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Wellness Coaching
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Wellness Coaching

Wellness Coaching
Arjan Bogaers
High Quality of Life with Chronic Illness

A fully-facilitated, transformative online program

How can a high quality of life be restored and re-established when much of what before constituted quality of your life has been lost due to a chronic illness, pain and/or disability?

Your life purpose, your values, beliefs and personal needs are just some of your unique dynamics that get severely challenged and need caring attention.

This very comprehensive, in-depth program, based on the internationally-certified New Insights™ Program, will guide you along the powerful aspects of your personal foundation.

Among many other things, you will learn:
• How to set goals within the conditions of your circumstances
• To identify your beliefs, and how to design supporting beliefs
• To discover your highest values and how to live in alignment with them
• What taking responsibility really means
• Recognize and meet your most important needs
• How only you are in charge of the quality of your life
• To discover and formulate your own, individual Life Purpose

Length: 12 Modules
Duration: 12 Weeks
Purchase Fee: $ US 250 *
Category: Facilitated transformative program

pdf documents - audio recordings - worksheets - email consultations
  • please note that this is a once-off payment – there will be no additional charges
By registered users: 39
Wellness Coaching
Claudia Pescivolo
May 13, 2024, 07:00
Give yourself a chance to start your holistic wellness journey

There are many ways to nourish yourself and I help individuals like you, by unlocking your true potential to become the healthiest, happiest version of yourself for the long term. You will gain direction on how to focus and reset your mindset, listen to your body, change your inner dialogue, nourish yourself and address your wellbeing holistically. You will feel heard in our coaching session, helping you achieve peace of mind. And, above all, you will realise how much more powerful you are than you give yourself credit for today.

We will create a personalised holistic wellness and nutrition plan and there will be regular check-ins to help you reach your goals. If you’re looking for something completely integrated and tailored to your specific needs, 1:1 coaching might be the right step for you.

By registered users: 45
Wellness Coaching
Josie Truelove
May 14, 2024, 07:00
Discovery Call

In this 30 minute session, let me see how I can help you.

Do you suffer with anxiety or spending too much time overthinking things, procrastinating?

Do you feel consumed or controlled by life circumstances such as work, health or family, or just feeling stuck and can’t see how things can change?

Does your lack of confidence and self doubt stop you from moving forward and achieving what you want in life, your work, relationships, health, or hobbies?

I offer Mindset coaching for calm, clarity and confidence using a variey of techniques to help you let go and move forward in all areas of your life.

Let me see in this call how I can help you and tailor a coaching package to your personal needs.

By registered users: 21
Wellness Coaching
Christine Kahiga
May 10, 2024, 22:00
Mental Health Coaching Sessions

I am Chrissy, a mental health coach. I help people work through trauma, in that, the negative impact of the bad experiences we've been through and how it impacts our identity, mindset and sense of worth, so as to move from just surviving to thriving.

What We Will Cover:

  • Identity in Trauma
  • State of Being - knowing, feeling, thinking, doing
  • Shifting the Trauma Mindset
  • Owning your Worth

I look forward to being your coach, and offering perspective, accountability and support.
Be blessed.

By registered users: 30
Wellness Coaching
Josie Truelove
May 14, 2024, 07:00
Mind Detox. Clear & heal toxic beliefs, cleansing your mind for a brighter life

Mind Detox, clearing unwanted, unhealthy, limiting thoughts, beliefs and habits from your mind that are preventing you from moving forward, being your best self and living your best life.

Do you have:

Fears or Phobias?
Health conditions?
Self limiting beliefs,
Repetative patterns?
Do you feel stuck or blocked in life?

Mind Detox can help discover and heal the 'root cause reason' to anything negative happening in your mind, body and life, bringing in new positive and liberating perceptions so that you can let go and move forward with ease to be the best version of your Self, feel free and achieve greater success in life.

We know the importance of detoxing the body for better health and decluttering your house of unwanted things. What about the mind, your thoughts,, beliefs and unseen habits that are causing stress and strain in your mind, body and life?
When have you taken time to 'detox' and unclutter your mind?

Your mind is the control centre to your body, emotions, and how you respond in life. What you are thinking, you are creating.
The mind is like an iceburg and hidden beneath the surface are unconsious thoughts and beliefs that are creating and driving how you live and respond in life.

Mind Detox is a tool for letting go of anything toxic that is holding you back from being your best self, bringing in new perceptions and by percieving your past, present and future in a more positive light, the body can heal and life is able to improve.

