<img height="1" width="1" style="display:none" src="https://www.facebook.com/tr?id=1514203202045471&ev=PageView&noscript=1"/> Introduction to Hypnotherapy | Core Spirit

Introduction to Hypnotherapy

$150 USD
$150 USD

In this workshop, u will learn about hypnotherapy, the mind model, myths and misconceptions, how to do a pre- talk with a client, how to do regressions and future pacing, and finally emergence. This workshop will give u a comprehensive idea about hypnotherapy practice.

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Beirut, Lebanon

Hello. I am Merry, a certified hypnotherapist on my mission of helping people heal themselves. Hypnotherapy is a fast, safe and effective healing modality that directly addresses the subconscious mind where forgiveness of self, forgiveness of others and true inner healing happens. I help people having anxiety, panic attacks, depression, toxic attachments to people or substances,…

On Core Spirit since January 2021

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There is a belief that is very common in the hypnosis community that remembering and re-living childhood trauma will help you relieve it. The process is called hypnotic regression.

There are several problems with using hypnotic regression to heal from trauma:

  • Your mind is not a video camera. So whatever you may remember in regression is not accurate. The story you remember may increase the trauma you are experiencing and/or impact your relationships with people in a negative way.
  • Re-living a traumatic experience may reactivate the memory and make it worse.
  • It is very dangerous for you to believe in cause-effect relationships between your past and future. Remembering what happened by its very nature will reinforce cause-effect relationships. This can keep you stuck in the past instead of free you to move forward. It is like going through life looking through the rear view mirror.

Here is what I recommend:

  • Seek out a hypnosis practitioner who focuses on using hypnosis for forgiveness and letting go of the past, followed by helping you build your capacity to live a more peaceful and healthier life now and in your future.
  • Start focusing on what you want next in your life. Better relationships? Health? Financial and/or career success? Set clear goals learn how to use hypnosis to help you get them.
Olive3y ago

I’ve been trying different kinds of therapy, but I can’t remember my childhood trauma to relieve it. Can hypnotherapy help me? How does it work?

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LIIFT is unusual in that you don't have to remember what happened, you don't have to talk about it, and you don't have to re-experience it. Your conscious, your subconscious and I, your LIIFT UnTherapist will together work to erase the damage and install happier more functional stuff in your life.

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I am looking forward to meeting with you!

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I am the Coach, who makes sure that You are being, living and creating to your fullest potential.

You deserve to heal! You deserve to thrive!


P.S. I coach in English, Russian, Armenian and improving my French to be able to work with French speaking clients.

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When you're ready to get supported I'm here to help guide you to calm with the very best of my ability.

With so much love, light and gratitude for you exactly as you are now and always, Liz

By registered users: 32