- stress, to create and manifest. It can help to break negative habits and behaviours as it initiates self awareness. Great for those who find it difficult to meditate and be still as the facilitator is fully supporting and guiding the meditation.

You will need a yoga mat and warm clothes, a blanket, an eye pillow, socks, anything to ensure you are warm for the duration of the session as remaining still is vital to the success of this meditation.

By registered users: 6
Mindfulness meditation
Paul Gerst L.Ac, CMT
May 23, 2024, 13:00
30 Minute Meditation Training Session

I recommend the 60 minute Meditation Training Session for 1-6 visits, but offer this reduced time/payment session for those who don’t want or need the added time.

I discuss the timing in the first 60 minute session. It will make sense what is right for you as you move through the program. Some decide to stay with the 60 min as their meditation times lengthen.

By registered users: 8
Mindfulness meditation
Hilda Kalap
May 22, 2024, 11:00
Mindfulness for better mental health

Be more resilient in your mental health with mindfulness - learn three powerful mindfulness techniques that will carry you through the toughest times.

By registered users: 3
Mindfulness meditation
Paul Gerst L.Ac, CMT
May 23, 2024, 13:00
Mindfulness Meditation: Your Path to Peace

So many people have tried meditation and report that they failed; they can’t do it. There are many different kinds of meditation and my goal is to help everyone find comfort in quiet, stillness, peace…in truth, it is comfort with your true self. When you achieve this, all the little annoyances, stressors, aggravations…all those button pushers get a whole lot quieter, if not totally going away, in some cases.

Some people just want to launch a practice and head out on their own (minimum of 3 sessions), but I highly recommend getting a solid practice started (minimum of 6 sessions). Some choose to continue practice and you are more than welcome to continue if you choose. I will tailor my teaching to you. If you want more history, theory, etc, I will bring that to the table. If you’d rather focus on practice, I will minimize the theory and focus on finding a useful practice that will help meet your goals.

By registered users: 4
Mindfulness meditation
Igor Berkhin
May 23, 2024, 06:00
Understand your Mind. Individual meditation training.

The knowledge of one’s own mind is neither a religion nor philosophy. Even though contemplative traditions existed for millennia in spiritual context, the nature of one’s own mind can be explored regardless one’s religious, moral, or scientific believes. Mind cannot be directly observed from outside, therefore, we need contemplative methods to observe it from inside. Certain things are invisible just because we don’t know where to look, what to notice, and lack proper instruments. Meditation is a way to develop mental optics as well as a skill how to use it.

By registered users: 4
Mindfulness meditation
Jordi Ibern Novell
May 22, 2024, 07:00
Private Meditation & Mindfulness Class

Learn and practice meditation through private video conference classes (Zoom) of an hour and a half, with theoretical and practical content. Classes are totally personalized.

During the classes you will learn sitting meditation, walking meditation and essential Mindfulness practices —Zen tradition—.We will also work on the core and spiritual components of meditation as well as on the practical elements: How to sit, how to breath, how often you should practice and what can you feel or experience during your practice.

If you have not practiced meditation before, I recommend a minimum of 5 classes to obtain the necessary knowledge to keep practicing independently.

By registered users: 6
Mindfulness meditation
Jorge Sepulveda
May 23, 2024, 21:00
Meditation coaching

Maybe you want to start a regular meditation practice or maybe you are struggling to keep it up? Perhaps you have been practicing for a while and feel a little lost or unsure about what you are doing?

I will offer you guidance, answer your questions and work with you to make the most out of your sessions. We will design a way of practice to suit your specific needs and routine so that you can reap all the benefits that meditation has to offer.

I’m a former Buddhist monk and have been on silent retreat for the equivalent of more than two years time (practicing more than 8 hours a day on average). I have also kept a regular home practice for many years and know the difficulties that daily life and a demanding schedule may play into setting aside some time for meditation every day.

Here are some topics we might cover:

-Settings and good posture for sitting practice

-Appropriate length of sessions according to your schedule

-How to maintain a regular practice

-Different techniques for different purposes

-Mindfulness, Vipassana, Metta, Anapana, Jhana: What are they?

-Meditation in daily life

-Benefits and side effects

-And more!

By registered users: 9
Mindfulness meditation
Earl Truitt
May 24, 2024, 13:00

Meditation for clearing your spirit becoming one with your higher self

By registered users: 3
Mindfulness meditation
Emily Lewis
May 22, 2024, 11:30
1-to-1 Eight-Week Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction Course

The Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) provides a training in mindfulness meditation and awareness practices which have been shown to reduce stress, and increase well-being for people with a wide range of concerns, from stress and anxiety, to chronic pain and insomnia and many more conditions. It was developed by Dr. Jon Kabat Zinn in 1979 in the University of Massachusetts Medical School.

In the last 30 years MBSR has been rigorously researched and has been found to be effective with many forms of stress; from relationships, parenting, work, as well as chronic pain, and dealing with illnesses such as cancer. The MBSR curriculum allows participants to find their own inner resources for living life with more ease and resilience. It is the most highly researched mindfulness based intervention and spans many populations and disciplines. The MBSR programme has served over 24,000 participants over the last three decades.

The course is interactive, supportive, and structured. It runs for 8 weeks, and each class is 1.5 hours. The MBSR will provide you with:

Guided instruction in mindfulness meditation practices, ie: body scan, mindful movement, breath awareness and more

An inquiry process to deepen individual and group understanding to support aligning ourselves to being more present in our lives

Opportunities to discuss how to work with obstacles to mindfulness, and how we can best integrate mindfulness into daily life in a variety of ways.

Less reactivity, and more awareness – building a greater ability to respond to life’s demands and difficulties with skill, openness, and self kindness

The programme is both rewarding and challenging and requires a high level of ongoing commitment to yourself and the home practice. Home practice is a major part of the course and will involve guided mindfulness practices of about 30 minutes a day. All materials needed will be provided including mp3s of guided practices, and a pdf handbook.

I hold a MSc in Mindfulness-Based Interventions from the School of Psychology at University College Dublin and I am a member of, and adhere to, the standards set down by the Mindfulness Teachers Association of Ireland.

By registered users: 6
Mindfulness meditation
Mary Miller
May 22, 2024, 15:00
160 Main St, Gardiner, NY 12525, USA
Individual classes of meditation of Tibetan pulsations

An individual meditation session of Tibetan Pulsations consists of:

1. Reading/diagnosing the state of the nervous system by the iris of the eye

2. Meditative healing work with a specific energy center

Reading the eyes in the tradition of Tibetan pulsations allows you to determine:

  • the state of internal organs and the nervous system;
  • predisposition to physical and mental illnesses;
  • emotional and psychological blocks;
  • your purpose and the area of talent development.

Individual classe s of meditative body work with energy centers will help:

  • return contact with your own body, better hear it and understand it;
  • recall the feeling of physical relaxation and lightness;
  • release physical and emotional blocks;
  • become aware of your unconscious behaviors and habits;
  • to touch on a very deep level to your real essence (soul);
  • feel a surge of creative, vital and creative energy.
By registered users: 2
Mindfulness meditation
Beth Theodore, L.Ac.
May 22, 2024, 17:00
Wellness Mentoring

This session focuses on aligning your mind, body and energy.

Together we’ll build a lifestyle plan tailored to your specific needs and goals while helping to relieve stress, increase energy, improve sleep quality, alleviate pain and feel more grounded.

Treatment modalities may include energy balancing using pressure points, mindful meditation, focused journaling, lifestyle modification, nutritional assessment & recommendations, essential oils, exercise and/or stretching techniques.

By registered users: 3