"Working with Josie has been such a transformational experience.  I didn’t know what to expect with mind detox, but I was open and willing to shift and give it 100% on the call.  By the end of the session I felt so calm and neutral about the area I decided to work on.  It was subtle but powerful.  It wasn’t until our next session that I realised what had truly transpired from the session.  Each session went deeper and deeper as she guided me to reprogram past beliefs and experiences to step into my full power.  I highly recommend working with Josie if you want true transformation."
Carrie Brito M.A.
Brand Transformation Strategist. USA

The Mind Detox session is quick, non intrusive and you will leave feeling inspired and more positive.

The duration of the session is 60 to 75 minutes and is help online.

One session may be enough to help with a single issue, but it is recommended to book a series of sessions to dive deeper which we can discuss on our meeting.

By registered users: 28
Wellness Coaching
Susie Bower
May 15, 2024, 16:00
Sleep Transformation

Did you know the quality of your sleep not only impacts your energy, but also of your weight, hormones, stress levels, how well your body recovers from daily stress and exercise, food cravings, and even your mood?

We have been conditioned to think nutrition and exercise is all we need to focus on, unfortunately that is not the entire story.

During our ACTION session we will discuss your current sleep habits and how we can improve them so you may be able to increase your energy, drop the excess body fat, balance hormones, reduce stress and cravings and feel good. You will leave the session with actionable steps you can apply tonight!

By registered users: 21
Wellness Coaching
Susie Bower
May 15, 2024, 16:00
Getting Unstuck

Have you ever wondered why you do all the right things, yet still don't get the results you expected?

Exhausted from the endless diet cycle with nothing working?

Want to start on your health journey, just don't know what to do or where to start?

Feel like you are giving everything you have to your family, leaving you constantly feeling tired, moody, no motivation to do anything for yourself, maybe you don't even recognize yourself anymore?

Let's have a 30 minute ACTION session to get you moving in the right direction! Discover key take aways that will give you a path to start on.

I have been in the health, wellness and fitness industry for over 20 years. My journey started after my first back surgery, I knew my lifestyle had to change and as I learned about my own body, I wanted to help others. Following a cookie cutter plan isn't sustainable, everything you do must be personalized to you, your body's needs, your goals and desires.

By registered users: 20
Wellness Coaching
Peter Paul Parker
May 13, 2024, 19:00
One To One Coaching With Peter Paul Parker

Anxious? Stressed? Depressed? These are symptoms of our modern world today. Sometimes we feel trapped inside of this bubble that is weighing us down and making us anxious. There is a way out of this, but how.

When we actually truly embrace what we are, life becomes much easier. We can find out where you are at, where you want to be, and make a plan to get you there.

Sometimes it is the vibrations held in our body that stops us moving forward. Lets find out where they are in your body, and move you in the right direction to live the life you want to.

My name is Peter and I am an empath. I have used my abilities for many years to create the life I wanted, which was being a professional musician. And when that no longer felt right deep inside, I decided to help others on their journey finding what they want to do.

Before speaking with me, I would like you to consider, what do you actually want? Think about this question. And when we speak, we will go through this in detail and make a plan to get you there.

I look forward to speaking with you soon.

Be well and keep shining.

Peter. :)

By registered users: 22
Wellness Coaching
Beverly Lynn
May 15, 2024, 15:00
Ask a Question?

Supportive reflection of a current question that you would like clarity around. Using the SMART method to seek quidance in stepping onto your path of potential. Join me for a chat and a way to move in the direction of your dreams.

By registered users: 24
Wellness Coaching
Doug Peterson
May 13, 2024, 13:00
Mental Health and Holistic Lifestyle Coaching Consultation

Hi there! I'm Doug and I offer 1 on 1 Holistic Lifestyle and Mental Health Coaching sessions. Navtigating life with mental health issues of any sevarity is a hard road. Your path to vibrant health in all aspects is soley your own. It can be extrordinarily overwhelming to take on this journey on your own. I understand this because of my own first hand experience with severe anxiety and panic disorder. I spent 15 years of my life plauged with intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, and a general feeling of dread most days.

In order to heal ourselves from trauma of any kind, we must bring balance to ourselves in all aspects (body, mind, and spirit). The body is a complex cascade of systems upon systems. When one of those systems falls out of balance, it has effects on different (sometimes seemingly unrelated) parts of the self. I will help you develop your own personal practices to restore balance in yourself.

By registered users: 22
Wellness Coaching
Doug Peterson
May 13, 2024, 13:00
Mental Health and Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

Hi there! I'm Doug and I offer 1 on 1 Holistic Lifestyle and Mental Health Coaching sessions. Navtigating life with mental health issues of any sevarity is a hard road. Your path to vibrant health in all aspects is soley your own. It can be extrordinarily overwhelming to take on this journey on your own. I understand this because of my own first hand experience with severe anxiety and panic disorder. I spent 15 years of my life plauged with intrusive thoughts, panic attacks, and a general feeling of dread most days.

In order to heal ourselves from trauma of any kind, we must bring balance to ourselves in all aspects (body, mind, and spirit). The body is a complex cascade of systems upon systems. When one of those systems falls out of balance, it has effects on different (sometimes seemingly unrelated) parts of the self. I will help you develop your own personal practices to restore balance in yourself.

By registered users: 21
Wellness Coaching
Pamela Malo
May 13, 2024, 16:00
Your Missing Manual for Health & Life!

Are you constantly reading books, blogs and listening to podcasts trying to figure out what to do to be healthy?

With so much conflicting information out there, even with the best intentiosn and effort, most peole are left feeling lost and confused.

But it does not have to be this way! Join me for a 1-hour session where we will delve into your brain, your needs and my expertise to make a doable plan for YOU!

If you have tried everything else, what have you got to lose?

By registered users: 12
Wellness Coaching
nen huang
May 13, 2024, 17:00
Health and Wellness Coaching

The coaching is, in my point of view, to bring in lights to illuminate the path you should be walking for better health and quality of life.

By registered users: 3
Wellness Coaching
Audrey Archambault
May 13, 2024, 13:00
BOOK A 30-Mins NUTRITION & HEALTH Discovery Call

I help busy women to lose weight, getting their energy back, and gaining the confidence they always deserved. I provide a Holistic mind & body approach to feeling good and confident in your own skin once and for all!

VISUALISE how you would feel, how you would look, who would you be with, what would you wear, what would you do and how would your LIFE CHANGE once you find a solution to whatever has been bothering you for far too long …

You would feel amazing, confident, happy, healthier and more in control, right?

THIS IS what I love helping all my clients with…

What you will get:

  1. A 1:1 Nutrition, Health, Coaching call to uncover where you are at, what you truly want
    and where you want to be
  2. Your Health & Energy score with immediate priorities
  3. My Top 3 recommendations to implement and feel boosted better right away

Apply for your 30-Mins Discovery call with me and discover how I can help you to feel good in your own skin and Create a Body & a Life You Are In Love with and of course see if we are a good fit.

Book yours today,

Can’t wait to chat with you!

By registered users: 34
Wellness Coaching
Yael Hayes
May 13, 2024, 07:00
Personalized Nutrition Plan - Because who has time for calorie counting?!

Hi There!

Have you tried everything when it comes to cleaning up your nutrition?

Does it feel like you're losing your head in the proverbial **chaos ** of "scientific" methods, online that leave you more frustrated, stressed and confused, than healthy?

That's how I felt when I was 220lbs. And how my clients felt, too. All of us had enough of that confusion.
Enough is enough. After getting to my healthy weight (losing 88lbs in 9 months), I decided to clean up the mess. So I dove into CrossFit-methodologies, nutrition and weight-loss information, followed the science and became Precision Nutrition certified, which is the most advanced, science and client-backed educational program in the world, when it comes to nutrition. And that brought me to be able to offer this plan. We set a very realistic goal, no longer use calorie-counting as our method of keeping track because I don't want you to reduce food - that can be such an emotional comfort to some of us - to a number. It's not. It's an experience and that's why we take calories out of the equation.

It is a straightforward, manageable and clear plan, tailored to your needs , schedule, diet, job, exercise, physical metrics and other aspects of your life, taking everything into account. This plan is designed to lower your stress, not heighten it. And it will get you real, longterm, healthy results. Fullstop.

I chose to offer the plan as a standalone service, for people who might not be able to afford regular weight loss or nutrition coaching, but still want to make a very significant change and understand the basics of nutrition. My goal for you, is to raise your self-efficacy. I want you to be empowered. To know the most important information and therefore be able to make informed decisions from now on, without needing a coach (although having one always helps, for other reasons such as accountability and support) or having to rely on some bogus website on the internet, that might do more harm than good..

Ordering a plan includes an hour for introductions, questions and goals as well as a 30 minute check-in, a few weeks later - just to see how you're doing, as well as helping you to understand how to tweak it yourself for the future and answer any questions that might have come up.

By the way, if you have a child or teenager struggling with overweight or obesity, this plan can not just help you, but also improve their health greatly. I've been working with many kids and teenagers and they are truly amazing in how fast transformation happens, if the whole family commits! Having (even one-off) family sessions, where we focus on communication between all members of the family to build a strong and honest support system also has been shown to help, greatly.

I'd love to work with you and am looking forward and curious to hear your story!

So long, best wishes,

Coach Hayes

By registered users: 19
Wellness Coaching
Cathy Eden
May 14, 2024, 13:00
30 Minute Autoimmune Condition Supportive Coaching (Discovery Call)

Book a 30 minute discovery call to help us find out what your current needs and challenges are. We can also get to know each other and make sure we're a good match for coaching.

During our call, we'll use our time together to explore your situation and talk about how we can create an ongoing coaching partnership. It's also an opportunity for you to ask any questions that you have.

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” Lao Tzu

I look forward to meeting with you on this first step towards changing your life.

By registered users: 19
Wellness Coaching
Warren Oliver Stone
May 13, 2024, 09:00
Online Holistic Lifestyle Coaching

Nutritional coaching, exercise coaching, lifestyle coaching, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual performance coaching.

By registered users: 22
Wellness Coaching
Noy Shani
May 12, 2024, 21:00
Individual Breakthrough Experience - Discovery Call

I have a way to get your exact value system and how you operate from you unconscious mind, elicit (as in find out) your exact deepest rooted unconscious values. What it then leads to is amazing intervention work - removing negative emotions and limiting decisions from your neurology and installing new goals into your future time line + equipping you with strategies that they use day to day (these are all individual and change from one person to another) 🔥⚡🎯

This Discovery Call is intended so I can find out more about your wants and challenges and so we can figure out whether we are a good fit to work together.

I absolutely love that work; it's so amazing to see the change people experience time after time! 😊

Challenges I typically help with include, but not limited to:

  • Lack of clarity of direction
  • No defined boundaries (non-optimal environment)
  • Overwhelm ("so much to do", What to do first?!")
  • Adverse anxiety
  • Stuck with a strategy or lack of ideas how to move forward in the right direction
  • Plateauing
  • Burnout
  • Slave to your career/business (lack of time/energy for other things)

I am a Master NLP Practitioner, Master Time Line Therapy® Practitioner and Master NLP Coach. I am a member of the American Board of NLP (ABNLP), The Time Line Therapy® Association and an Executive Member of The International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT).

By registered users: 24
Wellness Coaching
Jessica Gladkevitch
May 11, 2024, 15:00
Wellness Coaching: Introductory Session

Do you want to know more about your chronic condition and how to manage it? Have you been curious about implementing a dietary change? Do you feel like you’ve been consuming too much alcohol? Have you been thinking of exercising more but not sure where to start? Have you tried 5 different diets in the past 2 years without any success?

I can absolutely help you get to where you want to be!

Together, we will explore your vision of what better health and wellness look like to you and by capitalizing on your unique strengths, values and experiences we will create attainable goals and implement proven strategies to help you achieve them.

I am looking forward to meeting with you!

By registered users: 18
Wellness Coaching
Jason Wakefield - Holistic J
May 13, 2024, 09:00
Discovery call - Holistic life coaching/therapy

30 minute discovery call. Holistic life coaching covering mind body emotions and spirit.

HOLISTIC WELLNESS - Coaching, Therapy, Training, Events, Skincare & Beauty. I believe in the power of healing through **natural and healthy alternatives **or complements to western medicine. I’m an educator, coach and a healer, and also run events. With the mission to teach each patient about the natural healing powers they hold within. I believe in a holistic approach that integrates the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing modalities. Helping you to make positive healthy holistic wellness choices, for increased vitality - internally and externally.

I have the below in my toolbox -

REIKI Master/Teacher (Energy healing), Counselling, Psychology, Meditation & Mindfullness, NLP, Yoga, Life coaching, Emotional Intelligence Coaching, Spiritual coaching & Counselling, Shamanic Healing, Shamanic Cacao Ceremonies (heart opening plant medicine), Natural Juice therapy (Nutritional guidance), Chakra balancing, Sound & Crystal therapy, Somatic Bioenergetic Tantric Healing, EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Technique), Professional massage, Hopi Ear candling, Indian Head, Hot & Cold stone massage, Cupping, Warm bamboo massage, Dream Analysis, Oracle Card reading and Mediation for Conflict Resolution.

By registered users: 17
Wellness Coaching
Noy Shani
May 12, 2024, 21:00
Food Cravings Removal in 15 minutes or less

Ready to take charge of your life, improve your leath and perhaps even better your financial situation?

How does Food Craving Removal work in 15 minutes or less?

First we figure out where & how in your mind the craving is stored

Then we find something in your mind that you dislike and how you store that.

Next we shift how you store the thing you like and change it to how you store the yucky thing, lock it in place, and...

Then it's gone. I was shocked too, it's that simple.

𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝘆 𝘁𝗼 𝘁𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗴𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗹𝗶𝗳𝗲, 𝗶𝗺𝗽𝗿𝗼𝘃𝗲 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗵𝗲𝗮𝗹𝘁𝗵 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘀 𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗯𝗲𝘁𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗳𝗶𝗻𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗶𝗮𝗹 𝘀𝗶𝘁𝘂𝗮𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻? Let's go!

By registered users: 34
Wellness Coaching
Noy Shani
May 12, 2024, 21:00
Minor Bad Habit Removal - in 15 minutes or less

If it's been here for so long it must be soooooo tricky to let it go, it will take ages, if that!

**Said who? That's a complete B.S, but yet you hear it all the time. **On the high street, in the news, over a cup of coffee, on social media, from your family, friends and even your partner. EVERYWHERE.

You and I are convinced our problems are so freaking damn big. That they are so unique, that 'but you don't understand Noy it's been going on for years and I've tried everything!' 😬

There are proven ways to kiss any food craving, minor negative habits and even decades of negative emotions, limiting decisions and hidden mental barriers, sometime in a matter of minutes.

Sometime as few as 5 to 15 minutes.

💅 𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗼𝘃𝗮𝗹 𝗼𝗳 𝘂𝗻𝘄𝗮𝗻𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗼𝗿 𝗯𝗲𝗵𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗼𝗿 𝗯𝗮𝗱 𝗵𝗮𝗯𝗶𝘁 - such as nail biting, excessive hair twirling, plucking eyelashes, teeth grinding, those sort of things... For me it got rid of 25+ years of nail biting and 6 months after it hasn't never come back.

But how the heck it works? Is it some kind of dark magic Noy?

Ha I wish! I would look lovely with a pointy hat, a huge Dumbledore beard and a sparkly crystal ball! 🔮

It's actually very simple and it works every time.

You and I have certain images, sounds, self talk, feelings and perhaps even tastes and smells in your mind when we are about to 'start' the bad habit one more time. And it is all automatic. Take nail biting for example. You might be doing it because you are nervous so you will are more than likely to have some kind of a scene in your unconscious where you are getting or already am really nervous.

So the procees I am doing takes your bad habit and replaces it with another more desginer minor behaviours. We find together what this one might be for you and then have the new behaviour or act take over by making the image 'previous self' vanish of the screen of your unconscious mind, almost at the speed of SWWWWIIIIISHHH!

You will then reach to your new behaviour or action every time the trigger that previousy activated your nail biting, hair twirling or whatever becomes activated.

This one feels like a magic trick and will leave you stunned literally 'whoa!' because consciously the process cannot be really truly explained, the power of the unconscious is just so mind blowing 🔥

Yours truly,
Noy 🥰

By registered users: 14
Wellness Coaching
Jessica Gladkevitch
May 11, 2024, 15:00
Health and Wellness Coaching for Autoimmune Issues

As a certified Health Coach who supports people that deal with weight, metabolic and autoimmune disorders, I use a unique blend of scientifically proven strategies, behavioral theories and practical skills to help clients achieve lasting changes to live their best life. I specialize in exploring Autoimmune Protocol, Walsh Protocol, Ketogenic and Paleo diets.
By supporting you, I can help you learn what works best for your body, how to manage stressors and how to take better care of yourself as you are on your path to optimal health.

By registered users: 24
Wellness Coaching
Victor cobb
May 11, 2024, 13:00
Personalized nutritional plan

Have you tried every diet, trying to live a healthy lifestyle? Only to get more confused about the methodology behind every diet rather than get healthy, causing you to give up on your diet? I felt the sameway, losing weight following meal plans I didnt find enjoyable to follow, leading me to quit and gain the weight back. After trying several diets and failing to maintain the lifestyle, I decided to look into nutritional science and weight loss informatonfor myself. After about a month of research, I found the precision nutrition program, which is the most advanced, science and client-based educational nutrition program in world, later becoming certified. Using what I learned from the precision nutrtion program, I aim to help others set realistic goals, to become aware of what they're eating instead of reducing your food consumption following a strict calorie count. Using managable and clear plan, tailored to your individual specific needs, You will get long term healthy results. I offer a 45 min discussion + a personalized nutritional plan standalone, or online coachin(1-12months) including weekly checkings.

By registered users: 12